"Mom, the three-year period has come. In these three years, I have done it according to your last words. Now the whole Su family is to half a river city. No one doesn't know that the waste from the forest family is a waste!"

"Mom, I know that the reason why you want me to endure for three years is to worry that I will be persecuted by family members. You said, I have a different talent. In the future, I will be a dragon and Phoenix among people, but I am not well-educated and have no power to lose power. However, if some talents are shown, I will be brought to kill myself. So you make me pretend to be a waste."

"But Mom, you don't know, you are wrong, it's a big mistake. Lin's family is just a bunch of local chicken dogs in my eyes! Why do I fear a group of local chicken and dogs in Linyang? "

"Lin family abandoned me, and you don't want me to go back to the forest again. I have nothing to do with Lin. Today, I want to tell you that the three-year period is over, I Linyang! Don't want to be a waste anymore! "

In the unknown cemetery in the southern suburb of Yanjing, Linyang knelt down in front of an unknown tombstone, and put the yellow paper in his hand indifferently into the fire basin.

"If I had the current medical skills three years ago..." Lin Yang clenched his fist secretly, and his eyes were unwilling.


Suddenly, a sound of broken branches sounded in the unknown cemetery.

Lin Yang looks up to the sound source, and two figures are running towards this side in the night.

Old people and children, dressed in Tang clothes, have a crane hair, but blood on the waist and abdomen, obviously, they have been injured. Less girls, around 20 appearance, wearing a body flower dress, slim figure, white skin, very lovely.

At this moment, she is supporting the old man running in a hurry, and her eyes are full of fear.

The two people in distress found Linyang beside the fire, and they were very happy.

"Please help my grandpa, brother!" The girl cried with tears in her eyes.

"Sorry, I just came to clean the tomb. I can't help you!" Lin Yang light road, spin and point three incense, to the tombstone worship.

"Brother, please!" The girl is in a hurry.

"Ann Don't worry about it. You let go. Their goal is me. You go first Grandpa comes to the back! " The old man said, pale lips.

He gasped for talking because he had lost too much blood.

"No Grandpa, I will never abandon you!" The girl clenched her silver teeth and said firmly.

"Silly boy!" The old man sighed: "so we can't run away!"

What does a girl know?

She held her hand tightly, looked at Lin Yang, who sat down in front of the tombstone, and said earnestly, "if you want to take my grandpa out of here, my summer family will thank you very much. We can give you anything you want!"

The girl looked at Linyang with full expectation, hoping that this fellow had heard of the summer home.

However, Lin Yang did not respond.

Haven't you heard of it?

The girl is disappointed, but she is not dead!

"A million!"

Direct price!

"Take my grandpa away, I will stay to cushion, you are safe, as long as you do what I said, my summer home gives you a million!"

"Ann! You can leave now. Grandpa, the old bone, has been fighting with them! " The old man said excitedly, but after finishing the speech, the wound in his abdomen was bleeding again, and the cough was too much for people.

The girl was full of tears, ignoring the old man, and stared at Linyang with scorching eyes.

However Lin Yang is still in no way.

"Two million!" The girl yelled again.

The scene is still desperate!

The girl breathed tightly and cried eagerly.

"Three million!"

"Four million!"

"Five million!"


no matter how attractive her numbers are, Lin Yang can not be moved.

He's like a wood.

Is there anyone else who is not interested in money?

The girl felt her voice trembling.

"Don't shout!"

Finally, Lin Yang opened a cavity.

The girl breathed.

But see Lin Yang put incense in front of the tombstone, watching the nameless tombstone, indifferent way: "this is my first time to clean up the tomb for my mother, please leave quickly, don't disturb me to talk to my mother, OK?"

"But..." What else does the girl want to say.

The rustle of the rustle

At this time, the sound of the dense footsteps sounded.

Only look at the entrance of the cemetery rushed in more than 30 men.

These men were all fierce, holding sharp knives in their hands, and surrounded the girl and the old man with a strict and solid.

From their standing, it is obviously not ordinary hitters, and it is likely to be a group of international mercenaries.

"Don't run again, Xia, please. We will give you a good time." The first bald man, holding a bright dagger, said coldly.

"Are you from Lu family?" The old man's eyes swept a little overbearing and angry: "Lu Jia is so cruel! If the old man is in a great trouble, he will call the land family who has lost his best in Yanjing to disappear! ""Chop!"

The bald man is too lazy to talk nonsense, so he drinks and cuts with a knife.

The rest of the staff went up and down.

Dozens of bright blades face the girl and the old man.

No pity.

There was no hesitation.

The young girl and the old man have no strength to bind the chicken. How can they deal with this battle?

