"Old four!"

"Fourth brother! Here you are


Liu Dabiao, Liu Manyan and others were overjoyed, and their eyes lit up and immediately welcomed the people.

The man's name is Liu Jianfei.

She is the fourth son of old lady Cai, and also the most promising son.

Liu Jianfei left Jiangcheng as early as ten years ago and ran medicine all over the country. He was a very successful druggist.

It is said that he joined a pharmaceutical association a few years ago, and got the support of a big man. His career has made great progress.

Pharmacists are exposed to the medical system and naturally involve a wide range of contacts.

Therefore, Liu Jianfei is also a famous figure in the world.

If you just clean up a door-to-door son-in-law, Liu Jianfei said such words, is absolutely capital.

But in front of this person, how can it be as simple as visiting a son-in-law?

"Jianfei! Are you back? " Old lady CAI was always comforted and said, "come on, son! Come to mom's side and let her have a good look at you

"Mother! How are you doing? " Liu Jianfei comes forward and takes old lady Cai's hand to say hello.

"Good! All right! Don't you do business outside? Why did you come back all of a sudden? "

"I heard that Xiaoyu was making a fortune. I came back to have a look, but I didn't want our house to be bullied! It's useless to be a son-in-law! "

Liu Jianfei coldly glanced at Linyang and said, "if I don't deal with this matter well today, how can I still raise my head and be a man in the future? I, Liu Jianfei, have been a son of man in vain

"What do you want?" Luo Qian was angry and asked.

"Didn't my mother make it clear? Lin Yang, you go and do it immediately Liu Jianfei hummed.

"What if I don't go?" Lin Yang asked calmly.

"I promise you'll die ugly."

"Then try it and see who's worse off when you see it!" Luo Qian clenched his teeth.

"Are you?" Liu Jianfei looks at Luo Qian.

"Jiangcheng luoqian."

"Luo Qian? Miss law

"Is it him?"

The Liu family were very surprised, and their faces were not very natural.

With the support of Yanghua, luoqian's hospital has developed rapidly. Luoqian has opened many medical centers in Jiangcheng in the name of Luojia. The reputation and status are not bad. If the Liu family wants to move her, they have to weigh it.

"No wonder the boy is so confident. His feelings are to hook up with the miss of Luo family."

"Luoqian and Xiaoyan are good friends. Naturally, they will know Lin Yang, but I can't imagine that this man has colluded with Xiaoyu of our family before. He even doesn't let go of luoqian. People say that rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of their nests. This guy is specially picking people around. What a shame!"

"It's too spineless to be a man like him!"

"Not a man at all."

The Liu family ridiculed and scolded.

"You..." Luo Qian was impatient and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Lin Yang.

"Xiaoqian, you don't have to intervene in this matter. I'll solve it myself." Lin Yang road.

"This... OK." Luo Qian nodded.

She knows Lin Yang's real identity, so she doesn't ask for it any more.

At this moment, however, two more people rushed into the cafe.

That's Su Yu and assistant Xiaoya.

Not many guests in the coffee shop all issued a cry of alarm, and quickly took out their mobile phones to shoot at Su Yu.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!"

Xiaoya quickly stops the customers in the store.

It would be too bad for them to take this picture on the Internet.

Fortunately, luoqian helped to stop it, so people put down the mobile phone.

"Xiaoyu, didn't you go to the song director? Why are you here? " Liu asked.

"Mom, what's going on? Didn't I ask you to invite brother-in-law Lin? Why do you come here to make trouble for brother-in-law Lin? " Su Yu looked ugly.

"Tough? Xiaoyu, we don't have any. "

"I heard it all outside!" Su Yu gave birth to her airway.

"Xiaoyu! We are all for your own good, we also advised Lin Yang before, but this person is too stubborn, how we say it is useless! So we have to take drastic measures. "

"Yes, Xiaoyu, you don't know that some people are born cheap. If you talk to him kindly, he will kick his nose and face. If you are more fierce, he will be obedient! This is Lin Yang

Liu Dabiao and Liu Manyan have spoken.

"You're talking nonsense!"

Su Yu angrily drank: "brother Lin is not what you think

"Xiaoyu, what's your attitude?" The elders were angry.

"Xiaoyu, you are too young to be sensible! I don't understand the rules! In short, you don't care about this matter. Go out quickly. Your fourth uncle will let him go to song Jing and let him continue to praise you! " Liu Jianfei said coldly."Fourth uncle!"

Su Yu stamped her feet angrily and wanted to say something, but Liu Manshan pulled her over.

"Xiao Yu, listen to your fourth uncle! Don't worry about it! If you don't listen, mom won't have your daughter! " Liu Manshan was born of the airway.

When Su Yu heard the sound, she was pretty white.

She never thought that the Liu family was so unreasonable...

"brother in law!"

In despair, Su Yu could only look at Lin Yang, her face full of grievances and pain.

"Xiaoyu, I don't blame you for this. Things in Songjing are not aimed at you from the beginning to the end. It's just a small punishment to the Liu family. Don't worry about it." Lin Yang is busy comforting a way.

"Why? What a big voice! A small punishment for our Liu family? What do you think of our Liu family? " Liu Manyan disdains to sneer: "also don't see oneself a few catties several Liang!"

"That's it

"Lin Yang, are you going to do as we say?"

Liu Jianfei had no patience and asked again.


Lin Yang answered directly.

"You asked for it!" Liu Jian flies his eyes and reveals his chill.

"What? You still want to hit people here? I tell you, who dares to do it! I'll call the police immediately! " Luo Qian cheered.

"Don't worry, we won't do such an impulsive thing. If it's really big, we don't care. It's not good if it affects Xiaoyu's star career. But I think there should be many people who are willing to help me with this matter!"

Liu Jianfei light way, then take out the mobile phone, dial a number, and open the voice.

"Oh? Boss Liu! Why do you call me when you have time? Ha ha... "There was a broad laugh over the phone.

"Mr. Chen, something has happened to me. I want you to help me settle it. I don't know if Fang is convenient?" Liu Jianfei squinted.

"Boss Liu, it's my business? You just say where it is! Mr. Chen, I'll help you out! "

"The new cafe across from the Pearl Hotel, you know?"

"The cafe opposite the Pearl Hotel? It was opened by Miss luoqian of Luojia! There's a problem... "Chen hesitated.

"That batch of medicine you asked for... I approved it!" Liu Jianfei suddenly said.

On hearing this, Mr. Chen clapped his hands and cried out: "Damn it, it's done!"

"OK, ha ha, I'll wait for you here!"

Liu Jianfei laughs, hangs up the phone and looks at Lin Yang jokingly.

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