Luo Yan walked out of the school and went back to his rented house according to his memory. Turning on the light, he found a space of more than ten square meters, without any furniture, and the ground was full of all kinds of garbage and instant noodles bags. It seems that Luo San Shao, who was once a very beautiful young man, is really miserable now. After he was driven out of his family, his bank card, house, sports car and so on were frozen and recycled by Luo's family, Now I can only live in this kind of cheap low rent house.

However, Luo Yan has no requirements for the living environment. He can only live in people. When he was in Xiuzhen, he used to live in caves, wilderness and canyons all the year round. He even lived in mass graves for a period of time. Now the environment is good, at least it can keep out the wind and rain. He took out two bags of instant noodles from the box, boiled them with boiling water, and made do with dinner.

After eating enough, Luo Yan sat on the bed, stroking his mind, crossing to the earth. At present, it seems that he can only take things as they please. Although all his accomplishments have disappeared, his memory is still there. As long as he does not forget the most important things, such as mental cultivation, magic formula, alchemy experience, and give him time, he will be able to return to the path of cultivation.

He looks at his body. If there is no real Qi in his body, it's just a layer of refining Qi. This kind of cultivation exists like a mole ant in Xuanfeng continent. Anyone who meets a monk can crush him. Fortunately, this is the earth. There are no practitioners, so there is no danger of life.

Luo Yan sat cross legged on the bed and began to absorb the aura of heaven and earth around him. A few hours later, Luo Yan opened his eyes, he was a little hit, the aura on the earth is too thin, training for most of the day, there is no effect.

If there is no Reiki, the effect of cultivation is very little. Do you want to stay at the level of refining Qi all your life? Ah, this ghost place is really not suitable for cultivation. No wonder they are all ordinary people.

For the next week, Luo Yan stayed at home, squatting in the room every day to practice, and did not go to school. Learning this thing is a chicken rib for him. If he wants to learn, he does not have to go to school. He goes to the library for a few days and turns over the books inside. With his spiritual knowledge and memory, he never forgets it. It is not difficult for him to enter a key university.

He didn't want to live a life as ordinary people. He was a practitioner in his previous life. His vision was not in the same level as ordinary people. What he pursued was immortality and freedom.

However, a week later, Luo Yan finally realized the reality. By absorbing the rare aura from the earth, even if he practiced 24 hours a day, he could not break through the period of refining. If he could not build the foundation successfully, he would die old on the earth.

Since it is impossible to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, we can only rely on the elixir to see if it can have miraculous effects. In the last life, he had a deep knowledge in alchemy. As long as he had enough herbs, he could refine the Juqi pill. With the Juqi pill, he could quickly break through and enter the second and third levels of alchemy

Every day when Lu Tian comes to the classroom, she will take a look at the seat where Luo Yan sits. But it has been a week since Luo Yan has not come to school. Lu Tian is still a little regretful. If she doesn't help at noon that day, it is estimated that Luo Yan will be slapped by Yang Hao. She directly aggravates the contradiction and annoys Yang Hao, The scream that came from the classroom that day worried her downstairs. Just listening to the sound, she knew that Luoyan had been beaten badly. Seeing that Luoyan hadn't come to school for a week, she thought that Luoyan must have been seriously injured. Maybe she was still living in the hospital.

Yang Hao's scum is really cruel. After fighting Luoyan, they disappear, and even the school doesn't come. Although Lu Tian resents Luoyan, she hates Yang Hao's bullying behavior even more.

Think of Lu Tian and began to worry about Luo Yan will not hurt after, dare not come to school? Such a disgraceful thing, Luo Yan used to love face so much. Ah, it's a good idea to know him. It's very sad to see him now in such a depression.

Luo Yan doesn't know that Lu Tian feels guilty about him. Now he's wandering around the herbal medicine market, and Luo Yan is a little depressed. In this world, not only aura is rare, but also herbs are rare. There are several kinds of medicine guides in Juqi pill. He asks many herbal medicine shop owners one by one, and they all shake their heads and say they don't know each other. Have they ever heard of this?

At the end of the day, Luo Yan got nothing. He couldn't absorb aura, and he couldn't see any hope by Alchemy. Could he be a true practitioner, who had a formula of martial arts, and really died on this planet? He didn't expect to live again. He could not change his life against heaven.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening when he came out from the medicine market. Luo Yan found a stall and ate something casually, then went home. As soon as he got home, he found a woman standing in front of his room, knocking on his door. When the other party saw Luo Yan, he rushed over and began to make a noise.

"Luo Yan, you have to pay me the rent for everything you say today. It's two months overdue. Do you rent like this? It's good for you to pay it in January. After the first month, it's always delayed. I don't care. You must make up the rent today and move out tonight. Otherwise, I'll call the police. " Sister Yun's eyes were round, pointing to Luo Yan and shouting.

Through searching memory, Luo Yan knows that sister-in-law Yun is not lying. He knew he was wrong and took out all the 1000 yuan he had left. "Are these enough?"

"It's not enough. I'm 500 short. I've also got blood mould. How can I get a tenant like you?" Sister Yun snatched the money from Luo Yan's hand and carefully checked it several times for fear that it was mixed with counterfeit money.

"Well, I'll pay you when I have money." Luo Yan is really penniless now, this 1000 yuan or he snatches from Yang Hao.

"Still owe? I don't want to see you for a moment now. Call your relatives and friends and ask them to pay for it. " Sister Yun doesn't like it at all. Now it's so convenient for the society to transfer money. She has determined that Luo Yan wants to default.

Luo Yan is stunned, relatives? He's been kicked out of the house for a long time, friend? It's all pig friends, dog friends, drinking brothers. He thought about it carefully, as if he was really alone in the world. He didn't know who to borrow 500 yuan.

"Is that enough?" Suddenly, a slender jade hand stretched out from behind him, with five hundred yuan red bills in his white fingers.

Luo Yan looked back and saw that she was a sexy and mature woman, with delicate light makeup on her face, long wine red hair in a bun, a small purple scarf tied on her snow-white neck, a black stewardess uniform, two slender white legs covered with meat colored stockings, pink open toe high heels, and a suitcase in her hand. She looked sexy and mature, Strong white collar ol style.

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