As soon as Song Wen got off the plane, she received a call from a strange number. She pressed the answer button a little puzzled.

"Bingyan! It's really you! Where are you now? " But the next moment, Song Wen was so excited that she almost cried. Is it really God who pities her? I didn't expect that Qin Ziyu could not find Chu Bingyan through the whole Yanjing, but now he took the initiative to contact her.

"I'm in Jinling. Hehe, I saw you come to Jinling on TV just now. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Why don't we get together?" Chu Bingyan heard Song Wen excited to cry out of the tone, she was also a little moved, did not expect so many years did not see, Song Wen has not forgotten her, or so heavy feelings.

"Well, you can make an appointment and let's get together." Song Wen suppresses her inner excitement and must make an appointment with Chu Bingyan. As long as she can make an appointment with Chu Bingyan, she can inform Qin Ziyu and negotiate terms with Qin Ziyu based on Chu Bingyan's whereabouts. He believes that Qin Ziyu will be happy to do the business.

"Tomorrow night, I'll book the hotel and send you the address." Chu Bingyan said happily.

"All right." Song Wen quickly agreed.

When she hangs up Chu Bingyan's phone, she immediately dials Qin Ziyu's phone. Although she knows that she's sorry for Chu Bingyan, she can't help it.

After all, Chu Bingyan is a famous lady in her family. Qin Ziyu should not treat her too much, but she is different. If she continues to stay by Qin Ziyu's side, she will collapse one day.

Every time she looks at her body full of scars, she can only hide in the toilet and cry secretly. She really can't bear it. Qin Ziyu can abuse her at will, but she shouldn't do anything out of line with Chu Bingyan. After all, Chu Bingyan's family background is there.

Song Wen read it in her heart“ Bingyan, just think I'm sorry for you. I hope you don't blame me. "

"Very good, Song Wen, you have done a good job. It's not in vain for me to hurt you. Ha ha..." Qin Ziyu laughed loudly on the phone.

"Yu Shao, can you destroy all my negatives and images? If you promise me, tomorrow I will help you find out where Chu Bingyan is." Song Wen asked timidly.

"No problem, Song Wen. As long as you do this well, I can let you go. Anyway, I'm tired of your body. It's time to change my taste." Qin Ziyu said darkly.

"Thank you, yushao. Thank you, yushao." After hearing Qin Ziyu's promise, Song Wen couldn't help crying.

After Qin Ziyu hung up the phone, he immediately made arrangements and decided to take people to Jinling in person. Chu Bingyan, Chu Bingyan, you think that if you escape from Yanjing, you will be able to be safe. God helps me.

You stay in Yanjing, I don't really dare to do anything to you. After all, although your Chu family is down, it is also a rich family. But you are in Jinling, and no one can save you. Since you don't want to stay in Yanjing, don't come back and stay in Jinling forever.

Qin Ziyu has made a plan. At that time, he will seize Chu Bingyan and buy a villa in Jinling. He will send someone to imprison her.

At the thought of such a peerless beauty, he was locked up in a cage as a taboo, called every day should not, called the ground not working, with his arbitrary abuse, his crotch is hot.

At this time, a dinner party was being held in a magnificent building in the suburb of Jinling City.

This Zijin private club is very famous in Jinling City, far away in the suburbs, with elegant environment.

In general, only celebrities, dignitaries, or stars are invited to party dinner. Today's dinner is Miss Yiyao's birthday dinner.

With a gift for Yiyao in his pocket, Luo Yan walks to Zijin private club. As soon as he is ready to enter, he is stopped by the guard“ Sir, this is a high-end private club. No admittance. Please leave

"My friend invited me over. Her birthday party is here today." Luo Yan gave a brief account of the situation.

"Your friend? Is Miss Eyre your friend The guard looks at Luo Yan suspiciously. He can't believe Luo Yan's words.

This man is too shabby. His whole body does not exceed 100 yuan. This private club has been open for so many years, and has never entertained guests like him. People who can enter it are rich or expensive, and they all drive luxury cars.

Just as Luo Yan wanted to push the guard open, a blue Porsche sports car stopped beside them. The window rolled down, revealing a delicate hand with a red invitation in his finger.

As soon as the guard looks like a noble guest, he bows and greets in a hurry. Luo Yan looks at him and wants to laugh. No wonder he can be a guard. A dog is a dog. He is born to watch the door.

Just as Porsche was restarting, a beautiful sound came from the window“ Luo Yan, why are you here? "

Luo Yan felt that the voice was a little familiar, so he swept into the car.

Eh, how could it be her.

The next moment, the door opened and a woman's foot stretched out from the car. She was wearing a pair of silver open toe high-heeled shoes. The thin high-heeled shoes of more than ten centimeters looked very sexy, and the smooth white jade toes appeared at the mouth of the small fish mouth.

Luo Yan is surprised to meet Cheng Susu here. Does she know Yi Yao? He looked up and down at Cheng Su, and found that this woman really can dress up, which is too evil.

Cheng Su Su is wearing a flamboyant red deep V-belt evening dress, showing her slender shoulders and half chest. Her hair is pulled up high, with a crystal butterfly hairpin inserted on it, and a pair of delicate silver open toe high heels under her feet.

If nothing else, in terms of appearance and temperament, she is on a par with Yi Yao, and the eldest lady in the family can beat her.

Seeing that Luo Yan didn't answer, Cheng Su laughed and said, "do you want to go in and have a look? I can take you in. I'm familiar with it. "

"Don't bother, I can go in myself." With that, Luo Yan also throws out an invitation from his pocket. When he saw the invitation Cheng Susu gave to the guard just now, he remembered that Yi Yao had also given him one, which he forgot for a moment.

The guard took Luo Yan's invitation card and looked at it carefully. His face became very embarrassed. He nodded and bowed in a hurry and said: "this gentleman, please come in, please come in. I'm really sorry just now."

Luo Yan doesn't bother to argue with the doorman, so he goes directly into the private club, leaving Cheng Susu standing in the same place in embarrassment.

As he was passing by Susu, Luo Yan saw Ye Yunhan driving in the blue Porsche. He thought that this guy was really calm. Ye Yunhan's Kung Fu is no problem to be a bodyguard of a national leader. He came to be a bodyguard of a little girl, but he didn't mean to be drunk.

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