People were shocked.

I never thought that younger martial brother Lin's strength was so terrible.

However, there are thousands of people in the order team. Why are you afraid of this little younger brother Lin?

"Up! All on! Solve him quickly. If you give him more time, elder martial sister long will be more dangerous! Come on You Yi shouts.

People came back from shock and rushed to kill Lin Yang one after another.

The whole river is in a mess.

But... Lin Yang is as fierce as a murderer, carrying the knife to and fro in the crowd, and senleng's blade is constantly cutting into their arms





abnormal noise comes out.


People look pale in horror.

The Dragon Star Red here is also confused.

No one expected that Lin was so powerful.

Lin Yang killed a circle, the surrounding has formed a vacuum zone, people all lie on the ground, cover their arms, roll and howl, can not get up, one by one completely lost combat effectiveness.

You Yi and others are muddled in place, holding a long sword, I don't know whether to go up.

"How could that happen? This... Why is it like this? " Long Xinghong's head is about to explode, her whole body is shaking wildly, and her face is extremely white.

As for Zheng Dan, he was particularly excited.

She knew that the more happy Lin Yang killed, the deeper the resentment would be with the people of the order team. The order team is a group of very stubborn people. Once on the blacklist of the order team, it will never die.

At that time, the whole order team is busy killing Linyang, she is naturally at ease!

And... She found that her plan worked wonders.

Lin Yang began to gasp!

His face is full of sweat, breathing heavily, you can clearly see the ups and downs of his chest.

"No matter how strong you are? If you can really kill these 1000 people, you must be exhausted right now? Then... That's my chance! " Zheng Dan murmured, the smile on his face became more and more intense, and his eyes became more and more fanatical.

You Yi and others finally rushed up.

The two sides fought again.

Zheng Dan looked attentively.

But at this time, long Xinghong is in a dilemma and wants to break away from Zheng Dan's control.

She clasped Zheng Dan's arm with her backhand and tried to move it away.

Zheng Dan immediately returned to God, and quickly put the knife against the dragon's neck.

But in terms of strength, how can Zheng Dan be the opponent of long Xinghong? Just break it.


Dan's wrist was broken.


She uttered a sad cry, but the person was particularly vicious. Her other hand held a dagger and stabbed it at the back of the dragon.

Long Xinghong is agile and dodges in a hurry.

But in such a short distance, even if she reacts quickly, it is difficult to escape completely.

When she got up again after rolling on the ground, longxinghong could see that there was a deep hole in her waist, which was overflowing with blood.

Long Xinghong, pretty face heavy.

However, she was not in a hurry to clean up Zheng Dan, but rushed across the river and yelled: "all stop! Stop it

It's just this time... It's no use.

These order people are crazy!

Seeing that on the ground that one by one by Lin Yang cut over the same door, these order team people are heartbroken, eager to break Linyang apart.

As a result, after hearing long Xinghong's cry, they did not stop at all. They still attacked Linyang crazily and wanted to revenge.

Long Xinghong knows that she must cross the river in person to stop these talents.

Otherwise, there will be more casualties!

But before crossing the river, she has one important thing to do.

That's Zheng Dan!

"Sister Zheng! Come here Longxinghong drinks low.

"I'm afraid I can't do it!"

Zheng Dan clenched his teeth secretly and turned to run.

But where can she run out of the red palm of the dragon?

She was born in such a poor place as qinghetang. She has humble martial arts. Compared with long Xinghong, she doesn't know whether there is a big difference between her and long Xinghong? If long Xinghong did not trust her, she would not have been captured.

Soon, long Xinghong grabs Zheng Dan's arm and interrupts the dagger on her palm. She jumps forward to the other side of the river with great pain.

But just as long Xinghong had just landed on the other side of the river, a cold arrow suddenly flew over and shot directly into her arm which held Zheng Dan.



long Xinghong was convulsed with pain. After landing, she didn't stand firm and fell on the ground directly.

"Sister long!"

"No! Elder martial sister long has been shot! "

"Come onThe people of the order team were flustered and yelled one by one.

You Yi's group retreated immediately.

"Who fired the cold arrow?" You Yi is furious and drinks.

Zheng Dan, who broke away from his uniform, turned and ran away, but was intercepted.

"Bitch! Do you have any accomplices nearby? " A member of the order stares at Zheng Dan and asks.

"Yes! Of course

Zheng Dan squinted and laughed and said, "look around you!"

They looked around.

However, a large number of people appeared in all directions, and they surrounded Lin Yang and the order team in all directions...

"Guling hall?"

Lin Yang frowned.

The people of the order team were shocked to see that they were in a tight encirclement!

"Lin, let's meet again!"

A familiar voice came.

One man stepped forward.

Lin Yang looked at it with a heavy look.

That is the master of the ancient spirit hall!

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