The girl's face was white with fright. Although the old man was injured, he still dragged the girl behind him. His old eyes were firm. It seemed that he was going to fight hard with these thugs.

But what's the use of him even if he's dying? These thugs still have pistols pinned to their waists. It's the end of benevolence to not take out the guns.

This is a massacre without suspense!

"Stop it!"

At this critical moment, a voice of indifference sounded.

The bald man glanced at Lin Yang, and said in a low voice, "we have solved this man by the way, so as not to create extra troubles."

"Good, Captain!"

Next to the people nodded heavily, then turned to Lin Yang.

But in the moment of approaching, a silver needle flew out and punctured the man's neck precisely.

For an instant, the man was frozen in place, unable to move like a statue.


"Ah Wei! What's the matter with you? "

"Captain, it's this man who did it! This man seems to be a practitioner

Others turn pale.

"A thorn! Be careful and get rid of this man first

The bald man, with a solemn face, rushed to Linyang with a knife.

But as soon as they moved, Lin Yang, kneeling in front of the tombstone, raised his hand again.

His hands seem to have a star flow, a piece of bright light flying out, across the night sky, into the body of these people.

"Silver needle?"

The old man's turbid eyes suddenly froze.

Then look at the bald men, all of them have turned into statues, motionless.

There is a needle as thin as hair in everyone's neck!

The old man and the girl are all stupid.

"Mom, the child is unfilial. It's disturbing you." Lin Yang did not return, looking at the tombstone and whispering.

The old people and girls here are amazing.

"Grandfather, they are What's the matter? " The girl swallowed her saliva.

"Is this the silver needle sealing the acupoints?" The old man's face was shocked: "I heard your grandfather Wang mention it, but I never saw it..."

"Grandfather Wang? Do you mean the president of the association of traditional Chinese medicine

"Not bad..." The old man said weakly, "your grandfather Wang said that those who seal acupoints with silver needles are all great Achievers of traditional Chinese medicine. If this young man really has such ability, then he It's very unusual

The old man sighed with emotion, but as he spoke, he was a little unsteady.

"Grandfather, are you all right?"

"Nothing It's going to last a while. " The old man forced a smile.

How can the girl not see, her face full of heartache, staring at Lin Yang for a while, will go forward.

"Ann, what do you want to do?" The old man grabbed her.

"Grandfather, since you say that this man is very good at medicine, if you ask him to do it, it will certainly save you."

"Silly girl, others don't want to be disturbed. Don't be disgusted again!"

"But grandfather, if you go on like this, you will die." The girl was in a hurry to cry.

"Wealth has life, life and death are in heaven." Said the old man, weak.

But as soon as the voice fell, his eyes darkened and he fell down.

"Grandfather, granddad!"

The girl made a shrill cry, but she couldn't wake up the faint old man.

The girl was desperate.

She suddenly rushed over, knelt on the ground and cried to Lin Yang: "please, help my grandfather."

"You are disturbing my mother. My patience is limited!"

Lin Yang slightly side head, voice gradually cold.

"But my grandfather is dying!" The girl cried: "please help him..."

The girl constantly begged, crying will render the cemetery boiling.

"It seems you didn't hear me clearly!"

"Brother, I'm sorry, but my grandfather is really dying. If you are willing to save my grandfather, our Xia family is willing to renovate the cemetery and rebuild my aunt's grave. Even I, Xia You'an, would like to guard my aunt for three years! How about that? " The girl was shivering and crying with rain.

This sentence moved Lin Yang a little.

He looked back at the girl, hesitated, and said faintly, "it's not necessary to keep the spirit. Help me renovate my mother's graveyard. It's my filial piety."

"You agreed?"

The girl was overjoyed.

Lin Yang nodded and went to the old man. He took a half inch long silver needle from a needle bag hanging around his waist, and then carefully stabbed it into the old man's eyebrow.In an instant, the old man who had been in a coma suddenly had a convulsion, then his mouth suddenly opened with a "wow" sound and took a hard breath.

"Grandfather The girl was so excited.

"Did your men arrive in an hour?"

"I've already sent them the location. I'll be there in half an hour."

"That's enough. It's OK to send a blood transfusion to the hospital within an hour. If it's late, send it to the funeral home for cremation."

Lin Yang picked up the luggage bag on the ground and turned to leave.

"What's your name, big brother?" The girl screamed.

But Lin Yang has disappeared into the night.

The girl stares at the direction of Lin Yang's departure, a little lost in her mind.

Suddenly, the rest of her eyes seemed to know something, the person slightly bowed his head, but saw a train ticket dropped next to the tombstone.

She hurried over and picked up the ticket.

"Jiangcheng? Lin Yang

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