The silver needle, like a meteor, blooms all around.

At that moment, there was only one scene in the eyes of all the elders.

Shooting stars dancing!

These bright meteors are just like Fairies in their eyes. They are bright and beautiful, but they can't see the "elves".

When they finally saw the silver needle which looked like an elf, it was too late to dodge.

Whew! Whew! Whew! Whew!

, the skin prick sounds.

The elders kept retreating one by one, busy checking their bodies.

Each person has three to five silver needles, each of which is as thin as hair and extremely soft.

Several elders touched these silver needles, and they were all in a state of panic.

How does this person penetrate such soft silver needles into these human bodies?

The needle technique of this son is not simple!

But just some silver needles to make these elders bow?

It's too simple to think!

"Is that your way?"

Little sea expressionless looked at a few soft silver needles on the body, disdained to say, then raised a hand to grasp, is to pull out.

"Shaohai elder! Do not pull out the needle! These medical and martial arts silver needles have their own ways. If they are randomly selected, they may have serious consequences! " Xi Mulin is busy persuading.

"Serious consequences? Yes? Elder Xi, do you think I will die on these little silver needles Shaohai disdains to say.

Finish saying, then pull off all silver needles, throw on the ground.

These silver needles are extremely light, almost all of them do not fall vertically, but are blown by the wind and feel light.

Under the wine, the monk will tear the meat.

But Liu Shifeng and Su Moyun did not act.

"Is this all about medicine and martial arts?" The wine and meat monk hummed.

"I don't think it's a big deal! Look at mine

Shaohai's eyes were furious. Suddenly, he reached for the ground and grabbed a huge piece of earth, which he smashed at Linyang.


Huge clods of earth fell.

It's like a mountain coming.

But this is not the end.

But see Shaohai again jump, rush up.

"Move the mountain!"

The sound fell to the ground, and the huge pieces of soil suddenly split into pieces and fell to Linyang.

Lin Yang frowned and tried to hide.

But if the clods are the whole, it's OK. Now all the clods are blown up, just like a big net spreading towards this place. Lin Yang has no place to hide.

He frowned, breathed, and punched forward.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

he smashed all the fallen earth blocks.

But the clods were so dense that he broke one piece and ten pieces, but he had no time to break a hundred or a thousand pieces.

And the broken soil did not explode, but piled up beside Linyang.

Lin Yang frown, suddenly realized what, busy is toward the side of the flash.

But... It's too late.

Da da da da da...

in a moment, Lin Yang was buried by the living.

The position he was standing on was directly made of a large number of clods.

But it's not over.

Shaohai falls to the side of the earth bag and claps wildly at it with both palms. At the same time, he turns around the earth bag.

Bang! Bang! Bang....

his terrible palms hit the earth bag fiercely. When his palm touched the soil bag, a strange air stripe would explode immediately.

The air pattern pushes the earth bag out and smashes it inside.

Shaohai plays and spins, and keeps pushing out.

The rest of the elders stopped.

All the people around him raised their eyes and looked with astonishment on their faces.

A moment later, the small mound of earth was beaten to the size of a coffin by Shaohai.

People are all breathing.

In this way, Lin Yang inside is not squeezed into meat sauce.

This is a good move.

Through continuous beating, the density of the soil bag has been extremely terrible, and the hardness is particularly amazing.

I'm afraid a roller may not be able to compress such a huge earth bag into this.

Now, Lin Yang is mostly a piece of paper, right?

A lot of people think that way.

Shaohai retreated and came back with a sigh of relief.

Liu Shifeng and others clapped and laughed.

"The way of Shaohai elder is really extraordinary. How can you clean up that arrogant person? I admire you! I admire you

"What's the point of making such a fuss?"

Shaohai is indifferent."Shaohai elder is modest!"

The crowd laughed, but their eyes were full of vigilance.

They did not expect that Shaohai would be so strong.

"The hardness of this earth bag has exceeded that of steel. I think that arrogant boy is dead! But to be on the safe side, let's do it again! "

Shaohai light road, then raised his hand.

Zheng Dan over here reacted and quickly took out a long sword and ran over with both hands.

"I'm a big Eastern cult. I can't get a young boy to tell me what to do. I'll kill him in public today! Shake up the power of the emperor

Shaohai holds his sword high and shouts.



"Long live elder Shaohai!"

"Shake me up and teach me!"

"Shake me up and teach me!"


many disciples held their hands high and cried out with excitement.

Shaohai's move is really encouraging.

Lin Yang's behavior is too overbearing! In addition, he was young and immature, and he was so fresh that many disciples didn't like him.

Seeing this, Zheng Dan was particularly pleased. He knelt down and called out: "master, we are the Savior of our Donghuang sect! Please cut this man quickly! End the mess I've taught for years as soon as possible! "

"Please help me, master!"

The disciples of the ancient spirit hall all knelt down and called.

Many disciples followed this incitement.

Shaohai's prestige quickly rose in the crowd.

The crowd was in high spirits.

Su Moyun, Liu Shifeng and others are extremely ugly.

They didn't expect Shaohai to have such a hand.

His disciple, Zheng Dan, was even more agitating.

Save the donghuangjiao?

Is Shaohai the Savior?

At the moment, the Savior of donghuangjiao is not the leader of donghuangjiao?

If so, is it not useless for all to receive the commandment of God?

Several people's eyes gradually cold.

Shaohai laughs. He stares at the earthen bun, and no longer talks. He shouts and drinks. He gathers all his strength and stabs his sword at it.

The cold sword body is like the moonlight on a cold night, which is particularly beautiful. A light layer of gas envelops the body of the sword, making it cut iron like mud, extremely sharp.

The world gazes.

This sword is enough to penetrate the soil.

It's also enough to penetrate the Linyang in the earth block!

It's over!

Lin Yang... Must die!

That's what everyone thinks!

But just as the sword was about to touch the earth.

Bang Dang!

Suddenly, a hole broke out in the surface of the soil, and then a hand quickly stretched out from the inside, firmly clasping the stabbing sword.

If the tip of the sharp sword touches the surface of the soil, it can't move forward for half a minute.


Shaohai is stunned.

There was an uproar. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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