Lin Xinluo and others were placed in Xuanyi school.

Lin Yang changed his clothes and went outside.

It should be about the same time.

In fact, this so-called bet is a joke.

If Lin Yang wins, the Lin family will never fulfill its promise.

The previous Shenwang incident, the Lin family to now also did not have a reply, Lin Yang is not expected.

But it can be an excuse.

An excuse for Lin Yang's official liquidation of the Lin family in the future.

As for Lin Lin Lin, Lin Yang will not let it go!

The mother died on the spot, but there is a great relationship with this person, this person, must be killed!

Lin Yang's eyes are full of ferocity, and his fists are tightly clenched.

I'm very sincere.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Lin Yang called out.

Outside, Qin baisong pushes the door open.

"Teacher, it's time for you to go out!"


Lin Yang straightened his collar and walked out in a big stride.

At the moment, the central playground of Xuanyi school is full of people.

All the people who can enter here are people of high status. Ordinary people are unable to sit here, after all, the venue is limited, and Lin Yang must limit the number of people.

But a lot of mainstream media have been let in.

If Yaowang village wants to make a big deal, it will naturally coerce Lin Yang to let these people in.

Qin baisong and others disagreed, but Lin Yang allowed it.

So on the playground, a large number of cameras were focused on a huge platform in the middle.

The live pictures of the medical duel were also broadcast to hundreds of millions of screens by these cameras...

countless people paid close attention to this grand duel.

At the scene, a lot of family members were present.

Representative of Chinese Medicine Association.

The living Bodhisattva of Tianxing province led his disciples to the scene.

He is the representative of binglingzong of Yinshi medical school.

There are also people from various clans.

The scene was quite lively.

"Here comes Dr. Lin!"

At this time, I don't know who called.

People at the scene looked down the road.

But Lin Yang led Qin baisong, long Shou, Xiong Changbai and others to come.

"Doctor Lin!"

"Dr. Lin..."

some people of small aristocratic families got up one after another, greeting Lin Yang with a smile.

But none of them spoke.

The crowd only looked at Lin Yang with delicate eyes.

Maybe in their eyes, Lin Yang is just a dead man.

"Doctor Lin!"

At this time, a group of people stood up.

Lin Yang looked at those people, most of them did not know, but one of them, he had met once.

It's Guan Cheng Guan Wei!

"Are you?"

"Dr. Lin, first introduce yourself. I'm Guan Xiong, the elder brother of Guan Wei and the head of Guan Chengguan's family." Guan Xiong nodded and bowed.

"Master Guan? Are you here, too? If you want to wait for me to lose, just sit down and watch Lin Yang light road.

"No, no, no, Dr. Lin, you misunderstood me. We didn't come to see your jokes. We just wanted to do something for him." Guan Xiong squeezed out a smile.


Lin Yang was quite surprised.

"Guan Xiong believes that Dr. Lin will win this battle." Guan Xiong clasped his fist again and said, "I have brought all the members of the whole family here, waiting for the dispatch of Dr. Lin at any time."

This can let Lin Yang all look at each other.

"Master Guan, your brother is here, too. He is clutching his crutches and almost become a waste man. Why does he do this? You should know. Why should he help me like this?" Lin Yang frowned and asked.

"The reason is very simple. Guan Xiong knows that the victory belongs to the sect leader Lin!" Guan Xiong whispered respectfully.

The simple word of "master" made Lin Yang realize.

Obviously, Guan Xiong recognized his identity as the leader of the Eastern Emperor.

With this relationship, Lin Yang will not lose so easily.

In fact, Guan Xiong can wait a little longer to make a statement.

He can wait until the duel is over.

If Lin Yang loses, he doesn't need to show sincerity to Lin Yang. If Lin Yang wins, it's not too late.

The reason why Guan Xiong did this before the duel was to gamble a lot.

After all, it's a timely help to throw a duel. If you win the duel, you can throw it again. It's just icing on the cake to hold on to death.

Once Lin Yang wins, Guan's family will soar.

Once Lin Yang was defeated, Guan's family would be implicated. No one can predict the outcome...

"the Guan family leader has a heart!"

Lin Yang understood Guan Xiong's intention, nodded slightly and said: "in this case, dragon hand, you go to arrange the next Guan family! It's just that we're short of people here! ""Yes, Dr. Lin!"

The Dragon hand nodded: "Guan, this way please."


Guan's family left.

"Have you come from Yaowang village?"

Lin Yang asked.

"Not yet!"

"Is it? Ten minutes to go! I hope they are on time. "

Lin Yang took a deep breath.

At this time, Xu Tian trotted over and whispered a few words.

Lin Yang was slightly stunned and looked at his seat not far away.

But there was a man with white temples sitting there.

The man dressed very simple, but his expression was particularly serious. He stared at the platform without blinking.

Lin Yang, with a bitter smile, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

People over there also immediately took out their mobile phones to answer.

"Commander Zheng Da, how did you come?" Lin Yang said bitterly.

"How did I come? Can I come? I'm not coming! You're afraid something is going to happen Zheng Nan weather angry said.

"Does commander Zheng Da know Yaowang village

"Well, do you really think the organization knows nothing about these so-called clans? Son of a bitch! You've made a big mistake this time! "

"Don't worry, I'll win." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"You win a fart!"

Zheng Nantian yelled and scolded and yelled at his mobile phone: "listen, I'll stop the race compulsorily later. I've arranged the car! I'll have you taken away, do you hear me? "

"Commander Zheng Da, do you want me to be ruined?"

"Stinky boy! If you go on, you will die! "

"I said, I will win!"

"Don't challenge me! Do whatever I ask you to do! If you talk back, I'll send someone to take you away now! " Zheng Nantian roared.

People around him looked at him.

Lin Yang looks at Zheng Nantian.

But see his eyes blood red, a face of ferocity.

Obviously, he was serious.

But... Lin Yang did not intend to retreat.

"Sorry, commander Zheng! I'm not going anywhere today! Besides, I advise you not to move, because this is my territory

Lin Yang cold road, the mobile phone hang up, big step meteor stepped on the platform.

The whole audience was watching.

"Stinky boy!"

Zheng Nantian is holding the phone.

Jin Li almost didn't crack the phone.

But Lin Yang stands on the platform, hands attached, closed eyes.

The scene was silent.

People dare not breathe for a while and look at him silently.

"Here comes the people from Yaowang village!"

At this time, another voice called out.

Everyone looked at the road in unison.

A group of people came slowly towards it.

Yao Wang Village Representative... Here we are! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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