In the box.

A wave of elegant music.

Nangong Yunqiu has just finished half a steak, poured a glass of red wine and sipped it.

"What time is it?"

She said a word casually.

The waiter behind him rushed forward.

"It's half past six, miss."

"So it took me half an hour to go?"


"What happened? How can it take so long to kill people before he died Nangong Yun's eyebrows are inverted in autumn, and she is a little angry.

"Miss, maybe it was Qisheng who was in trouble." The waiter said respectfully.

"Trouble?" Nangong Yunqiu shook her eyes and said, "go to Huafeng Hotel! Don't make any mistakes. "

"Yes, miss!"

The waiter nodded and went out of the box.

But at this time, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open.

The waiter froze.

Then Lin Yang led Liu Ma and others to come in.


Nangong Yunqiu was startled and suddenly got up and pointed to Lin Yang: "you... How did you come?"

"Miss Nangong, didn't you invite me to dinner?" Lin Yang asked.

"You..." Nangong Yunqiu didn't know how to answer the question, biting his teeth and asking: "sad life?"

"Here it is." Lin Yang waved.

Liu Ma next to him carried a square box on the table, and then opened the box.


Nangong Yunqiu's pupil shrinks, her scalp becomes numb, she screams with fear, and her face is pale and almost incontinent.

The... In the box is just sad life!

Such a horrible scene, crazy to stimulate her nerves.

The former grace and ease no longer exist.

"You... You dare to kill my Nangong family? Who are you? Who the hell are you? " Nangong Yunqiu returns to the God, afraid of tight, pointing to Linyang, shaking and shouting.

"Who am I? You will soon know, Miss Nangong, this man is going to kill me, so I will kill you. For the sake of Nangong family, I will not move you for the time being. This is a warning! I hope you don't disturb me again! Otherwise, next time, it won't be like this! Please remember, do you hear me Lin Yang stares at Nangong Yun Qiu Dao.

Nangong Yunqiu shivers all over and looks at Lin Yang with his mouth open, but he doesn't say a word.

"Do you hear me?" Lin Yang's voice was a little loud.

Nangong Yunqiu was so scared that she sat on the ground and almost screamed: "I hear you, I hear you!"

Her head was in her arms, and she was out of her wits.

"If you hear me!"

Lin Yang nodded and turned away from the box.

When Lin Yang left, Nangong Yunqiu began to cry directly.

The waiter next to him came to his senses and said, "Miss, hurry up and call the family! How dare this man kill our Nangong family! We can't just let it go! "

"Yes! yes! I'm going to call my father! I want to tell my second brother! I want that guy to know what will happen if we offend our Nangong family! "

Nangong Yun autumn shivering cry, a take out the mobile phone is to dial.

Press the wrong button on the phone, but it's more frightening for her to press the wrong button.

She was still afraid after all!

She is afraid of Lin Yang's revenge!

I'm afraid I'll end up like a miserable life!

Dudu Dudu...

suddenly, a phone call came in.

Nangong Yun autumn looked at the caller ID, a Leng on the spot.

She pressed the connect button tremblingly.

There was a distant voice on the other side of the phone.

"Miss Nangong, our young master has arrived!"

"Good... OK, I'll meet you right away, young master. I'll be there soon..." Nangong Yunqiu sobbed while shivering.

The people on the other side of the phone were stunned.

"Miss Nangong, are you ok?"

"Me?? I... I'm ok, I'm not... "

Nangong Yunqiu whispered.

But at this time, she suddenly seemed to realize something. She continued to sob: "I'm ok, I just met some angry guys... Nothing...

" angry guys? Miss Nangong, the whole city of Nanchuan, who dares to anger you The man asked curiously.

"Why not? Now Nanchuan City is as strong as clouds. There are many people who don't pay attention to my Nangong family! You just don't know. "

"Is it..."

"the man insulted my sister and Nangong family. I was angry. I wanted to seek justice. However, I was weak. I was not the opponent. I could not fight that person. I was humiliated by the man. My Nangong family was busy with the marriage convention, and no one wanted to do anything for me. This time, I could only beat my teeth and swallow it in my stomach! "Alas..." Nangong Yunqiu sighed.When the waiter heard the sound, he seemed to understand Nangong Yunqiu's intention. He was busy winking at Nangong Yunqiu and exclaimed in a low voice: "Miss, you can't do this."

However, the south palace Yunqiu is ruthlessly stare at him one eye: "shut up!"

The waiter was anxious, but helpless.

There was silence for a moment, and then the sound came out, but it was an indifferent and magnetic voice.

"Who is that man?"

"Master Nalan?" Nangong Yunqiu pretends to be surprised and comes out in surprise.

"Your sister will marry me soon! After that, I will be your brother-in-law. Your business is my business! Tell me, who is that man? Take me to him first The voice over the phone said quietly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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