Finally, Yiyao picked up the phone“ What do you want? "

"Yao Yao, I have reserved a box in the blue and red Maple Hotel tonight. There are too many misunderstandings between us. I hope we can sit down and have a good talk." Yu qiuheng said on the phone.

"I have nothing to talk about with you." Yiyao coldly refused. She really thought she was a little girl. She wanted to take a misunderstanding with her.

"Don't talk about personal matters, talk about business, there is always talk about it, about weight loss tea..." Yu qiuheng said only half, quietly waiting for Yi Yao's reaction.

Hearing the three words of slimming tea, Yiyao was silent for a long time.

She knows that if yu qiuheng gets annoyed by her willfulness, it is likely that within half a month, Yizhimei's slimming tea will be withdrawn from the market, and the hundreds of millions of products in the warehouse will be equivalent to waste products“ OK, I'll go

"I'll wait for you." Yu qiuheng smiles on the phone.

Luo Yan heard it clearly. In fact, he didn't mean to eavesdrop on Yiyao's phone. He just combined with Yiyao's performance in recent days. He knew that Yiyao's company should have a big problem.

After sending Bai Bing home, Luo Yan drives to the blue and red Maple Hotel.

Bai Bing wants to come with her, but Yi Yao has a task for her to work overtime tonight and work out a sales plan all night. Bai Bing has no choice but to use it tomorrow.

When she got to the hotel, Yiyao sat in the co driver's seat and refused to get off the bus. In fact, she didn't want to come, but she had to bow her head under the eaves and lingered for a long time. Yiyao looked at Luoyan with faint eyes“ Can you come in with me? "

"Yes, but I don't think I can help you much." Luo Yan shrugged his shoulders.

"No, just stay with me. I'm a little scared." Yi Yao's eyes droop and says softly that she is afraid of facing Yu qiuheng alone. If Luo Yan can accompany her, she will have some sense of security.

"OK, I'll be with you." Luo Yan light says.

When they enter the box together, Yu qiuheng sees Yiyao appear and smiles.

But the next time I see Luo Yan behind Yi Yao, the smile on Yu qiuheng's face immediately disappears, and there is a trace of ruthlessness in his eyes. It's this boy again. He didn't get revenge for his embarrassment last time. Hum, I'll kill you slowly after I finish Yi Yao.

Sit down for three.

"Yu qiuheng, I'm here. You can tell me what you want." Yi Yao a face frost, say straight to the point.

"Well, I won't beat around the Bush any more. I believe Yao Yao, you know, now our two companies sell the same product by mistake. It's not good for both of us. I've come up with a solution." Yu qiuheng's mouth was like a smile.

"It's clear to yourself whether it's a mistake or a deliberate act." Hearing Yu qiuheng so shameless, Yi Yao's face trembled with anger.

"Yao Yao, how can you think so? Although I'm the president of Yulong group, I have so many businesses on hand. I can't talk about it every time. About this diet tea, it's just a matter of one of my departments."

"I don't want to talk so much nonsense with you. Let's talk about what conditions you will let my company go."

"Hehe... Yaoyao, is it hurt to talk about terms? As long as you become my woman, my company is your company, then the problem will be solved easily. At that time, I will order them to take off this batch of weight-loss tea, and all the market share will be returned to you." Yu qiuheng is a good guide.

"You dream." Yiyao stood up fiercely“ Luo Yan, let's go. "

Looking at Yi Yao's graceful back, Yu qiuheng spits out a mouthful of saliva“ Pretend, continue to pretend with me, you will cry one day. "

Ferrari sports car interior.

After leaving the box, Luo Yan asked Yi Yao what happened.

He didn't want to get involved. He was leaving Jinling soon. Just now, Yu qiuheng's face made him very upset. You want to chase women, no problem, but it's disgusting to use this kind of abusive means.

Yi Yao told Luo Yan all the details of the whole thing. She didn't expect Luo Yan to help, although Luo Yan was really powerful in her eyes, as if she knew everything.

But this time it's a matter of the company's top management. Luo Yan has never been in touch with him. He's just a little Valet and a little driver. Few people in the company know him.

It's just that Yiyao needs a person to talk to now, and the whole thing is buried in her heart, which makes her gasp.

The formula leaked, the general meeting of shareholders Yi Yangchen led the team to make trouble, and the sales prospect of weight-loss tea was not optimistic. Yu qiuheng threatened her today. Everything was directed at her alone. As the chairman of the company, she was helpless and had no shoulder to rely on.

Luo Yan quietly listens to Yi Yao's talk and looks at the poor Yi Yao. He thinks that if he doesn't care about her, he just leaves. It's very likely that she will be forced to die by Yu qiuheng.

How can we say that he is still under Yi Yao's command before he leaves his post? Since someone wants to embarrass his chairman, he won't stand by.

Take Yiyao back to the villa. Before leaving, Luo Yan asked Yiyao for a sample of weight loss tea, ready to go back to study.

Now that Yiyao's formula has been stolen, what it sells now is the same product as Yulong group. Even if the two companies compete fairly, Yiyao's company can't compete with Yulong group. Yu qiuheng shows that he has a big business, bullies Yiyao, competes maliciously and monopolizes the market.

Yulong group has a lot of money and can afford to delay, but Yiyao's company is different. If she can't make money from slimming tea, her investment can't be recovered. Once the capital chain is broken, it is bound to affect the operation of other projects. If she doesn't make money, she may go bankrupt.

Luo Yan thinks about it, and there is only one way to turn it over.

That is to improve the formula and make a better weight-loss tea than the one on the market. It can not only make Yu qiuheng lose weight, but also keep the price down.

Of course, if it's that simple, Yiyao won't have such a headache. You should know that the formula of this slimming tea was developed by the Pharmaceutical Department of the company after half a year's research. How many times of repeated trials have been made to achieve the present slimming effect.

But now it's Luo Yan. Luo Yan used to be an alchemist in Xuanfeng. He is very familiar with all kinds of medicinal materials. It's just a small diet tea. It's hard for him.

If there are herbs, not to mention slimming tea, even beauty tea, which can remove wrinkles for women, can be made by Luoyan.

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