At 12 o'clock at noon, Chu Bingyan suddenly sat up from the bed and hurriedly opened the quilt to check his body“ Eh, what's the matter? I'm in good health. Was I dreaming last night? But that dream is so real. "

Chu Bingyan looks confused and sweeps around the room. She finds that there is no abnormality. She feels a little headache. She shakes her head. After the hangover, she attacks the next day, which makes her whole mind a little fuzzy.

"I was scared to death. I thought Qin Ziyu really came here. It seems that he drank too much last night and had an illusion." Chu Bing Yan small hand claps chest way.

After confirming that the body is intact, Chu Bingyan settles down and goes out of the room to wash.

By the way, it seems that after getting drunk last night, he told Luo Yan why he came to Jinling. Last night, he had a dream about Luo Yan. He seemed to help Qin Ziyu bully himself.

Hum, there's a bad guy. You have to be careful with him.

Fortunately, the day after tomorrow, her parents will return home, and then they will take themselves back to Yanjing. There should be no moths. Thinking that this period of escape is coming to an end, Chu Bingyan is in a good mood and sings a song.

Go to the yard, Chu Bingyan picked up the spout, want to pour flowers for Luo Yan.

Just the next moment, she was stunned, no flowers, the whole flower bed in an empty piece.

Chu Bing Yan suddenly feels a little upset and irritable. There seems to be something missing in her heart, empty, but she doesn't know what it is.

She was a little lost and put down the spout, thinking that it would not be eaten by something, right? Forget it, when you see Luo Yan at night, tell him, so that he doesn't think he dug up his flowers.

It's just that Chu Bingyan hasn't seen Luo Yan after waiting all night. It seems that he has lived here for such a long time. Luo Yan didn't come back at night for the first time. No matter how late it is, Luo Yan would come back to take a bath and look at the flowers. Suddenly, he didn't see him at night, but he was a little bit unaccustomed to it.

Chu Bingyan sat in the yard, waiting until midnight at three o'clock in the morning, really sleepy, just slowly climbed back to bed.

The next night, Chu Bingyan still did not see Luo Yan, where did he go? Chu Bing Yan feels out the mobile phone and dials the number of Luo Yan.

"Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is powered off, please dial later."

It's strange that the mobile phone didn't turn on. Forget it, I guess I went with his little lover. When I leave tomorrow, I'll leave him 100000 yuan in the room.

On the third day, Chu Bingyan got up early in the morning. Last night, her parents called her and made an appointment with her. The plane would arrive at Jinling at 10 o'clock this morning. They came to pick her up and take her back to Yanjing. Chu Bingyan was very happy to think that she would be able to go home soon.

After breakfast, Chu Bingyan looked at a bit messy bedroom, thinking about tidying up, to avoid when Luo Yan said she was sloppy, go also don't clean up the room for him.

Seeing the big bear hugging me that she left under the bed, Chu Bingyan wants to throw it away. After all, he once slept with the big bear for a while. Who knows if Luo Yan will do anything wrong.

With the big bear hugging me, there is a black thing pulled out. When Chu Bingyan sees that thing, her pupils dilate instantly, and her goose bumps suddenly stand up.

"Digital camera! Oh, my God! Why is this thing here? Didn't it come from that day's dream? Why are you in your room? " For a moment, Chu Bingyan felt chills on her back, and her whole body was shaking.

"Lingling..." the mobile phone rings suddenly, which startles Chu Bingyan. She looks at the number, which is called by her father, and presses the answer button in a hurry“ Dad, where are you? You can find my place... "

"Yan Yan, dad has a good news for you." Before she finished speaking, Chu Zhongyuan interrupted her.

"What good news." Chu Bingyan was stunned.

"Qin Ziyu is dead. He died in Jinling. The news just released today has been confirmed. Yan Yan, you don't have to worry. Dad will take you home now." Chu Zhongyuan said excitedly on the phone.

"Qin Ziyu is dead? Die in Jinling Chu Bing Yan murmurs and repeats these words, can't hear what Dad is saying.

"Yan Yan, hello... Hello, Yan Yan, are you listening?"

"Dad, I won't tell you. I have something else to do." Chu Bingyan quickly hung up the phone.

She wants to verify a very important thing at the moment. It's so important that she wants to put everything down immediately. She feels that some things have been mistaken by her. This inexplicable feeling makes her panic.

Chu Bing Yan as like as two peas, shaking her hands, opening the digital camera, the next moment, the picture came out, exactly the same thing as she dreamed of. It was wrong that it should be in this room that what really happened was just that she was mistaken for dreaming.

Qin Ziyu did come here and raped her. She closed her eyes and stabbed herself with a knife. Then the next moment, Luo Yan, like a ghost, suddenly appeared beside her and saved her. She took her to bed, covered her quilt and dried her tears.

Chu Bing Yan continues to look down, the whole heart is pulling, breathless, she has already vaguely guessed what happened after.

The man in black with the camera was pierced by Luo Yan with a silver needle. The camera rolled under the bed, and then there was no picture, only the sound. But just listening to the sound, Chu Bingyan already understood the whole thing.

Chu Bingyan heard behind, finally can't help crying out, tears like the tide, how can't stop.

Unexpectedly, Song Wen betrayed her. At that time, she mistook Luo Yan for Qin Ziyu and called him a jerk, saying that she hated him.

But Luo Yan didn't care about her, and still saved her. If it wasn't for Luo Yan, he would have died long ago. Even if he died, he would not have died well, and he would have been insulted by Qin Ziyu.

He has always despised Luo Yan before, he never said anything, anything let her, Chu Bing Yan now recalled this month, what he did, feel a burst of shame, shameless.

She felt like a white eyed wolf. She ate Luoyan, lived in Luoyan, and bullied Luoyan everywhere. She also said that he was a scum, but he didn't refute a word, so she stood quietly with a faint smile.

Why didn't he explain? Why?

Chu Bingyan quickly takes out his mobile phone and dials Luo Yan's phone. He wants to ask where he is now. Is it safe? It's just that the voice on the phone makes Chu Bingyan feel a chill.

"Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is powered off, please dial later."

"Luo Yan, where have you been? Don't scare me. I'm wrong. When you come back, I won't fight with you any more." Chu Bing Yan limply collapsed on the ground, crying and curled up the whole body.

At this moment, her heart is very painful, feel the world's things in a little bit away from her.

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