"Yes, is there a problem?" Lin Yang said without expression.

Nangong Meng glanced at Lin Yang in his eyes.

In fact, he has put Jue Ming Hua's antidote Jue Ming Dan together as a dowry.

Many people don't care about this little Jue Ming pill, but they don't know that with Jue Ming pill, you can use Jue Ming flower, one of the most severe poisons in the world.

This is a lethal weapon.

But why did the leader ask for the antidote instead of poison?

"Master Lin wants Jue Ming Dan, of course! Ha ha, in fact, it has become a dowry for my daughter. You only need to marry her. I will give it to you in both hands! " Nangong dream said with a smile.

"Get it for me now!" Lin Yang road.

"Master Lin..."

"if you don't take it, I'll kill all your Nangong aristocratic families!" Lin Yang said without expression, one hand directly toward Nangong yanrou's beautiful white neck.


Nangong yanrou snorted, and her neck was almost deformed by Lin Yang, making it difficult for people to breathe.


The world was shocked.

Nangong dream is also shocked.

He thought that the purpose of the leader was his daughter. Now he seems to think much.

Looking at her daughter's pain, Nangong dream hesitated and drank: "go, get juelian!"

"Yes, sir

Others nodded and turned away.

Lin Yang waited quietly.

I dare not move around.

Nalan sky looked at the Nangong dream over there, looking thoughtful.

The situation on the scene is becoming more and more delicate.

A moment later.


The housekeeper held a delicate small box and handed it to Nangong Meng.

Nangong dream takes over and walks to Linyang with a smile.

"Master Lin, here is the pill you want! Please accept

Lin Yang did not go to pick up, light said: "open."

"OK." Nangong dream did not hesitate to open the box.

Inside the box is a bright red bead with a wonderful fragrance.

Lin Yang took a sip of the fragrance and thought of it.

The smell is a little similar to that of Jue Ming flower which Bi Zhen and an yuan got just now.

It should be Jue Ming Dan. That's right!

Lin Yang is about to take it over. He wants to take that Jue Ming Dan and take a good look at it.

Unexpectedly, he just picked up juelian pill from the box. There was a small hole in the base of the pill, which directly spurted out a dark green poisonous fog and caged it to Linyang.

Such a close distance, no matter who, can not avoid, Lin Yang also did not accidentally this wisp of poisonous fog to inhale into the lung.

"Not good!"

"There is a mechanism!"

"It's poison gas!"

Liu Ma and others exclaimed in amazement and rushed over.

Lin Yang immediately closed the box and coughed violently.

"Son of a bitch! How dare you use a trick to poison our leader

"You want to die!"

Liu Ma was furious and rushed to Nangong dream with his sword drawn out.

"Protect the owner!"

Nangong family members surrounded Nangong dream in three circles.

"You can keep it?? Kill me! Not one of them Liu Ma was angry.

Around the powerful Donghuang cult immediately rushed up to kill.

"Hold on!"

At this time, Nangong dream drinks and shouts.

"What? Do you have any last words? " Liu Ma clenched his teeth.

"There is no last word. I just want to ask you, if you kill me, what do you plan to do with the poison on your leader?" Nangong Meng asked with a smile.

"You..." Liu Ma just reacts to come over, angry voice scolds: "take out the antidote quickly, I can still leave you a whole corpse!"

"Oh, I'm afraid it's hard to do it!"

Nangong Meng narrowed his eyes and said with a faint smile: "master Lin, I originally intended to let my daughter marry you and let my Nangong family marry you. However, I don't think you have much sincerity to marry my Nangong family. In this case, I can only do this! Master Lin, if you want to live, I suggest that you should immediately ask your people to leave my Nangong family! Of course, you have to stay! Don't worry, we Nangong family will treat you well! It will never hurt you

The voice falls to the ground, many people are secretly scolding.

What is the insincerity of leader Lin?

I'm afraid Nangong Meng had planned to poison the leader of Lin cult for a long time! Otherwise, it will not be prepared in advance.

Nangong aristocratic family has countless poisons. If you can use poison to control the leader of Lin, it is almost equivalent to indirectly controlling the whole Donghuang cult.

Isn't it better than marrying with the Eastern Emperor religion?

"Nangong dream has a big appetite." Jin Shiming snorted with disdain."I'm afraid he won't die because of it!" Next to a sect leader, there was no expression on his face.

"If you let him succeed... I'm afraid no one in China can compete with Nangong family again?"

"That's nature, a Nangong family, an Eastern Emperor religion! If the two are united, they will be the king. "

The crowd murmured.

Liu Ma and others were shaking with anger.

The trick of Nangong dream is clear to them.

But they have heard about the strange poison of Nangong family.

Now the leader of the sect is very poisonous. How dare they act rashly.

However, when Liu Ma and others raised their hands, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth.

"Nangong dream! If you want to control me by these poisons, I'm afraid it's a dream! Your poison can't help me

"Master Lin, don't doubt the poison of our Nangong family! Although this poison can't compare with the poison of Jue Ming poison flower, it can't be ignored! If you don't listen to me and you can't get the antidote in my hand, you will die suddenly in three days. No matter how strong you are and how powerful your body is, you can't resist the toxin! " Nangong dream squinted and said with a smile.

"For ordinary people, this poison is really ferocious, but for me, it can only be said to be a common poison. It's just easy for me to solve it!" Lin Yang shook his head.


"Hum! It seems that you don't know the power of our Nangong family's poison! "

"Too arrogant!"

The people of Nangong aristocratic family exclaimed.

"OK, since the leader is so confident, let's wait for a day. The poison will break out in one day. At that time, his whole body will be covered with sores, miserable and miserable. I hope that he will not regret it at that time." Nangong dream mouth up, a pair of confident appearance way.

He believed that the leader would regret it.

After all, the attack process of this poison is extremely painful, and ordinary people simply can't bear it.

After he tasted the poison, he believed that he would come to him.

However, at this time, master Lin suddenly raised his hand and slowly took off his mask.

"Nangong dream! I know you won't believe what I'm saying, but this face of mine should convince you? "

Take off the mask, like a god like face reflected in everyone's eyes.

Nangong dream looks toward it, breath suddenly tight, whole person petrified.

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