Tang Tianhao's body fell heavily on the ground.

Lin Yang took off the ring and put it on his finger again.

At this moment, no one dares to make this ring again!

Because at the moment, the ring has been worn on a monster.

No matter who it is, he has a kind of unprecedented awe and fear to the master of Qinghe Hall who comes out of nowhere.

Who is he?

How strong is he?

Who the hell is he?

Nobody knows!

People only know a little! Now this man... Will be the new leader of the Donghuang religion!

Emperor of the East!

Coming soon!

The girl with short hair looked at the dead Tang Tianhao in horror and ran away.

Lin Yang ignored and went back to the statue.

Open the mechanism without hesitation.

Bang Dang.

The crack appeared, and the handle came into view. He grabbed the handle directly and pulled it out.

And at the moment of pulling out the handle, the lifelike statue of emperor Taiyi also changed.

We can see that there are a large number of dark grids on its surface, which are arranged layer by layer and reorganized. The mechanism is like a deformation machine. In a moment, it turns into a wall like a blackboard.

A large number of flashing words appeared on the wall.

Because of the problem of light, the following people can only vaguely see a few words, but many words are a group of astigmatism, completely do not know its words.

This is the inheritance of the former leader!

Lin Yang stares at these floodlight words, breath solidifies, dare not neglect, quickly read once.

However, just after he had just finished reading, the floodlights suddenly faded and disappeared. At the same time, the wall began to crack and burst.

After a while, the wall cracked into powder and was completely destroyed.

Lin Yang recovered.

This is the self destruction mechanism inside the statue.

After watching the inheritance, the self destruction mechanism will start by itself, and no one can see it again.

"The method of making statues is recorded in this Scripture. In the future, you can use this method to inherit the teaching position!" Previously, the middle-aged man slightly side of the head, directed at Lin Yang road.

"Inheriting the teaching position?"

Lin Yang looked at him faintly and asked, "so, I am the master of our religion now?"

"That's right, you are the new Emperor God King of our Donghuang cult!" Said the man.

But as soon as the voice fell, a burst of drink sounded: "bold!"

All the people were frightened by the loud and violent drinking.

Along with the middle-aged man.

"What do you say about inheriting the throne just after our leader takes over the throne? Are you cursing my Lord for not living long? " Lin Yang cold road.

The man trembled all over his body, and was busy bowing his head and saying, "tell the leader, I dare not, I don't mean that..."

"no? Hum, my lord succeeded the emperor! It is bound to develop our religion. Our Donghuang religion will be prosperous and powerful, and will dominate the world! But now you curse me! If you curse our leader, you curse our sect! To curse this religion is treason! You son of a bitch! Attempt to rebel against religion, intend to rebel! How dare you tell the leader that it doesn't mean that? " Lin Yang shouts.

The man turned green with fear.

However, if you make a careless mistake, you will become a traitor...

this is too much to talk about, right?

"Don't be angry! Please forgive me The man knelt down and kowtowed for mercy.

Lin Yang glanced at him and said, "if I don't want to kill you, I won't kill you, but I can't forgive you if I live! Come on, drag down and hit a hundred sticks! Three iron bars to break, three iron bars

"Ah?" The man was white with fear.

The people around were stunned and looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

Is this killing?

"What? What are you doing? Not yet? " Lin Yang side head staring at the East emperor cult nearby, cold drink shout.

Those people shiver, this just returned to God, busy is to walk past, will that person.

"Thank you, Godmaster..."

the man cried and was taken away.

All the people are silently watching this scene, everyone's face is very complicated.

In fact, no matter who is, including the person who was taken away just now, he knows what Lin Yang's purpose is.

Strike the mountain and shake the tiger!

Set an example to others!

As soon as Lin Yang succeeds, he will give the whole Donghuang cult a strong hand!

But these 100 sticks break three iron bars... This is not a horse power! This is really killing people!

Is this new leader... Too violent.

Many people are worried.

But then."Cough, cough, cough..."

a burst of severe cough sounds.

People were stunned, looked at the source of the sound, and then screamed.


"Pretending to be a corpse!"


The disciples were terrified and retreated madly, one by one, scared to death.

It turns out that the cough... Was made by Yuan Xing, the supreme elder killed by Tang Tianhao!

"What's this... What's going on?"

Long Xinghong looks at the yuan star.

However, Yuan Xing's body twitched, his mouth suddenly opened, and he coughed, and his mouth was filled with black blood.

Look at this... It's not dead at all!

But everyone saw his heart pierced!

What's going on here?

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