The order team was stunned.

Shaohai released his hand.

Long Xinghong sits on the ground, covers her neck and vomits constantly. She spits out the poison pill she just ate.

It doesn't work at all.

"Elder martial sister!"

"Elder martial sister long!"

"Elder martial sister, are you ok?"

The people of the Dragon rushed to the red team one after another.

Long Xinghong's eyes are red. He suddenly looks up and stares at Shaohai.

"Young elder, what do you want to do? You want to use me to control the order team? I tell you! Don't think about it! Even if I die, I will never let you succeed

"Girl! I know you! Although you are young, you have a high prestige in the order team. It doesn't matter if you don't obey me! Your people will obey me! After all, they don't want you to die! " Shaohai chuckled and rushed to Youyi. They waved and said, "listen, please follow me and go to the place where Shenjie is located! Help me to get the commandment, you know? "

"What do you say?" You Yi is angry.

"You are willing to fight for your elder martial sister long and Lin Xiaozi. What's the point of taking the divine precept for me? If you don't want to, your elder martial sister long will die miserably! "


people are in a hurry.

"Damn it!" Long Xinghong was so angry that she almost wanted to bite her silver teeth. She drank to Youyi: "you wait to leave here quickly! Do you hear me

"Elder martial sister..."

"go!" Long Xinghong drinks.

"Want to go? Do you think our people in the ancient spirit hall are vegetarian? " Zheng Dan hums: "you are difficult to fly now! If you do not cooperate with our elders, you will all die here

"Even if we all die here, we will never let your treachery succeed! Younger brother and younger sister!! We're fighting them Long Xinghong angry way.

"Spell it


The people of the order team were excited, holding swords and swords one by one, looking as if they were dying.

"Well, a bunch of stubborn idiots! Good! Since you are going to die! Then you'll be done! Master! Go ahead and cut off all these elm heads Zheng Dan angry way.

Shaohai squints and nods silently.

He didn't attach great importance to these people in the order team. If he could use them, he would use them.

Although Guling hall annexed many, it was still the Tangkou force at the bottom of the court. Compared with the three imperial palaces, there was a big gap between them. Therefore, Shaohai recruited people from all over the country to attract the strong.

Although these order teams are also a part of good combat power, if they can not be controlled, they will be abandoned.

Seeing the situation, Zheng Dan chuckled and yelled: "you, hurry up! Send these idiots of the order team to the end of the world

"Yes! Elder martial sister

People around you are ready to take the sword.

But at this time, Lin Yang drank and cried out.

"Wait a minute!"

People were stunned.

"What? What's the matter with you, Lin? " Shaohai side head.

"The battle for the precepts is imminent. We need to fight for every strength we can win, so that we have a much greater chance to win the ring! Young elder, let me persuade long Xinghong. " Lin Yang road.

"Can you persuade me?"

"Try it, and it won't take long."

Shaohai hesitated and nodded: "I'll give you 5 minutes!"

Lin Yang went straight ahead.

"You want to be a running dog! But I won't! Shaohai is a man of evil mind. Helping him to get rid of it is harmful to the Eastern Emperor religion! I'm not going to help a tyrant! " Long Xinghong gnaws her teeth.

"I don't like your order team. I didn't care about your life or death, but you were upright and helped me a little before. That's why I came forward to say something."

"What do you want to say?" Long Xinghong hummed.

"You are not indifferent to life and death! Take a good look at your younger brothers and sisters Lin Yang murmured.

Dragon Star red willow eyebrows wrinkled, looking at the order team over there.

However, just a glance, she was stunned.

What she saw were young and frightened faces.





these are the only faces of these order teams.

How can there be any hatred of evil like hatred, filled with righteous indignation?

Those are just slogans.

"I have cut off a man who is not afraid of death like you and lies on the ground! The rest of these people are those who did not dare to fight me at the beginning. They are very young and immature. Most of them are not adults. Do you want them to die with you? There are a lot of them. They should only join the order team not long ago? " Lin Yang said again.

Long Xinghong took a breath and fell into silence.

Yeah.She's not afraid of death. Isn't everyone afraid of death?

They still have a good time, is it worth dying here in vain?

About a minute later, long Xinghong raised her head.

"Young elder, I promise to help you take the ring, but I want you to promise that you can't hurt my younger martial brothers and sisters, and... You must help me send these injured younger martial brothers and sisters out of the meeting!" Longxinghong cold channel.

"No problem!" Shaohai laughed: "after all, I will be the leader of this sect soon. How can I treat you who are loyal to the Eastern Emperor's cult?"

With that, he told Zheng Dan to arrange.

Zheng Dan eye dew doubt, full of deep meaning to see the eye Lin Yang.

Somehow, she felt something was wrong... But she did it.

"Young elder, where is the precept?" Lin Yang looks at Shaohai and asks. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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