All the Liu family sat on their seats, their heads were raised and their mouths gaped, just like petrification.

Everyone's mind is buzzing and blank.

For a time, people thought they were wrong.

The scene was boiling.

But the Liu family didn't seem to hear.

Old lady Cai stood up trembling, looked at the direction of the inner hall, looked at Su Yu, and said, "girl, just now... What is song director talking about? Take... Cancel all relationships with you? "

"Yes, grandma."

Su Yu sighed and nodded helplessly.

"How could that happen? It's enough to cancel the celebration party. Why cancel all cooperation with you? "

"He deceived people too much in Song Dynasty!"

Liu Dabiao and Liu Manyan sprang up and angrily said.

"Xiaoyu! What's going on here? How could song Jing treat you like this Old lady CAI was so angry that she continued to shoot the table.

As for Liu Manshan, she has been crying for a long time.

"Grandma, I have already said that brother-in-law Lin is the main character of the banquet tonight! If he is not here, the celebration party will not be held! You did not believe before, but now you do? " Su Yu wiped her tears, which were like pearls on her dress.

The Liu family looked at each other, and there was no sound.

"Mother! You have to do something! Xiaoyu's career has just started to improve. It can't be ruined like this, Ma! "

Liu Manshan threw herself in front of old lady CAI and wailed.

Old lady CAI was ugly and confused: "Manshan, how do you want me to do this?"

"Mom, didn't you listen to Xiaoyu before? As long as Lin Yang can be invited! The celebration banquet can be held and the future of Xiaoyu will be guaranteed! "

"What do you mean?" Asked old lady Cai, looking at her.

Liu Manshan's cry was a little bit small, hesitated, and carefully said: "Mom, or... You go to ask Linyang to come back!"


"Second sister, are you out of your mind? You're asking mom to get that crap? If this is to spread out, how can you ask us to meet people in the future? "

"Yes, Mansan, are you crazy?"

"You can say that? Don't you know who Lin Yang is? "

Liu's family criticized Liu Manshan one after another, and they were filled with righteous indignation.

Liu Manshan was angry when she heard the voice and said, "who is Lin Yang? I'll tell you! Lin Yang is a person who can't hold Xiaoyu's celebration banquet! He was the one who let song Jing directly cut off all the contracts of Xiaoyu! Isn't that enough? "

"What's the matter? Sister Manshan! You only think about Xiaoyu, you don't think about us? Are we not your relatives? " Liu Manyan said angrily.

"Manyan! What's your attitude about talking to me Liu Manshan yelled.

"What attitude? That's my attitude! Don't think you are my sister, I'm afraid of you! You want to damage the interests of the whole Liu family now! I can't tell you? " Liu Manyan hummed.

"You..." Liu Man Shan was so angry that he could hardly speak.

However, at this time, Liu Manyan's phone rang suddenly.

She glared at Liu Mansan, took out her mobile phone, quickly connected, squeezed out a smile.

"Mr. Joe? Nice to meet you! Mr. Joe! How can you call me when you are free? "

However, before saying a few words, Liu Manyan's face suddenly turned pale...

after hanging up the phone, people nearby were busy asking.

"Eyes full, what's the matter?" Liu Dabiao asked.

"Mr. Qiao of Huayu international just called and said that he felt that Xiaogao was not suitable for working in their company. He was screened out..." Liu Manyan trembled.

"What? Is it screened? "

People around him were shocked.

"No, I didn't promise to do it at the beginning. I said that Xiao Gao must be arranged to work in Huayu. Why... How did it turn yellow again?" Liu Dabiao was tongue tied.

"Was it pushed out? Hua Yu is a big company. If you can get in, it's not a problem if you can get in. How many people want to go in with their heads off! I'm afraid it's someone more relevant who has squeezed out Xiao Gao's place? " Next to humanity.

Liu Manyan shook her head, and wanted to cry without tears: "no, it's not. No one competes with Xiaogao for that position, that is, Huayu doesn't want Xiaogao. Mr. Qiao said on the phone just now that their company was willing to hire Xiaogao because of Xiaoyu and song Daodao's face. Just now their company got the news of the dissolution of the celebration meeting, so they directly abandoned Xiaogao! "

The voice fell to the ground, and all the people of the Liu family were stunned.

No one expected this to happen...

"sister! Xiaoyu! Xiao Gao can't lose this job! This is his future, affecting his life! Sister, you have to do something about it Liu Manyan rushed up and took Liu Mansan's arm and cried.

"What? Xiao Gao's future is the future, but my daughter's future is not? Without my daughter, do you think Xiaogao can find such a job? " Liu Mansan rushes to the road."Sister, I was wrong! What to do now? What should I do? " Liu Manyan is completely afraid this time.

She used to have a strong foundation, but relying on her son will soon enter a large enterprise to make a lot of money.

However, she had just learned that her son's job had just been completed with the support of Su Yu. She immediately counselled her son.

Liu Mansan did not answer Liu Manyan's question, only lowered her head and fell into silence.

The Liu family did not dare to speak any more.

At this time, it's hard for anyone to make up for it. Only one person can do it...

old lady Cai took a deep breath and stood up directly.

"It seems that the future of our Liu family still depends on the son-in-law of the Su family... Girl!"

"Grandmother..." Su Yu wiped away tears from her eyes and called softly.

"The old lady went to Lin Yang and apologized to him. Can you renew the contract?" Old lady Cai opened her eyes slightly and asked hoarsely.

"I... I don't know..." Su Yu whispered.

Several people were silent.

"Big Biao!" Old lady Cai called out.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Liu Dabiao rushed forward to reply.

"Go to the other side of the road and keep Lin Yang for me. The rest of us will follow me to find Lin Yang!"

"Mom, is this... Really going?" Liu Dabiao is not very happy. Cai

"is there still a choice? Go The old lady cried, and walked out with her stick.

At this time, Lin Yang is still in the coffee shop.

But he's finished his coffee.

After chatting with Luo Qian, Lin Yang plans to leave.

Luo Qian is also going to the hospital to pick up medicine.

"Don't go!"

At this time, Liu Dabiao rushed into the cafe and yelled directly at Lin Yang.

"What do you want to do?" Luo Qian immediately alerted and yelled.

"He is not allowed to go!" Liu Dabiao said fiercely: "if he dares to go, I will break his leg!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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