There was a dead silence.

If a silver needle falls on the ground, it will burst out the sound of thunder tearing the eardrum.

All people's eyes are focused on Lin Yang.

To be exact, it was the terrible blade that gathered around his neck.

The blade of the knife is dead against the neck.

According to the sharpness of the blade, it is absolutely easy to cut the neck of normal people, like cutting tofu.

However, Lin Yang's neck is intact.

The blade couldn't cut his skin and flesh, not even a mark.

It's like this neck is made of steel.

Many people think that they are dazzled and constantly rubbing their eyes, when it is an illusion.

But the reality is so cruel and amazing.

"How could that happen? Who the hell are you? Who are you? " The wolf was completely terrified. The man retreated, his lips trembled and his pupils swayed. His spirit was almost abnormal.

"If you lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, you may still be able to save your life, but if you do, you can't blame me!"

Lin Yang slightly side head, looking at the forest wolf road.

The wolf seemed to be electrocuted all over the body, and suddenly came back to God. The man quickly released his hand and turned around and ran away!

Must run!

He seriously underestimated the strength of Lin Yang!

Not only he, but everyone on the scene was wrong!

This guy with a mask is very strong! And it's too strong!

Mori wolf sneak attack failure, is bound to annoy the strong, he must escape! If you don't go, you'll die!


Senlang rushed out of the challenge arena with little strength, and rushed out of the crowd like crazy, trying to leave Nangong family quickly.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get out of the way

The wolf roared, and the whole thing looked like a mad Buffalo, and ran rampant in the crowd.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

There was a lot of screaming.

"Startled bird!"

Nallantian said hoarse.

The rest were silent.

The result is really beyond the expectation of many people.

Who could have thought that Mori wolf was not only defeated miserably, but also so embarrassed that he wanted to run away.

It's just... Can he really escape?

In the forest wolf is about to escape the crowd, Lin Yang on the stage suddenly jump, toward this jump.

The wolf was seriously injured, and could not escape quickly. In the blink of an eye, he was caught up.


The wolf stopped in terror.

However, Lin Yang reached out and grabbed the wolf's neck and took him to the challenge arena.

Lin Yang held him up with one hand.

"Let me go! Put... Let me go

Mori wolf struggled, at this time, he even speak is particularly weak.

Lin Yang's palm pinched on his neck was more and more powerful.

The wolf's neck has been deformed, and people struggle more and more crazily, but it is difficult to make a sound in his mouth...

the people in the audience are staring at it.

The victory or defeat of this battle is very clear!

"Mr. Lin! You have to forgive people! He's given up! Why do you have to kill them all? "

At this time, a big power clan's owner can't see, get up to persuade way.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, since he has run away, he means to admit defeat! You have won the victory. Why not save his life and be a good man? " Fu Wuye also advised.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, let him go."

"It's just a matchmaking meeting, don't you have to fight for each other with your life?"

"If it does, today will be a happy day. It will be unlucky to see blood!"

All of them got up and tried to persuade them.

But these people's words can not let Lin Yang have the slightest move.

"You seem to be mistaken? The duel between me and this man is not a contest of marriage! It's the battle of pride! Since the battle of Tianjiao, it is natural to fight against each other by fate. You die and I die! Under such circumstances, how can I let him go? " Lin Yang spoke faintly.

People at the scene didn't look very natural.

"So Mr. Lin is not going to give us a face?"

Previously, the head of the powerful family frowned and asked coldly.

"Face you?"

Lin Yang looked at him: "you advise me to let him go, but you want to sell my personal feelings to Senlang and try to win over Senlang. After all, he is also an expert. Do you think I can't see it? But I want to ask you! What are you? Are you worth my face? "

"What do you say?"

"You... You're going too far!"

"Do you really think you are invincible?"


A number of house owners, the head of a rage, have clapped the table to get up, yelled loudly.

This time, even Nangong Meng couldn't see it. He said with a slight warning tone: "Mr. Lin, they are all my guests, and you are also my guests. I don't want any misunderstanding between my guests. That will only make it difficult for me. I hope you can understand!"But it fell to the ground.


A strange voice sounded.

The scene was quiet for several minutes again, and all the people's eyes were focused on Lin Yang's palm.

However, the wolf, who was pinched by his single hand, had fallen to the ground with weak limbs, and his neck was crooked to one side, completely unconscious.

Lin Yang let go.


The wolf fell to the ground.


Countless people gasped.

Senlang, the fourteenth ranked in Tianjiao list, was actually pinched and killed by this young man!

Everyone was shocked and speechless.

Those owners and leaders were silent, and all stared at the scene.

There was fear on everyone's face.

Lin Yang went over, picked up the token on the ground, put it away, and looked at the scene, calmly said: "who else wants to go on stage?"

Now, no one dares to say anything.

Those heroes and arrogants bowed their heads one after another.

Fu Wuye and other extraordinary masters are just you look at me, I see you, no one makes a sound.

The atmosphere was particularly weird.

But slowly, many people's eyes are all focused on one person.

Lin Yang also looked at the man.


"It's your turn!" Lin Yang light road.

Nallantian's fingers beat the handrail rhythmically, not in a hurry.

"Little day!"

"Master Nalan!"

"Depend on you, young master!"

"It's time for you to play!"

People around him looked at him with expectant eyes.

"Brother in law, you must defeat that bastard! Or my sister will marry him South palace Yun autumn rushed over, a pull Nalan Tian's hand, emotional said.

Nalan looked at Nangong dream and saw that his face was calm, without waves and waves, and his eyebrows were not from a wrinkle.

"Old fox, if I win, the Nangong family can marry the Nalan family. If I lose, the Nangong family can form an alliance with the donghuangjiao. Nangong will not lose anything! This Nangong old fox is a good abacus

Nalantan whispered to himself, so he got up and walked towards the arena.

All around the sound suddenly disappeared.

Countless pairs of eyes focused on him.

More than ten seconds later, nalantan stood on the challenge arena.

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