Nine in the evening.

At the foot of Taiping mountain.

Luo Yan got off and looked up to the top of the mountain.

There is a brightly lit building standing between the clouds on the top of the mountain.

Such a long distance, still can see the building, it is not difficult to imagine, it covers an area of how huge.

"Young man, Gong Zhiqian lives in the manor villa on the top of the mountain."

The driver leaned half his head out of the car.

"But I advise you not to mess about, lest“

Before he finished his words, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, which made it difficult for him to open his eyes. He only saw that the light was a pair of open silver wings.

Then, a strong current of air rolled up the pavement.

It's like a typhoon passing through and a rocket rising into the sky.


The next moment, Luoyan into a streamer mirage, flying to the top of the mountain.



The driver held his head in his hands and was stunned.


Five seconds later, Luoyan appeared at the top of Taiping mountain.

As soon as he touched the ground, he put away his silver feather and put away his wings.

"Who“ But in the dark, a bodyguard in black rushed to see the abnormal phenomenon.

The bodyguard was on a routine patrol outside the palace manor when he suddenly felt a silver flash in front of him. It seemed that a man with silver wings had fallen from the sky.

But when he rushed over, he saw a young boy with a harmless face.

The bodyguard rubbed his eyes not sure. He was still looking at the boy. He had no silver light and wings.

The bodyguard was sure that he must have been dazzled just now.

"Hey, that little boy, this is a private manor. No visiting. Get out of here." The bodyguard is very upset in the heart, the tone is fierce expel Luo Yan.

"I'm looking for Gong Zhiqian." Luo Yan's face was cold“ Tell her to get out and kneel to me. "

"What The bodyguard was infuriated.

"You stinky loser, do you know who our lady is and come out and kneel down to see you?"

Gong Zhiqian is a goddess who always fantasizes about lust. How can he tolerate other people's humiliation.

The bodyguard angrily pulls out the waist baton, points at Luo Yan, shouts loudly.

"I'll give you 10 seconds to roll down this mountain road."

"Otherwise, I'll beat you to death!"

Luo Yan Li is too lazy to pay attention to him. A guard mole ant kills his dirty hand and walks towards the gate of the manor.

"You want to die." The bodyguard saw that Luo Yan turned a blind eye to him. He was so angry that he waved his baton.

"It's you who are looking for death!" Luo Yan sneers and kicks it out. The bodyguard doesn't even respond. People are like a broken kite. They scream and fly back into the manor and crash to the ground.

"A yuan, what's the situation?" Several bodyguards who were chatting in the manor were startled and surrounded one after another.

"Brother gang, someone has come to trouble Miss Zhiqian." The bodyguard named a yuan only felt a huge pain in his chest, as if he had broken a few ribs. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out this sentence. Then he tilted his head and passed out completely.

"Who the hell doesn't have eyes and dares to trouble our lady?" The rest of the bodyguards look angry and look to the door.

I saw a pretty boy with both hands on his back, walking leisurely into the palace manor.

"Tell Gong Zhiqian to come out and kneel to see me at once!"

"Otherwise, I will level the palace!"

"Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

A harsh alarm sounds, and the bodyguard has pressed Zhuang Yuan to warn the enemy.

In an instant, more than a dozen strong men in black and sunglasses rushed out from all sides of the manor, holding police batons in their hands, making a zizizi electric current sound, looking extremely frightening.

At the same time, a 30-year-old man came out of the attic of a six story western style house with a dignified face.

"What's the beep in the evening? Will I go to bed?"

This man's name is Gong Jingyan. He is the eldest son of Gong Zhengrong.

The palace manor covers an area of tens of thousands of square meters, with dozens of foreign-style houses and attics, each of which has one floor.

But we seldom live here, and each has its own villa outside.

The manor will be overcrowded only when there is a festival or a family meeting.

Gong Jingyan is not feeling well recently. His personal doctor suggested that he move to the palace manor to absorb the spirit of the peak and take care of himself.

As a result, when I was sleeping soundly after dinner today, I was awakened by the sound of the alarm.

More than a dozen bodyguards saw Gong Jingyan come out and surrounded them one after another.

Wang Shigang, the captain of the bodyguard, apologized.

"Master Jingyan, I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

"There's a guy who doesn't have eyes. I'll take care of him now."

"Hum, where do you come from? How dare you come to my palace to have a wild life." Gong Jingyan glanced at the eye Luo Yan, then turned to enter the room, a light order came out.

"When a man is killed, the corpse is fed to the dog."

"All for me!" Gong Jingyan made a speech, and the leader of the bodyguard immediately issued an order to take the lead.

More than a dozen bodyguards at the same time to follow, holding a baton, roaring to Luo Yan.

"Hum, a group of ants!" Luo Yan just wanted to find Gong Zhiqian to settle accounts, but he didn't want to hurt people. But the Gong family is used to dominating Hong Kong Island. No one will be afraid of him if they don't give him some color.

Luo Yan gathered his Qi on his left foot and stomped.


It was like a giant spirit stepping on the ground, and the whole manor was shaking.

Where Luoyan stepped, the bluestone ground split in an instant. At the same time, countless pieces of broken stones were shot out, as fast as bullets.


More than a dozen bodyguards rushed over, but they were not close to each other. One by one, they fell to the ground like mowing grass. Their bodies were all broken through a big hole in the bowl, and they were bleeding.

For a moment, screams came one after another.

Gong Jingyan, who had not entered the door, heard the movement behind him, looked back and took a breath.

"What's going on?"

Palace bodyguards all over the yard, lying on the ground, rolling and howling, dripping with blood.

There is only one figure standing in the field, like death in the cold moonlight.

"I hear you're going to beat me to death and feed the dog?"

Luo Yan carried his hands and walked forward.

Looking at Luo Yan step by step, Gong Jingyan's legs trembled and his whole body trembled.

The palace family has been a powerful force on Hong Kong Island, annexing or collapsing many large-scale group companies. Naturally, there are many enemies.

In order to prevent accidents, the palace family spends hundreds of millions every year to raise bodyguards and thugs.

Most of them are retired special forces, or professional Sanda fighters, or martial arts practitioners.

Each of them has a unique skill. It's nothing to say that they beat more than a dozen ordinary people. Now they are all put down by a young man in less than a second.

"It's a monster, isn't it?" Gong Jingyan was so scared that he felt a fear of death coming to him.

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