"You... Can you save her? Can you save my Yu Ling? " Feng Siyuan is quite excited and quickly grabs the man's arm.

"Yes." Lin Yang nodded.

"Please do it! Please save Yu Ling, as long as you can save Yu Ling, Siyuan is willing to be an ox and a horse for you Feng Siyuan is busy to release Yu Ling, kneeling in front of Linyang and kowtow.

The movement here is very small. Only a few disciples nearby saw it. Everyone was extremely surprised.

Lin Yang quickly helped him up.

"It's not necessary to be an ox or a horse. As long as you can understand something later, it's enough!" Lin Yang road.

Feng Siyuan was stunned: "elder martial brother, what do you want me to understand?"

"Understand the truth, distinguish right from wrong, see clearly the good and the bad, and know what is good and evil!"

Lin Yang said as he took out the silver needle and stabbed it on Yu Ling.

Feng Siyuan couldn't understand the meaning of Lin Yang's words. He was at a loss.

However, seeing several silver needles fall from Linyang, Yu Ling trembled violently like an electric shock, and then there was no movement.

This scene, however, gave Feng Siyuan great hope.

"Yu Ling!" He exclaimed in excitement.

Lin Yang stopped.

"Elder martial brother, give younger martial sister treatment quickly!" Feng Siyuan is busy.

"I'm afraid I can't. the conditions are too simple and she's seriously injured. I can hold her breath at most, keep her lifeline, and let her live. If I want to fully recover, I have to see follow-up treatment." Lin Yang road.

"How long will that take?"

"One or two years, I will slowly heal her and save her. It's not a big problem." Lin Yang road.


Feng Siyuan's tiger eyes were full of tears, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Linyang.

"Thank you very much, elder martial brother."

He saw hope!

This man, gave him hope!

What a thrill to see a glimmer of light at such a time of despair?

"You are welcome! Get up quickly Lin Yang murmured.

Feng Siyuan got up and wiped his tears.

"Elder martial brother, if there is any assignment, Siyuan will go through fire and water and do everything possible to complete the task for senior brother!"

"No, just remember what I just said."

"Take her to the side to have a good rest, and when this is over, I will take care of her wound."

"Good brother." Feng Siyuan nodded, picked up Yu Ling and retreated to the side.

The ghost hand here seems to be aware of something, swept the eyes of Feng Siyuan, eyes revealed difficulties.

Of course, his vision soon revealed to Lin Yang, but he did not know why Lin Yang suddenly came here.


At this time, the dull sound came out again, and the ground shook again.

The people's eyes re gathered on the old man and Pang Liang.

However, he saw the old man crack a huge stone and splash it. As for Pang Liang, he retreated to the side panting and perfectly avoided the past.

But... His strength won't last long.

Every time I dodge and escape, I try my best.

He's doing everything he can to run.

But his physical strength and strength could not compare with the old man.

"What? Is there no strength? "

The old man glanced at Pang Liang, and his old face was filled with a smile: "if so, then your head may have to be mine!"

Pang Liang's eyes were tense, and he murmured: "master, I can't hold on!"

"Then do as you thought before!"

"Yes, master!"

Pang Liang was overjoyed. He immediately turned around and rushed to the cliff behind him. Later, he did not want to think about it. He jumped down the cliff!


At the scene, there was a roar of tsunami.

Everyone was shocked.

"What is Pang Liang doing?"


"My God, this is Tianwang peak! He doesn't want to live any more? "

People were shocked, Hula rushed to the edge of the mountain, looking down.

However, Pang Liang was climbing the rock wall directly and rushing down.

He's running away!

Everyone's eyes are huge, but also in an instant is suddenly realized.

Pang Liang, this is a direct slip!

Let's see if the old man is chasing or not!

If he wants to chase after him, the tomb will not be guarded, and those present will certainly dig the grave and take the commandment.

If he doesn't chase him, he can only watch Pang Liang escape.

Thinking of this, everyone secretly said that Pang Haohao was witty!

It depends on how the old man chooses!

However, as Pang Liang struggled to climb down, the old man burst into laughter.

"Ants! You want to run? Ridiculous! Do you really think you can run out of my hand? Ha ha ha... "As soon as the voice fell, the old man suddenly jumped up, but instead of jumping off the cliff, he went straight to the ground.


He pulled a big hole in the ground.


The world was shocked.

But there was a rumbling sound coming from the hole.

It's weird.



In the middle of Tianwang peak, a figure burst out of the middle of the mountain and ran directly to Pang Liang, who was climbing downward.


Pang Liang cried out, but there was no place to hide.

The old man grabbed at his neck with one hand and then pulled it.


abnormal noise is coming out.

If you look at Pang Liang, he is already in a different position www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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