
An icy cry came

"Who dares to let him go?"

Everyone went along with the reputation, and everyone immediately closed their mouths and did not dare to shout any more.

Because they saw that the last person to appear was there.

An Lingxue, dressed in a black evening dress, stands at the entrance like a queen.

The high-heeled shoes on her feet make her look very tall. She is about 1.8 meters tall, half a head higher than many men.

The gas field is so strong that the surrounding crowd can't help but disperse and make way for a road.

An Lingxue looks around the crowd coldly, steps forward to Luoyan, and hums coldly as she walks“ Who dares to let him go? "

No one dares to answer.

"Who is that woman?" Han Jingxi murmured in a low voice: "actually help Luo Yan talk?"

An Lingxue heard the sound and swept over coldly.

Han Jingxi seems to be thrown into the ice cellar, cold all over. Her hands subconsciously grasp Cheng Su's arm, and her body shrinks behind Cheng su.

However, an Lingxue just glared at her and didn't come forward.

Han Jingxi breathed a deep breath, a sense of survival.

"She's an Lingxue, miss an of the an family." Cheng Susu whispers, and no more pride on her face. Unexpectedly, Luo Yan really knows an Lingxue.

Why is it always like this? When I think he is going to die, there will always be a reversal plot.

Lu Tian helped him when he bought the talisman, and Yiyao supported him at the birthday dinner. Now he can even meet him at an auction, and an Lingxue, the eldest lady of the an family, came out for him.

What is his ability to make these proud women fall in love with him.

"Miss, why are you here?" Housekeeper Li's face leaped wildly and trembled.

Now this scene is an idiot can see, this Luoyan is really an Lingxue brought in the guests.

"Well, I thought I hadn't returned to Chuzhou for three years. You forgot me. Even my friend reported my name, you dare to doubt it." An Lingxue snorted coldly.

She was born cold and grew up in the underworld family. Influenced by the environment, she was a queen. Now she is full of anger and the atmosphere around her is so overwhelming.

"No, madam, I really didn't know that you came back to Chuzhou with your friends. If I knew that you would lend me a hundred courage, I wouldn't dare to be disrespectful to Mr. Luo." Housekeeper Li no longer had the aggressive momentum before, and kept bending down to explain. He looked like a slave.

An Lingxue doesn't even look at housekeeper Li. She goes to Luo Yan's side and gently spreads her Jiao“ Luo Yan, I'm sorry. I shouldn't leave you here alone. I'm wrong. Don't be angry, OK? "

She really regretted it now. If she had said goodbye to Xiao Minmin and come in a few minutes earlier, this situation would not have happened, and Luo Yan would not have been humiliated in public.

Luo Yan's face was indifferent, as if what happened before had nothing to do with him. He said with no sadness and no joy: "I'm not angry, they can't help me, but housekeeper Li seems to be a bit cynical. I told him that you brought me in. He doesn't believe it."

Manager Li knelt down with a puff when he heard that his legs were soft“ Let me explain, miss

"There's no need to explain. I'll tell the second uncle about it myself. As for what the second uncle does to you, it's none of my business." An Lingxue waved his hand and cut off his future in a word.

"Prince Feng, Prince Feng, please plead for me." Housekeeper Li can't care about his face any more, and he can't make a living. Although he's only a housekeeper in an ER Ye's house, he's also calling the wind and the rain.

With the second master's temperament, as long as the eldest lady speaks, he will be relieved of his job as a housekeeper. Even if the second master wants to be in love with him, he will be given an expensive pension at that time, but how can it be better than staying at home.

Chen Weifeng scolded in his heart, "I am paralyzed! You're dead, and you drag me into the water. "

Chen Weifeng is also afraid at the moment. It's an Lingxue. When his father sees this woman, he has to smile.

At the moment, Chen Weifeng just want an Lingxue didn't find him, he good quietly back down.

Want to know this matter but he starts, the most important is, Fang Xinning is still around, this if let an Lingxue know that he has an affair with Fang Xinning, then after that, how can he pursue this big miss of an family.

But housekeeper Li didn't care what he was thinking. He hugged his thigh.

Seeing this scene, Chen Weifeng knew that he couldn't get rid of himself and put his head on it“ Ling Xue, it's like this... "

"Do I know you well? You call my name? " An Lingxue takes a cold look at Chen Weifeng.

Chen Weifeng smiles awkwardly“ Cough... Miss an, the matter is like this. Housekeeper Li doesn't know it. Mr. Luo's dress is a little too casual. Housekeeper Li's eyes are clumsy for a moment. Don't you think... "

"It's my family's business to settle down. Are you going to step in?" An Lingxue interrupted him coldly.

"No, just..." Chen Weifeng was sweating.

"Just what? Just? I haven't settled the matter with you yet. You dare to plead for others. Take your woman and go away. I don't want to see her appear where I live. " Anling snow toward the side of the heart rather cold hiss.

"Weifeng, why should we be annoyed by her? She just relies on her family to be so arrogant. Why should I be bullied by her?" From the moment I saw an Lingxue, Fang Xinning was a little stage fright. This beautiful woman was superior to her in beauty, temperament and family background.

Now, being driven out of the meeting by an Lingxue, Fang Xinning's only dignity is trampled on the ground, which makes her hysterical.

"Shut up Chen Weifeng gave an angry rebuke.

Fang Xinning was stunned by Chen Weifeng's roar. This was the first time Chen Weifeng scolded her. She felt so ashamed in front of so many high-class people. She was like an ugly duckling surrounded by people.

At the moment, her eyes are full of unwilling, hate to stare at Luo Yan and an Lingxue two people one eye, eyes with tears ran out of the meeting.

Chen Weifeng was left standing in the same place, neither walking nor staying.

An Lingxue is also too lazy to pay attention to Chen Weifeng and laughs at Xu Shuiyun who has been standing on the stage“ Sister Xu, where did you shoot just now? Now go on. " Finish saying to pull Luo Yan's hand, sat to the side of the VIP seat.

And housekeeper Li kneeling on the ground, also knows that the matter has come to this point, is struggling to make people laugh, stood up and left the meeting in silence.

Chen Weifeng stood there and looked around. He found that everyone was pointing at him. He looked like he was holding a smile. He couldn't stand any longer. He lowered his head and left quickly

Not far away, Cheng Susu and Han Jingxi watched the dramatic scene from beginning to end, with mixed feelings.

"No wonder all the time, you are not cold to me. You know a woman like an Lingxue. However, in the final analysis, you still rely on women to show off your power. That is to say, a soft eater can't make a big deal." Cheng Su thought in her heart.

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