"My name is Luo Yan."

"Luo Yan?" Qin Ziyu thought the name was very familiar. He read it silently for a moment, and suddenly he remembered it“ You... You have not been kicked out of the family by the Luo family. The Chu family has already broken their engagement with you. Why is Chu Bingyan with you? "

Qin Ziyu can't figure it out. Isn't Chu Bingyan disgusted with the previous engagement? Why would you come all the way to Jinling to find Luoyan.

"You don't need to know that."

"I'm Qin Ziyu. I'm from the Qin family in Yanjing. I'm here to find my fiancee. If you know what's going on, leave immediately. Otherwise, the Qin family will not let you go." Qin Ziyu pretended to be calm and prayed that moving out of the Qin family would scare Luo Yan away.

"Fiancee? Ha ha... She told me that she didn't promise to be engaged to you. " Luo Yan covers the quilt for Chu Bingyan and says to Qin Ziyu: "I hate being threatened by others in my life. Now you dare to threaten me. I'm very upset. In order to calm my mood, I'll take your leg."

With that, Luo Yan stepped forward and kicked Qin Ziyu's left leg.

With a click, Qin Ziyu's slender left leg broke off from his knee and tilted 60 degrees. It looked very frightening.

"Oh..." Qin Ziyu howled bitterly, and the sound broke the night sky, which also alerted Song Wen outside. She got out of the car in a hurry to see what happened in the room.

Just as she entered the door, the scene inside scared Song Wen to death. She thought Chu Bingyan would be defiled by Qin Ziyu in this room. Unexpectedly, she was sleeping on the bed with steady breathing. There were three people kneeling on the ground, and the devil Qin Ziyu was also in it.

Look at Qin Ziyu's left leg is broken, and the person who breaks his leg is actually Luo Yan, whom Chu Bingyan has always despised.

Song Wen's brain can't turn over. When did Luo Yan come back to the yard? Just now, she has been looking at the gate of the yard. She didn't see him come in at all.

"Damn NIMA, you're dead. I'll kill you, I'll kill you!" Qin Ziyu covered his broken leg and yelled wildly. He had always broken other people's legs. He had never suffered such pain. In his eyes, Luo Yan was dead.

"The mouth is too short. This time it's a hand."

Another click.

Song Wen was stunned. Cherry's mouth was wide open. She looked at Qin Ziyu, who was once like a demon. The left hand, which left countless scars on her body, was interrupted by Luo Yan.

"Oh..." Qin Ziyu screamed again, and fainted in pain.

But this time he closed his mouth and didn't dare to scold Luoyan. He knew that if he scolded again, he would have to break a limb. Luoyan was a psycho and didn't play according to the routine.

"Luo San Shao, don't fight. You have something to say." With tears in his eyes, Qin Ziyu bowed his head to beg for mercy.

"Yes, if you want to talk about it, go to the car. I don't like the smell of blood at home." Luo Yan took the lead to walk out of Chu Bingyan's room, looked at Song Wen, who was stunned beside him, and said coldly, "Song Wen, I know Qin Ziyu was called by you. Now you go to help him up, and I'll wait for you four in the car."

Song Wen thought that Luo Yan would break her leg. At that moment, her tears were scared out. At this moment, hearing Luo Yan's words, she ran to Qin Ziyu and helped him up. The two men in black also helped each other. They struggled to stand up and walked out of the yard together.

"You drive, you sit in the front, you two, come with me in the back." Luo Yan points to a Fu and asks him to drive. Song Wen takes the co driver's seat and pulls Qin Ziyu and a Quan into the back seat.

"Where are you going?" Asked Arthur, trembling.

"On the national highway, out of Jinling." Luo Yan bowed his head and pondered for a while.

Ah Fu turned his eyes to Qin Ziyu to see what his young master thought. Qin Ziyu was so scared that he said angrily: "didn't you hear what Luo San Shao said? I'll let you drive. Hurry up. "

He has been playing a psychological shadow, for fear of Luo Yan a upset, and break his leg or arm or something.

The car started quickly and disappeared into the night.

Two hours later, on the national highway.

"Luo San Shao, this time I have eyes and don't know Taishan. I offend you, but my Qin family is not a vegetarian. If you let me go now, I can let bygones be bygones, that Chu Bing Yan I can not touch her, you can follow her..." Qin Ziyu began to plead for mercy. He saw that Luo Yan was a cruel man, killing people without blinking an eye.

Before Qin Ziyu finished, he felt a pain in his right leg“ Ah... "He cried out.

See Luo Yan one hand hold his right leg knee, stiffly kneecap bone to crush: "you are not qualified to talk about terms with me, I said, I hate others to threaten me."

"Wuwu... How can you let me go?" Qin Ziyu finally could not bear it any longer and cried out in pain.

He has never been beaten like this since he was so old. He was broken one arm and two legs just one day after he came to Jinling. What's the matter.

"You're pushing. I'll kill you now." Luo Yan angry way.

Qin Ziyu closed his mouth and choked in the corner.

Song Wen, sitting in the co pilot's seat, is full of shock at the moment. She has never seen Qin Ziyu so embarrassed.

Qin Ziyu has always been a devil in her eyes. He can do whatever he wants. No one dares to fight against him, because all the people who fight against him are dead. Today, however, it is an eye opener for her.

Song Wen is afraid that after Luo Yan finishes cleaning up Qin Ziyu, the next one is herself. She looks back at Luo Yan and says in a sad voice: "Luo Yan, I'm sorry for Bingyan, but I'm forced. If I don't do this, Qin Ziyu can't spare me. Please look at Bingyan's face and let me go, OK?"

"Well! He forces you, you push Chu Bingyan into the fire pit? If it wasn't for me today, she would have died. The reason why I want to save your life now is because of Chu Bingyan's face. Otherwise, you would have been dead. " Luo Yan snorted coldly.

"I know it's all my fault, and I don't want Bingyan to forgive me. I just want Qin Ziyu to destroy my negatives and video materials. I don't want these things to spread all over the sky after I die, so I will die in peace." Song Wen was in tears.

"What's the matter with the film and video materials you said?" Luo Yan heart a soft, although his temperament is weak, but the only drawback is to see a woman cry.

I remember the first time I met Chu Bingyan, it was because she invited Chu Bingyan to eat a bowl of stall noodles that she cried bitterly. She was so soft hearted that she brought her back to the small yard. Today, she will cause this trouble.

When Song Wen heard Luo Yan's tone was a little loose, she excitedly told Qin Ziyu how to frame her, how to force her and how to threaten her. At last, she burst into tears, even lifted the dress sling hanging on her shoulder, revealing the shocking scar on her back.

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