"Was there an accident?"

"Oh, master, you bumped into someone else!"

"Now it's troublesome."

"How do you drive? I'm in a hurry to get to the city. "

"What bad luck!"

The people on the bus swearing and yelling, that is to get off.

But at this point.


Several grenades suddenly broke through the glass of the bus and landed in the bus.

"Ah! Hand grenades


The people on the bus who had not run down screamed and rushed madly under the car.

Lin Yang was a brisk walker, picking up the grenades on the ground and throwing them into the river outside the bus.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three terrible explosions were heard.

A large number of waves were blown up, and the terrible explosion almost broke the eardrums of people.

The passengers screamed and fled, and even the driver ran away.

Lin Yang got out of the car without expression.

Only to find that a car forcibly intercepted the bus.

Around the bus, there are many people in uniform holding guns and even RPGs.

They were ambushed here early.

Looking at the tattoos on their arms, we can see that these people are mercenaries.

Dozens of guns were aimed at Linyang.

"Who sent you?" Lin Yang asked calmly.

"Don't you even know who wants you to die?"

A strong man with a cigarette in his mouth and two scars on his face came forward with a submachine gun in one hand.

"People of Nangong aristocratic family?" Lin Yang looked at him and asked.

"You don't look stupid." The man said with a smile.

"Can you tell me how you got here?" Lin Yang asked.

"We received the news early that you were wandering around Donghuang mountain, so we searched for your trace here, but we didn't find any trace of you for several days. Until just now, you answered a phone call and we locked your bus along with the signal. Boy, do you have any questions? You can ask them all, or you won't have a chance later! "

The strong man said with a smile, put out the smoke and pointed the submachine gun at Lin Yang.

"I think it's better for you not to do stupid things. If you are sent by Nangong family, I can only tell you that you are being used!" Lin Yang shook his head.

"Use? I think the word employment is more appropriate. After all, they have to pay. "

"Can you receive their money?"

"How can I not receive it? The Swiss bank account has been sent to them. If you are killed, they will send the money immediately The strong man shrugged.

"How to make paper money?" Lin Yang replied.

The words fell to the ground, and the strong men and others were stunned.

Paper money?

"What do you mean?" The strong man asked.

Lin Yang went to the side of the bus, crouched slightly, then stretched out his hand and gently clasped the bottom of the bus.

The mercenaries around them trembled slightly, their eyes widened, and their hearts slowly quickened.

What does this man want?

It's an idea in almost everyone's brain.

The next second, however, there was a scene that shocked everyone.

It is to see Linyang slightly force, it is a single hand to lift up the bus.

What's more, he lifted it effortlessly, as if he had picked up a toy car. The bus, which was several meters long, was lifted over his head by him...

"is he... Superman?" Whispered one of the mercenaries.

"Only Superman can do this?" Another said foolishly.

"Where the hell is this monster?"

"It's terrible..."

"is he really human?"

All of them were pale and speechless.

"I think it's safe for you to go home now."

Lin Yang put the bus down.

The mercenary leader's face was unsightly. He shook his face and said, "since this god man has let us go, we will not be ungrateful. Let's go now!"

In words, he is a move.


"All right, head!"

All around the mercenaries yelled, but did not leave, but immediately pulled the trigger.

Da da da da...

a large number of bullets flew to Linyang.

RPG was also fired at it.

In an instant, Lin Yang was directly set on fire.


There was a tremendous explosion.

The earth's clods have been lifted.

After a round of straying, zhuangghan and others stopped shooting and set their eyes on Lin Yang.However, Lin Yang, who had been standing there before, was lying on the ground, broken and tattered, and had no movement.

"Head, he's dead!"

Someone is busy.

"Dead? Not necessarily, that kind of attack should be dead without a corpse! You're going to let someone go and test it! " The strong man said, "two dogs, you go."


"go The strong man said.

The man who called two dogs could do nothing but nod.

He was very careful to see the bullet on Lin Yang's body.

But think of this guy but eat a record, RPG has not been dismembered, the heart how much some fear.

He carefully stretched out his hand and pressed it on Linyang's chest.

A moment later, he exclaimed.

"Head, he doesn't have a heartbeat, he's dead!"

"Very good!"

The man was overjoyed and immediately took out a walkie talkie and said, "you can come here. The target is dead!"

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