Early in the morning, there were a large number of people inside and outside the Xuanyi school.

The streets outside the gate were full of vehicles, in a state of chaos and even caused traffic jams. Traffic police had to come to maintain the traffic.

And a large number of reporters with cameras and microphones arrived at the scene.

A large number of mainstream live broadcasting platforms such as Baoya TV, douxiong TV and Bili Bili also rushed to the scene and crowded in front of the gate.

If the gate had not been closed, they would have rushed in.

, old fellow iron! Here is Xuanyi school! Don't you argue every day to see the Xuanyi school? Today, it's here

"I tell you, Doctor Lin and I have been together for many years! He should be in the preparation stage now, big guy, don't worry! I'll show you Doctor Lin later! Tut Tut, iron juice! Doctor Lin in reality is ten thousand times more handsome than in the movie! If you want to give Dr. Lin the trouble of monkey, please wait in line

A short video anchor with a mobile phone in front of the gate.

There are a lot of anchors like him on the scene.

There were so many onlookers that they all lined up a few blocks away.

The scene is a bustling one, more lively than the vegetable market.


At this time, a Rolls Royce phantom stopped at the gate.

People all around looked at the Rolls Royce.

But the door opened and several figures stepped down.

One of them is Mahai!

"Look, it's Mr. Ma!"

"Here comes the horse

The crowd exclaimed.

, old fellow iron! See? Mr. Ma! My big brother! If you want to see a wave of gifts I'm talking to my brother, oh, I'll go over and let my brother Ma show me a mirror! "

"Ah, this? A hundred thousand? Awesome, so old fellow brother can't help! Walking

The anchor showed a bitter smile and went to Mahai.

But now which round has he passed? A group of journalists have been flocking to it.

, old fellow, you see, oh, my brother is too busy! In this way, wait a moment, wait a moment, when my elder brother is free, we will find him again The anchor took the opportunity to step down.

However, when the words fell down, there was a burst of "liar" comments in the barrage, and a large number of fans took the pass and reported it.

The anchor was so disheartened that he rushed to the next broadcast.

At the other end, Ma Hai was surrounded by a large number of reporters.

All kinds of microphones with logo were connected to his face.

"Mr. Ma, do you think Dr. Lin has a good chance of winning this battle?"

"I heard that the other side was from an ancient medical village, and his medical skills were very good. Can Dr. Lin really deal with it?"

"Mr. Ma, it is said on the grapevine that some very dangerous drugs will be involved in this medical fight. The safety of the duel will be a big problem. What do you think of this point?"

"Mr. Ma, is there any accident in this duel? Will it cause serious injury or death to both parties? "

"If one party dies because of the duel, what measures will Yanghua or Xuanyi school take to deal with it?"

"Is this duel going to have a big negative impact?"

Journalists vied to express their questions and opinions.

Every question is directly to the heart of the people.

Ma Hai repeatedly waved his hand: "I don't know! I don't know anything! " He went inside.

The people behind the gate quickly opened it.

However, some security guards tried to break into the college gate in time and were forced to enter the sea.

With the arrival of Mahai, Xu Tian, Gong Xiyun, Kang Jiahao and other high-level Yanghua people rushed to Xuanyi school, causing a riot.

Yanghua's high-level all arrived, which means that this matter is very important to Dr. Lin.

At this time, a few black Mercedes Benz cars came to the gate and honked their horns.

The security guard outside the gate is busy.

"Sir, there are rules in the college that cars are not allowed in." The guard knocked on the window.

"Do you know who's on the bus? Open the door for me now The driver frowned and yelled.

"Sir, Ma always came here just now, and went in on foot." The security guard apologized.

"You son of a bitch!"

Angry, the driver pushed the door open, glared at the security guard and yelled, "open the door for me!"

"Sir, it's very difficult for me to do this. There are so many people here. I hope you can obey the rules." The security guard was helpless.

But the voice dropped.


A crisp slap sounded.

Immediately a bright red mark appeared on the security guard's face.

People around him were stunned.

The reporters are taking pictures of it crazily.

"Take pictures of your mother. Move the camera for me, or I will copy your news agency!" Roared the driver.People frown.

"Who is this man?"

"How arrogant

"Do you think you're better than a horse?"

"Upload him to the Internet and expose him!"

People around him were indignant.

"Well, Xiao Zhao, stop shouting. Let's go in. "

A clear female voice sounded.

Then the door of the second Mercedes was opened.

A woman with short hair in a black cheongsam came down.

All around the place, there were amazing voices.

The woman has perfect figure, protruding and backward, delicate and charming face, willow eyebrows, cherry mouth, lip color like rose petals, exquisite Qiong nose, a pair of snow eyes with a faint cold, and her face is repressed with contempt and indifference.

As if everything around her could not enter her eyes.

"This young lady is so beautiful."

"Which star is she?"

"I don't think so? There are so many friends in the news media on the scene. If she was a star, she would have recognized it. "

"Who is she then?"

Countless people speculated about the identity of the woman.

He wanted to see Lin Yanxin, but he wanted to see doctor Lin

"Yes, miss, just a moment."

A few shouts to the security guard.

A moment later, he got a reply, and the security guard's expression became solemn immediately.

"Miss, Mr. Lin is waiting for you in the lounge." Bao'an road.

"The rest room? Dr. Lin is really good at choosing places. "

Lin Xinluo light said, stepping on high-heeled shoes to go in.

A moment later, in the rest room, Lin Xinluo and several Lin family members came in.

Lin Yang seems to have just got up, still in pajamas, eating breakfast at the table.

"Who moved the hand just now?" Lin Yang asked.

As soon as this word came out, several people looked at each other.

"What? You want to call back? " The woman asked.

"I can't call back unless you don't want to get out of here!"

While chewing the big cake in his mouth, Lin Yang looked at the beautiful and unreasonable woman in front of him.

The woman was silent and slapped her head in the face of the driver just now.


The driver covered his face in silence.

Lin Yang didn't look at it. He said, "are you from the Lin family?"

"Lin Xinluo, deputy head of the adjudication hall."

The woman sat in front of Lin Yang and said calmly.

"Adjudication hall?"

Lin Yang frowned.

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