
There was a shrill sound.

Then a man dressed in a sloppy dress came into the room drunk, took out a can of beer from the refrigerator, drank the wine in one breath, and then poured it on the sofa and fell asleep directly.

But after sleeping for a while, the man was woken up by a cell phone ring.

He felt his cell phone trembling and connected it.

"Mr. Kang, when will your daughter's hospitalization fee be paid?" There is a sweet girl voice over the phone.

"Please give me a few more days." The man said hoarse.

"We have given you a week. The hospital is not a good hall, so it can't be delayed any more. Moreover, the medical expenses of your daughter every day are astronomical. We all know that you are in a very difficult situation. We have organized people in the hospital to raise money for your daughter, but our income is limited. This is just a drop in the bucket. I hope you can understand."

"I know, thank you, give me another seven days... No, three days, within three days, I must have paid the hospitalization fee."

The voice on the other side of the phone was silent for a moment, then he sighed: "Mr. Kang, my suggestion is to take your daughter back to live. Her time is running out. Please accompany her well..."

"what do you mean? You mean my daughter's dead? " The man's emotion suddenly excited, and repeatedly roared: "I tell you, my daughter will be OK, she is saved! But you don't save it. It's all you! It's all your fault! "

With that, the man picked up the mobile phone and threw it to the ground.


The cell phone is all over the place.

The man gasped violently, his eyes red, like an enraged Beast.

But a moment later, tears big as beans came out of his eyes.

The man knelt on the ground powerless.

He didn't know whether his daughter had been saved or not?

But he did not dare to face the cruel reality.

The best time for her daughter's treatment has been missed. What else can he do at this time?

Raise money?

No more.

Yang Hua group and Liu's enterprise lost their lawsuit, he also fell into the bottom of the cloud.

No one wants to lend him any more money.

As for that Ji Wen, he succeeded in stepping on him and became a famous lawyer in Jiangcheng.

He won't get any more cases.

His income has plummeted so much that he can't even pay for his daughter's surgery.

Kang Jiahao knows that it is not only because of his bad reputation, but also because of the Revenge of Liu's group and Liu Er Ye!

Now he has lost everything.

Right now, he didn't even have a daughter.

"Little, don't worry. You won't be alone. Dad will accompany you." Kang Jiahao said out of his wits.

At the moment, he has been surrounded by darkness

"why don't you call me to you?"

Just then, there was a sound at the door.

Kang Jiahao was slightly stunned. He looked up and saw that the door was pushed open and two people were standing outside.

He knows them all.

One is Ji Wen, the other is Lin Dong, the chairman of Yanghua group!

"What are you doing here?" Kang Jiahao quietly wiped away his tears and said coldly.

These two men were the chief culprits who destroyed him, and he naturally did not like them.

"Save you." Lin Yang replied.

"Help me? How can you save me? " Kang Jiahao was very angry and laughed. His wild animal eyes glared at Lin Yang: "I don't need anyone to save me, and I don't need anyone to pity me. If you're here to laugh at me, just laugh, I don't care!"

Seeing Kang Jiahao like this, Ji Wen has a headache.

But Lin Yang did not speak. He took the contract that Ji Wen had just drawn up and handed it to him. At the same time, he took out a small book from his coat pocket and put it on the contract.

"It's not enough for my lawyer team to have Jiwen alone. He's too young. If you help me, I don't think I'll have any more trouble in Jiangcheng! I want you to help me, and you can only help me! Sign the contract! " Lin Yang said.

Kangjiahaoben wanted to scold, but when he saw the small book on the contract, he was stunned. Then he picked it up carefully and opened it...

for a moment, he was stunned, and the whole person shivered. The hands holding the book kept shaking...

"are you... The Doctor Lin?" He asked, shivering.

"If I say I can cure your daughter, will you sign it?"

"Sign, I sign! I sign it

Kang Jiahao yelled at the top of his voice. He immediately grabbed his pen and wrote three big words on the contract. Then he began to cry.

Lin Yang watched Kang Jiahao silently, without comforting or opening his mouth.

Jiwen breathed a sigh of relief.

With Kang Jiahao's joining, Lin Yang's lawyer team is afraid that the whole Jiangnan province will not have rivals any moreFor a long time, Kang Jiahao's cry was reduced.


"it's not a sin for a man to cry."

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Do you know Xiao Yi?" Lin Yang asked.

They trembled and looked at him in amazement.

"At all costs."

Lin Yang left four words and turned to walk outside.

Ji Wen and Kang Jiahao are both trembling, but their looks are serious.

They know that this will be a tough battle and a test given to them by Lin Yang.

After parting with Ji Wen, Lin Yang drove back to Yanghua group.

But at this time, the phone rings again.

Lin Yang frowned and glanced at the phone.

"Xiao Yang." Over the phone is Su Guang's voice.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

"That... Are you free? Can you come to the hospital to take care of Su Yan? I have to go out for a moment Su Guang hesitated.

Lin Yang thought for a moment and nodded, "OK."

With that, he turned the direction and drove to the people's hospital.

Along with Su Guang's address, Lin Yang is very smooth to find Su Yan's ward.

However, the person just approached the ward, but saw that the ward door was blocked by a large group of people, the sound of angry shouting rang out.

"It's all you! It's all caused by you slut

"Our Su family is ruined by you this time! Are you satisfied? "

"You won't come to a good end! You will be punished sooner or later! "

"You wait, God will take you!"

All sorts of shrieks rang out.

Lin Yang frowned and saw that there were Su Gang, Su Meixin and Su Zhen gathered at the gate.

They were so excited that they were stopped by several nurses and doctors. It seems that they want to rush in!

"What are you doing?"

Lin Yang strides forward and yells angrily.

"Oh? Is the dogleg here? "

"What? Is it comfortable to hold those big men's legs? "

"It's a pity that all the people in Jiangcheng know that you have been given green by the director Lin of Yanghua group!"

"Tut Tut, it's ridiculous for a man to live like this."

Su Meixin, Su Zhen several people said.

"This is the hospital. If you make trouble here again, I will call the police." At this time, the doctor who obstructed Su Meixin and others said seriously.

"Well, I'll let you go this time! Lin Yang, wait, we're not finished! For the rest of my life, my su family will fight with your family to the end! "

Su Gang gnawed his teeth and said, spinning and turning to lead several people to leave.

Lin Yang frowned, feeling very strange.

When he walked in, he saw Zhang Qingyu sitting on the hospital bed with shivering Su Yan in his arms.

There is no sign of Su Guang.

"Why did you come?" Zhang Qingyu was stunned and angry and said: "you go quickly. Don't contact my Yan'er. My Yan'er is going to marry Lin Dong. In case there is any gossip between you that will damage my Yan'er's reputation, it will be bad!"

"Dad told me to come here." Lin Yang looked at Su Yan and said seriously, "what happened? Why did the Su family come here? "

Su Yan raised her head, her face haggard, her eyes slightly red, hesitated and said, "old lady, it's almost impossible..."

"what?" Lin Yang was stunned.

"When the notice of critical illness came down, the doctor said that the old lady would not live long. The Su family thought that the old lady was so angry with me that they came to me to settle the account!" Su Yan said hoarsely.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yang nodded silently.

At this time, Su Guang came in from the door.

His face was very pale, and the whole person was a little sad.

I think so. After all, it's his mother. No matter what the festival is, it doesn't matter at this time.

"How's grandma?" Su Yan asked.

Su Guang looked at Su Yan and whispered, "grandma wants to see you!"

"See me?" Su Yan's eyes widened slightly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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