The LV family in Xichang is also very famous in the world of martial arts and Taoism.

It is well known to all that there are two schools of learning.

The first is "Jiying footwork" and the second is "Lu's thirteen attacks".

Although "Jiying footwork" is only a body method, it can be used to attack together with the highly lethal palm techniques such as "Lu's thirteen attacks".

The perfect combination of the two, the power is startling.

But these two skills are very difficult for ordinary people to master. At present, only the master of the LV family and Lu Si Chao have fully learned them.

Many people have seen "Jiying footwork" and "Lu's thirteen attacks" alone, but no matter who they are, they never expect that the two skills will be combined to produce such a powerful force...

Lin Yang stood in his place without any action.

Lu Si Chao had already hit Lin Yang completely.

The scene was particularly quiet.

Lu Sichao also retreated back, spitting hard.

He no longer went to see Lin Yang, because in his eyes, Lin Yang was already a dead man.

So Lu Si Chao turned to look at the people below and said, "is there any other friend who wants to come to the stage?"

No response.

Many people were also immersed in the terrible attack of Lu Si Chao!

Most people were deeply impressed by the stormy beating.

Is this a genius not inferior to Tianjiao?

Seeing no one on the stage, Lu Si Chao looked directly at Nalan.

"God, don't you come up and play?" Lu Si Chao was indifferent.

Nallantian frowned and looked at the challenge arena, as if he wanted to say something.

But at this time, his eyes suddenly congealed, a touch of surprise flashed in his pupils, and then said faintly: "the battle is not over, how can we go to the stage?"

"What do you say?"

Lu Si Chao was slightly stunned, and he didn't quite understand Nalan Tian's words.

Until this time, all the people on the scene suddenly made bursts of exclamations.

Everyone was staring at the ring.

"Miss Chao!"

The owner of the LV family also suddenly got up and looked at LV Sichao's back in surprise.

Lu Si Chao was stunned, suddenly seemed to realize something, and suddenly turned around.

Just saw Lin Yang behind him, looking at him without expression.

"What? You... You ate my thirteen blows from Lu's family and didn't die? " Lu Sichao's eyes almost protruded from the socket of his eyes. He was astonished and surprised.

"Your thirteen strokes are too weak."

Lin Yang light way, suddenly raised his feet, toward the chest of Lu Si Chao.

Lu Si Chao was shocked and wanted to hide.

But the speed of this foot is so fast that he has no time to react.


One foot suddenly hit Lu Si Chao's chest.


Lu Si Chao's sternum immediately broke, a large concave chest, the whole person spurted blood, fell to the ground.

He trembled wildly, covered his chest, and could not get up.

At the moment, Lu Si Dynasty lost its fighting power completely.

All the people in the audience are stupid.

Lu Si Chao is a man who can match the arrogance of nature!

Is this man's foot useless?

Is this guy still human?

Lu Sichao lay on the ground trembling wildly.

He tried his best to get up, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get up.

Lin Yang stepped forward and stood in front of him.

Lu Sichao glared at him. His mouth was full of blood and wanted to say something, but Lin Yang suddenly raised his feet.

"Stop it!"

The master of the LV family cried out.

But it's too late.


Lin Yang once again kicks in Lv Si Chao's body.

He flew out of the arena like a pool of mud, fell on the ground and rolled for several laps before stopping.

Look around.

Lu Si Chao's whole body skin has split, people have no movement, do not know how to live or die.

"Miss Chao!"

"Young master"

the people of the LV family rushed in like crazy, busy to help Lu Sichao, but LV Sichao was unconscious.

Seeing his son like this, the master of the LV family was furious and immediately took people to the front.

"Asshole! You son of a bitch! How dare you beat my son like this! I want your blood to pay for it! "

The master of the LV family roared, and immediately rushed to the challenge arena.

"Master Lu! What are you doing?? Do you want to make trouble at my daughter's wedding party? " Nangong dream stood up and said without expression.

His words immediately shocked the LV family.

But the master of the LV family didn't give up.

"Nangong master! My son has been defeated, this person still does not stop, added a foot, kick my son's life and death is uncertain! This guy just wants my son's life! I'm such a son! How can I not avenge this Lu family master emotional way."Please wait until the conference is over! I don't want anyone to make trouble in my Nangong family's territory. " Nangong dream is peaceful.

The master of the LV family clenched his teeth and clenched his fists. He was particularly indignant, but he finally put up with it.

"OK, Nangong master, I will give you this face! Let this boy go for a while! But if this kid leaves Nangong family! I'll have to kill him right away! Take it out on my son Lu family master angry way.

"It's your private business. You can solve it in private. It's none of my business." Nangong dream shakes his head.

"Yes!" The master of the LV family clenched his teeth and nodded, and said coldly to Linyang, "young man, our account will be settled soon!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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