Although the Chu family in Yanjing is located in the capital, it is declining in recent years, showing signs of decline. In addition, the descendants of the Chu family in recent generations are not striving for success. They are far behind the other major families in Yanjing, both in business and officialdom. If they continue to develop in this way, in less than ten years, the Chu family will gradually fade out of the stage of Yanjing, and it is likely that they will never recover.

At the moment, the family meeting of the Chu family is being held in the hall of the Chu family. There are less than ten people attending the meeting. They are all important figures in the recent three generations of the Chu family, but they are all worried and the atmosphere is very dull.

"Ice Yan that wench still don't want to?" A middle-aged man in his fifties, who was sitting in the middle of the main seat, was the first to speak. He was Chu Zhongcheng, the current leader of the Chu family, who was in charge of the whole Chu family. This family meeting was also held by him.

"Elder brother, do you think you can put off this marriage? I'm just a daughter. I don't want to force her to do something she doesn't like." Sitting in the corner, Chu Zhongyuan sighed and said that the purpose of the family meeting was very clear. He wanted to confirm the marriage between his daughter Chu Bingyan and Qin Ziyu, but his daughter clearly expressed his attitude to him. He was also very helpless that he would rather die than marry.

"Zhongyuan, it's not what Bingyan is doing now. She's just engaged to the fourth young master of the Qin family. As a parent, can't you even decide your daughter's marriage?" Chu Zhongcheng tapped the table with his hand. Although the tone was gentle, the meaning of the words was aggressive.

"Yes, fourth brother, we can't count on the Luo family now. Think about it, Qin Sishao is better than the wild seed of Luo Yan. The Luo family won't admit him. Even if you marry Bingyan to Luo Yan, it will hurt her!" The middle-aged man sitting on the left side of Chu Zhongcheng takes the lead. He is the second son of Chu family.

"Big brother, second brother, it's not that I don't agree, it's Bingyan who doesn't want to! Originally, she was worried about the marriage of the Luo family, and finally she was pushed away. Now you have decided another one for her. She... Ah! I'm a father. I can't force my daughter to marry someone she doesn't want to, can I? " Chu Zhongyuan is a little excited. He ranks the fourth in the Chu family and has the lowest status. Many times he can't say a word, but he has to sacrifice his daughter's happiness for the sake of the family. How can he bear to be a father.

"You can't say that. Fourth brother, the Chu family is not an ordinary family. Isn't everyone's marriage related to the family interests? If you want to marry whoever you want to marry, you can marry whoever you want, then the Chu family has already died. You and Lan Yu were also married by the old man! Is the old man blind? Or are you not satisfied with the marriage now? I see that you husband and wife are tired of being together every day. They are very happy. Why are you in a dilemma when it's your daughter's turn? Is it true that those of us who are elders will pit our younger generation? " Chu Zhongxing stood up and said excitedly.

"I know the truth, but Qin Ziyu has a bad reputation. He's been having affairs since he was young. Bing Yan has never had a boyfriend in Dalian. I'm afraid they are not suitable for each other. I'd better consider the marriage." Chu Zhongyuan said after a long silence.

"Zhongyuan, don't worry. Listen to the third brother give you a break. Bingyan is the first beauty in Yanjing. All the children of the aristocratic family have ideas about her, but Qin Ziyu is the best match for her, not only for her looks, temperament, but also for her age. They are all made in heaven. As for this girl, sooner or later she wants to get married. It's just whether she's married well or not. Look at your third sister-in-law, she was also crying and refused to marry into our Chu family. Now, ask her to see if she is willing or not. " Chu family old three Chu Zhongrong embraces his wife Song Lin to say.

"Yes, fourth brother, I thought your third brother was a rich son at the beginning, and I hated your third brother's flirting everywhere. But for a man, as long as he has a wife and a son, his heart will slowly come back home. Besides, now he's just engaged. After a few years, Qin Sishao will be more mature, and it won't be good for him. It's really a good marriage for Bingyan to marry him at that time." Song Lin lies in Chu Zhongrong's arms and says that although she knows that her husband Chu Zhongrong has secretly raised several women outside now, she will turn a blind eye as long as she doesn't take them home. Anyway, it's not her daughter who is married now, so it doesn't matter whether Qin Ziyu is playful or not.

"This..." Chu Zhongyuan was a little overwhelmed by all the people's attacks. He didn't know what to say.

"Zhongyuan, it's not the elder brother who said you. Now it's time for the survival of our Chu family. All the other families in Yanjing are eyeing us, waiting to eat us bit by bit. If you don't climb up to the Qin family and miss this opportunity, not only the Chu family will be defeated, but also your own company will be swallowed up, the tree will fall and the monkey will be scattered, I think Bingyan, as your daughter, will understand the stake. The family has raised her so much and provided her with such a good living environment. Now it's just to let her marry into the Qin family, which is better than the Chu family. This is what many women dream of. You can go back and talk to her. " Chu Zhongcheng's words are full of irresistible momentum.

Chu Zhongyuan was silent for a long time. He raised his head and said, "well, I'll go back and talk to her. I'll give the family a satisfactory answer."

"That's the best. Let's get engaged to the Qin family in August. We'll be here today. It's over." With these words, Chu Zhongcheng stood up and announced the end of the family meeting.

All of them walked out of the hall with a smile on their face. Chu Zhongyuan was the only one left to sit with his forehead in place. He didn't know how to tell his daughter that he knew the character of his precious daughter. What he didn't like was that he didn't like it. It would only make her more disgusted if others forced her.

She strongly opposed Luo Yan's previous engagement, but it was a baby kiss made by herself and Luo Qiming, Luo Yan's father, on the wine table. Although Luo Qiming is missing now, because of Luo Yan's life experience, the marriage has been repeatedly weighed by the family, and someone has been sent to Luo's house to push it off, but he still feels sorry for Luo Qiming. He has seen the child of Luo Yan, except for being arrogant, There are no other bad problems. Generally speaking, it's better than Qin Ziyu. At least I haven't heard that Luo Yan has a lacy affair with women.

Ah, Chu Zhongyuan stood up and rubbed his face with both hands. He was ready to go back to have a good talk with his daughter and ask her what she thought.

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