Lin Yang naturally knows how to slap a palm and appreciate a jujube.

Hyacinth has a high prestige among the church members. Many of the Eastern Emperor's followers were saved by hyacinth. If she was killed, it would certainly cause dissatisfaction.

Maybe they didn't show it at that time and hide it in their hearts, but it was also a curse.

Although Lin Yang hated hyacinth very much, he had to put the overall situation first.

Of course, if hyacinth was not severely punished at the beginning, his religious leader's prestige would have been lost. Therefore, he asked people to throw hyacinth's limbs into death row, but not kill her.

There was no other purpose.

"Cure me... You... You mean... You want to cure me?" Hyacinth old eyes slightly open, weak said.

A touch of surprise passed through the turbid pupil.

"What? You think it's strange? " Lin Yang said as he applied the needle.

Hyacinth was silent for a moment and asked hoarsely, "why?"

"If you live, you can make the donghuangjiao stable. I just took over the post of the leader of the Donghuang cult. What I need is stability within the sect. Otherwise, the strength of the Donghuang cult will decline again as soon as the murders and commandments are opened. The current donghuangjiao is in the twilight, with many scars and can't stand the ups and downs! I save you, is to give the donghuangjiao an opportunity, also give you a chance

"You're right... But what do you mean by giving the emperor a chance..." Hyacinth asked carefully.

"Is it hard to understand?" Lin Yang replied casually.

Hyacinth was stunned, as if he had guessed something.

Lin Yang saved her in order to stabilize the Eastern Emperor religion.

If there is instability and unrest in the church, there is only one way to pacify it!


Only by means of iron and blood can we suppress the rebellion and stabilize the situation!

I'm afraid the leader of Lin is ready for a bloody crackdown on donghuangjiao.

Hyacinth's scalp was numb, and then she realized that the leader's mind was not as tender as his face...

but she was glad that the leader was still rational and was still saving.

"I... I know, thank you very much..." Hyacinth swallowed his saliva hard and said hoarsely.

Lin Yang nodded gently and continued to treat.

After about half a column of incense, Lin Yang collected the needle and applied the medicine.

"In fact, your condition is very similar to Zhang Zongyi. I have stabilized your bones with Qi. At present, you have the ability to move. But if you want to fully heal, you have to rest for a month. I have prepared some medicine for you. You can take good medicine according to my prescription. After a month, you will be as good as before."

After hearing these words, hyacinth's old face was full of shock.

"Are you really? In a month's time, I'll be as good as before? "

"Slow down a little. You can bear with it."


Hyacinth almost didn't bite his tongue.

Can it be slow?

She was quite aware of the extent to which she had broken her limbs.

It's not only broken bones, but also muscles and veins.

It can be said that before, she was completely paralyzed and her limbs were completely lost. However, the leader was able to restore the movement ability of her limbs in a short span of incense and threatened to make herself as good as before in a month...

this is too exaggerated.

"What? Any questions? " Lin Yang looked at her.

"No... no problem, no problem..." Hyacinth said.

"If there is no problem, go back to the ancient spirit hall and have a rest. Warn the disciples of the ancient spirit hall not to challenge my authority again, otherwise I will not give them any warning, understand?" Lin Yang said without expression.

"Understand, understand, master, i... I'll leave first."

Hyacinth was busy, and at the moment her old face was respectful and respectful.

Hyacinth was helped to leave, while Lin Yang sat alone in the east palace.

A moment later, Liu Ma, who left, came in again.

But this time, he pushed a wheelchair into the east palace.

In the wheelchair sat an old man with white hair and pale face.

The old man's upper body was naked, but it was wrapped in bandages. His breath was very weak and his pulse was particularly low. It seemed that he would die at any time.

After entering the East Palace, Liu Ma immediately withdrew respectfully to one side.

Lin Yang turned and looked at the old man.

The old man also slightly raised his head and looked at Lin Yang. His eyes were full of complexity.

"I didn't expect it? You are loyal, but in the end you want to kill you Lin Yang smiles and looks at the old man.

"The man I wanted to kill, in the end, saved my life. Sure enough, it's hard to predict." The old man sighed in a low voice.

"The Tang family has betrayed you, and they are not worthy of your loyalty. I have saved your life and given you new life. Now, are you willing to be loyal to me?" Lin Yang looked at the old man and asked calmly.The old man took a deep breath and then bowed slightly.

"You are the leader of Donghuang sect. No matter who you are, I am willing to follow you until you die."

"Good! I did not mistake you

With a big wave of his hand, Lin Yang said, "tomorrow, I will leave the Donghuang cult. During my absence, you and Liu Ma will be fully responsible for the affairs of the Eastern Emperor cult. Do you understand?"

"Where are you going Liu Ma was stunned and asked.

Lin Yang turned his head and looked at him.

Liu Ma trembled all over, and seemed to realize that he had asked what he shouldn't have asked. He knelt down and worshipped: "my subordinates are talkative. Please forgive me!"

"During my time away, you should quickly put the whole sect into a state of preparation for war, understand?" Lin Yang said quietly.

"Prepare for war?"

"Yes! Prepare for war

Lin Yang attached his hands.

"Leader, the Eastern Emperor's assembly has just ended and the situation in the church has just stabilized. This is the time to prepare for war... Are we going to start a war? If so, it's not suitable! " The old man, that is, the elder, said in a deep voice.

"No? No, you are wrong. This is the time to prepare for war! We must make the whole Donghuang religion consistent with the outside world, otherwise the sect will be unstable. "


"The holding of the assembly of the emperor of the East has created resentment among many halls. Although I have become the leader of the church, I still have little experience and lack prestige! It is very difficult to eliminate the resentment between Tangkou and Tangkou. I do not want to use force to suppress these Tangkou and make them submit. If we do not use force, we can only transfer the contradiction point! At this time, the only way to unite the donghuangjiao is to unite with the outside world. " Lin Yang light road.

They nodded in silence.

"Who are you going to fight against, then, Archbishop?" Yuan Xing asked in a deep voice.

Lin Yang was silent for a moment, faintly spitting out four words.

"Nangong aristocratic family!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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