Lin Yang's words can be said to be like a sharp knife, stabbing into the heart of Nangong dream.


You have to kill all the people involved?

If he did so, he would not only die as simple as death, but also be disgraced and infamous!

This is killing people!

"Lin! You can't think of it! "

In front of his eyes, he fell down in front of his eyes and cried, "Nanzong cried! My father has bowed down to him and apologized to him, but he pushed his feet and bullied others too much. He asked the ancestors to make decisions for us! "

"My ancestors!"

The rest of the people also knelt down, tears and tears.

Nangong Tong, with a dark face, looked at the crowd without saying a word.

Nangong Meng suddenly got up and roared at Lin Yang: "Doctor Lin! Now you have the help of Donghuang sect. Our Nangong family can't defeat you. This time, I'm defeated! I have said that I will bear all the consequences, they just obey me! I hope you don't put hatred on them! I would like to draw my sword and commit suicide! I only hope that my life can extinguish the anger in your heart

Then he took up the sword to commit suicide.

"Father, no!"

"Master! No

Nangong Mofei and others rushed up like crazy and seized Nangong dream to stop him from committing suicide.

Nangong Meng struggled, but it was useless.

The sword was on his neck, but it could not be cut down.

The scene seems to be in a stalemate.

But outsiders can see that Nangong dream is putting pressure on nangongtong.

Nangong dream is not so righteous.

Nangongtong is the uncle of nangongmeng, and even the former head of the family. If nangongtong insists on making peace with Dr. Lin, he has no way.

In fact, if Dr. Lin's request is more reasonable, Nangong Meng has also considered lowering his head to understand this matter.

But Lin Yang wanted him to die and his confidants to die. How could he accept his Nangong dream?

Therefore, he must force Nangong Tong to take action and pull his uncle to his own line.

If nangongtong is willing to help, he has at least the capital to compete with Linyang!

But he could not persuade the uncle.

Therefore, he used this move to drive the whole Nangong people to help him.

Seeing that Nangong Mengdu was forced to die and die by Dr. Lin, his face was lost and his spirit was like a dog. How could these high-ranking Nangong aristocratic family be reconciled?

But all these are the wishes of nangongtong, which they can't disobey.

As a result, all the people on the scene were gnashing their teeth, full of hatred and indignation.

Everyone was angry.

Nangongtong scanned the people around him. How could he not see their emotions and the means of Nangong dream?

He took a deep breath, gently stroked his white beard, and said to Lin Yang, "Doctor Lin, it seems that this matter is not easy to solve."

"I didn't intend to solve it well either!"

Lin Yang pale way, is to raise his hand again, ready to drive a number of donghuangjiao masters, continue to attack.

"Doctor Lin, don't do it."

"What else do you want to say?"

"Dr. Lin, if you attack and kill by force, in the end, you will only lose both sides! I still mean that. If you can solve the problem, it's better! So... I have a proposal. I hope Dr. Lin can consider it! "

"What proposal?"

"I have a fight with Dr. Lin!"

"You fight me?"

Lin Yang frowned.

"If Dr. Lin can defeat me, everyone in Nangong family will be left to the disposal of Dr. Lin. no one can resist! If you want to kill or cut, do as you like! If I'm lucky enough to win over Dr. Lin, I'll ask Dr. Lin to let us go! " The old man said and bowed deeply to Linyang.

Lin Yang is silent.

He secretly looked at the people of Donghuang religion behind him, observed their looks, and then nodded his head and said, "OK! It's up to us to decide whether we win or not. "

In fact, he didn't want to agree.

But Nangong dream's previous words still have some truth.

Although Lin Yang's medical skills are world-renowned and he has the means to bring the dead back to life, this still can not eliminate people's fear of death.

Most people don't want to fight with Nangong family.

How many people are willing to work hard for him?

It's hard to be stable.

Moreover, if Lin Yang is not the opponent of Nangong Tong, even if he is desperate to kill him now, he is doomed to be defeated.

It's better to be generous and fight one on one.

In this way, not only can the people of Nangong family die down, but also block the mouth of people in the world.

"If you want to fight, we'll be here." Lin Yang raised his hand and waved.Four weeks later, they were separated immediately.


Nangong Tong took a deep breath and drank in a low voice: "Nangong people listen to the order!"

"I'll wait!"

The crowd was busy shouting.

"What I said earlier is in front of the Eastern Emperor religion, in front of the Doctor Lin, in front of all the guests on the scene and all the people in the world. If I say it, I will not regret it! If I fail! You need to bow to Dr. Lin immediately! If anyone doesn't obey, it will be the rebellion of Nangong aristocratic family! He will be cursed by Nangong people forever. He will not enter the ancestral hall of Nangong after his death! And his immediate descendants, do you hear me clearly? "

Gong Nan Tong was stunned.

"What? Do you want me to repeat it? "

"Hear clearly..."

people yelled in low voices.


Nangong Tong nodded and said to the Nangong dream: "a dream, you go."

"Uncle, where am I going?" Nangong dream Leng asked.

"Kneel down to Dr. Lin. if you don't go, I'll kill you." Nangong Tong said without expression.

Nangong Meng shivered all over and looked at Nangong Tong's expression. Seeing that he was not joking, his heart almost jumped to his throat.


"everything I do is for the family! I have a clear conscience! "

Nangong Tong said again.

This word, the road to the vicissitudes and helpless.

Nangong Meng mumbled her lower lip, and then whispered.

"Uncle, then at least... Can you tell me why you are afraid of him?"

This is a question Nangong dream has always wanted to know.

He didn't believe his uncle was so tolerant without any reason.

However, seeing Nangong Tong get close to him, he lowered his voice and said, "this man... Is the spirit of blood in heaven!"

As soon as the words fell, Nangong dream was struck by lightning.

"Heavenly blood spirit body... It needs at least 20 drops of spiritual blood to be tempered... Do you mean... This person has 20 drops of spiritual blood? How could that be possible? This is... Impossible... "Nangong dream seems to have lost its soul, and the whole person shivers.

His brain completely stopped thinking...

"go ahead."

Nangong Tong was hoarse.

This time, Nangong dream did not refuse again, went to Lin Yang's side, and knelt down timidly.

All around were in a fog.

What's wrong with Nangong dream? Why do you look so frightened?

However, without waiting for people to think about it, Nangong Tong here opened a tune.

"Dr. Lin, please give me your advice." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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