Not good!

Nalan's heart was startled, and he was busy to withdraw.

But at this time, Linyang palm micro motion, gently patted in the palm of nalantan.

Like an electric current, a force rushes out of Lin Yang's palm and gets into nalantan's palm, and spreads quickly all over his body.


Nallantian's whole person flew out and hit a wall behind him.

The wall burst on the spot.

Nallantian fell inside, disheartened.


The scene was stunned.

"Young master!"

The people of Nalan's family rushed forward and helped Nalan Tian up.

"Get out of here!"

Nallantian directly pushed aside the people beside him and said coldly, "all stand far away! This battle of pride is not over! "

Others back away in fear.

Nalan sky looked at Lin Yang coldly: "what you just used... Is Qiaojin?"


"It seems that you are very good. You can learn and sell now, but this is not enough. It's just like drawing a cat according to a tiger. It's not a climate!"

Nalan snorted coldly and rushed up again.

But this time Linyang no longer stands still, but rushes to nalantan.

He did not do any defense, let nalantan's fist and palm hit him.

The terror defense of congenitally vigorous body directly ignores all his cleverness.

At the same time, Lin Yang backhanded and beat to Nalan Tian.

Nalan Tian's face showed fear and ran away.

At such a close distance, he couldn't avoid it. However, nalantan could only take back his two palms for defense, and one palm was forward to fight back at Lin Yang's palm, hoping to block the blow.


The palms of the two hands joined together.

There is no tyrannical power.

There was no deafening crackle.

Yes, it's just a tap.

People all stare.

However, they did not separate their palms, but overlapped together. They did not attack each other any more. They just gazed at their palms, as if they were fighting in secret.

"Is this a struggle?" Fu Wuye below lost his voice.

"Hard work? This spelling, what strength can spell more skillfully? Is this Lin a fool? "

"Didn't you hear what master Nalan said? This man is learning to sell now. He wants to use master Nalan's cleverness to deal with him! I think he's fumbled a little bit! "

"But even so, can he compare with master Nalan who has studied for more than ten years? Is he treating us all as idiots, or is he an idiot himself

Many people laughed.

Nangong Yunqiu also smiles.

She squinted at Lin Yang coldly and hummed, "I can't help myself!"



nalantan suddenly made a grunt, his arm trembled, and his step stepped back.

Everyone's smile solidified instantly.

What's going on?

Nallantian... Can't make it?

Lin Yang again, the palm of his hand pushed forward.


Nallantian directly ejected backward and ran into the crowd. The crowd there was tumultuous.

Several people who couldn't escape were knocked unconscious by nallantian.

Nalan day is dishevelled, extremely embarrassed.

He got up in a hurry.

But Lin Yang is rushed over, also like Nalan day that toward it.

The palm force is soft, and there is no sense of explosive.

But the more so, the more terrifying.

Nallantian widened his eyes and raised his hand to pick it up.


The dull sound rises again.

Once again, his body turned into a shell and was shot out.

"Young master!"

The people of the Nalan family were in a complete hurry.

People at the scene were even more clamorous.

"How could that be possible?"

"Is that guy using... Really clever?"

"No! incorrect! Why can master Nalan suffer such a big loss because of his cleverness? There must be a problem! "

"What means did the man use?"

The voice of shock and amazement went on and on.

The fighting continues.

Lin Yang pursues the victory and does not want to give nallantian a chance to breathe.

He approached again and attacked it.

Nallantian angrily counterattacks.

But it doesn't work!

He found that Lin Yang's cleverness was not strong, but his flesh was too terrible.

No matter how you attack, you can't hurt Linyang Fenfen!

The attack is invalid and can only be attacked unilaterally.And nalantan's body is not as terrible as Lin Yang.

After eating a few moves, Nalan Tian is spitting blood at the mouth, and it is difficult to stand.

Lin Yang's cleverness in his body, almost did not tear his viscera.

If it goes on like this, nalantan will be killed alive!

"Protect the young master!"

The people of Nalan aristocratic family couldn't see it any more. They roared and rushed over and surrounded Nalan sky.

Seeing this, Lin Yang stopped his pace and said faintly, "why? Are you going to get involved in the battle of Tianjiao? "

The people of Nalan aristocratic family looked ugly.

But one of them gritted his teeth and said, "what is the battle of Tianjiao? We are just involved in this meeting! You steal the martial arts of our Nalan family! Hurt my young master by mean means! How can we be indifferent? "

"Steal learning?" Lin Yang frowned: "didn't your young master just say that I am learning to sell now?"

At this time, nalantan pushed aside the crowd, wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, and asked angrily, "don't talk nonsense! Tell me, when did you steal the skill of my Nalan family? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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