The Goddess Signed In For a Year, and I Turned Over

Chapter 327: : Acquisition of copyright, the company named Chenxing

Chapter 328 Acquisition of copyright, company named Chenxing (seeking subscription for monthly pass)

At night, everything was done. Lu Yunqi purchased 80% of the copyright of Polaris for 300 million yuan, and the remaining 20% ​​was reserved for Liu Hui's team.

If it were for someone else, Liu Hui would definitely not be so anxious to sell.

After all, after the press conference, the value of the entire system will increase exponentially.

However, Lu Yunqi is different.

If Lu Yunqi wants to fix him, maybe his software will shrink instantly, and his entire team will also be affected.

There is a feeling of being threatened and there is nowhere to say.

Especially when Liu Hui saw the true face of Lu Yunqi, he was even more convinced.

Although he is a technical man, Lu Yunqi's reputation in China is really great, and his contacts are even more extensive.

Moreover, looking at the attitude of Teacher Ma and Zhang Ming towards Lu Yunqi, I can guess that Shao Lu's background is also very scary.

This made Liu Hui feel the terrifying place of Lu Yunqi for the first time.

If only rich, Liu Hui is not afraid of capital, after all, as long as things are good, there is never a shortage of investors.

Anyway, no matter what you do, the ultimate goal is to make money.

For Liu Hui's team, Polaris may be like his own child.

Instead of letting someone who doesn't know how to buy shares in the future, it's better to find a boss who understands technology and has financial strength.

It's like being a parent. There is a daughter who will marry sooner or later. Of course, I hope my daughter can marry a good family.

Under the witness of the two big bosses, after Lu Yunqi and Liu Hui signed the contract, he helped them fix several loopholes.


the next day.

Liu Hui started to operate normally according to the plan made before.

All kinds of news about the Polaris system are already overwhelming.

In the hot search on Weibo, all netizens are discussing a topic [Live up to expectations, the domestic operating system has finally been released. 】

This topic once rushed to the top of the hot search list and caused numerous discussions among netizens.

: "I'm stubborn, but I witnessed the release of this system with my own eyes yesterday. I have to say that I have three days of trial permission!"

: "I have already spent 299, bought the regular version, and you are still trying it out!": "I have to say that the system is doing really well this time. The domestically produced system is overtaking on a curve this time. "

There are also some portal news.

For example, when he became famous when he was young, he has accumulated a lot of money, and the Polaris system that Liu Hui brought to everyone once again shocked the world.

Shocked, the computer genius back then went silent for several years because of this.

The end of the faint, the tragedy of a thousand degrees? It was all because of this boy.

Since the end of yesterday's press conference, the topic of domestic systems has reached its peak, and news with similar headlines has blown up all major websites in China.

However, only the people of Liu Hui's team knew about it.

Yesterday they experienced what they experienced after they released the system.

It may be the biggest shadow in their lives.

But those netizens who don't know, always only see the bright side.

Whether it's office workers, teachers, students, workers, or other juices, all those who can use smartphones and computers have been bombarded by waves of news about domestic systems.

Even the news channel of the official media reported about the Polaris system. Overnight, Liu Hui's team has become the most popular darling of the media.

However, even the Douyin platform, which has a little cooperation with their team, their stocks have risen by three percentage points.

However, only Teacher Ma and the boss of Douyin knew about it.

Today, the copyright of the Polaris system is all in Lu Yun's hands, and Liu Hui is just a spokesperson.

Lu Yunqi also got up early in the morning and sat in the study, smilingly watching the news about the Polaris system on the computer.

"Husband, what are you laughing at this morning?" Qi Xuanxuan didn't know when she woke up. She saw Lu Yunqi sitting in the study and staring at the computer with a smirk and asked in surprise.

Last night, Lu Yunqi had been busy until more than eleven o'clock before coming back.

I got up at eight this morning.

This is what happened to the west of the sun!

More importantly, he did not bully her seriously last night.

"It's nothing, it was yesterday that the company team was settled, and the system copyright was bought for 300 million yuan."

Lu Yun replied with a smirk.

He knew that the greater the reputation of Polaris now, the more money he would make next.

In fact, I didn't do anything, just used a little trick.

"Oh? What kind of system, don't you know how to use a computer yourself, why are you still paying for it!"

Upon hearing this, Qi Xuanxuan was even more puzzled.

In her cognition, Lu Yunqi's computer technology is very against the sky. What kind of system do you want as long as you spend some time doing it?

Although three billion is not a small sum, Qi Xuanxuan did not say anything.

Because she believes that her husband will not do a loss-making business.

"Domestic computer operating system, I accepted their team incidentally!" Lu Yun said with a smile, then asked: "By the way, how is the wife's office?"

"Oh, there is nothing wrong with that piece of land, it can be established in about three months!"

When Qi Xuanxuan saw that Lu Yunqi was so happy, she didn't say much.

As for the construction of the company building, Haochen Group has its own real estate company, which is very convenient to call.

Three months is completely enough.

"Let the company's financial affairs help me apply for the new company's business license today!"

Lu Yun also has a solution to the problem of office space.

Now anyway, Liu Hui's team has all the equipment there, nothing more than the rent of the venue.

As long as it is a problem that can be solved with money, it is not a problem for him.

The most important thing is that before the new office building is completed, if you rent another one, you will have to waste a long time not to talk about it, and you will have to move it again, which is too much trouble.

"Husband, you have to ask your family to register, you have to say a name, the other information is ready, you say a name!"

Qi Xuanxuan walked into the bathroom while brushing her teeth, and said vaguely.

The two of them had been looking for the company address and the company team before, and later they were preparing for the company building. They really didn't think about this issue seriously.


Lu Yunqi was embarrassed when he heard this.

He himself has been busy looking for people and has not considered this issue.

After holding his cheeks for a while, he slowly said, "Chenxing Technology!"

"A star that can illuminate the entire world is my dream!"

After washing, Qi Xuanxuan tilted her head and repeated: "A star that illuminates the world, so the company is called Chenxing Technology?"


Although it feels a little weird, it sounds pretty smooth.

"Okay, I will let Finance go to register in the morning, and it should be possible to get down in a week." Qi Xuanxuan replied and was about to go out.

She is still the president of Haochen Group, and there are still many things that need to be handled by her in the company every day.

Although the news of Lu Yunqi's withdrawal from Haochen Entertainment last time caused some volatility in the entertainment industry at that time, fortunately, it did not have much impact on the overall stock price of Haochen Group.


The popularity of the Polaris system on the Internet is still crazy.

The stock prices of many companies have been affected.

After all, the stock market is very sensitive, and any disturbance will cause volatility.

This is not.

In the science and technology version of A shares, Yinshan Office, which was still rising yesterday, was affected at this moment. The rising stone suffered a severe setback and the stock price took a sharp turn.

This is the case when Aurora Office Software was not released yesterday, otherwise, Yinshan Office’s share price would be even worse.

Because most companies that develop computer systems will release supporting office software.

For example, Microsoft's win system is compatible with the off office software series.

The Fruit Company and Gu Ge Company, as well as several domestic system companies based on the magical modification of the Linux kernel, also have their own supporting office software.

Yinshan Office is mainly engaged in the office software business, and its parent company's anti-virus software market share is also shrinking year by year, so after the shock, the stock price will plummet, which is also expected.

In addition, the stock price of Qiandu Company also suffered a serious setback today.

Because the Aurora Shrink, which was released together with the Polaris system, has been praised by many users as soon as it appeared, and it is considered to be the most likely to replace the dominant position of domestic search engines.

For this reason, the market value of Thousand Degrees has evaporated over 20 billion overnight.

Even a company like Qiandu, with a market value of 20 billion yuan, is a bit painful.

Of course, this wave of storms affects not only domestic companies, but also foreign companies that are not soft, but also hurt their eyes.

After the press conference was over, the stock price of Weiburuan began to plummet, and the decline was gone forever.

One of the main reasons is that the U.S. stock market does not have a limit-lowering system, and there is no brake. You can only watch the stock price fall all the way.

The market value of Microsoft Corporation plummeted from US$1.8 trillion to US$1.6 trillion, evaporating US$200 billion overnight. It is conceivable how huge this impact is.

Regarding this, the company held an emergency meeting overnight to discuss how to deal with the strength of the Polaris system.

However, what they never expected is that this is just the beginning.

As the biggest boss behind Lu Yunqi, has he really made any effort, otherwise, the company still has time to cry.

At the same time, some of the media giants of Yiguo also reported news about China's Polaris system. At the same time, they sent reporters to block the door of Weibusoft, trying to dig out even more shocking news.

This turned out Polaris system attracted the attention of everyone from all over the world overnight.

However, Liu Hui and others, as the parties concerned, were happy but also smiled bitterly at the same time.

Their system is on fire, but now they are the most affected people. Their team only has 20% of the copyright shares.

However, everyone understands that if they disagree with Lu Yunqi's acquisition, then their system will eventually be a short-lived one.

(End of this chapter)

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