Heavy wood shouts, trying to escape.

But... It's too late!

Lin Yang, like a ghost, instantly moved to his front, a hand directly pinched his throat.

"Uncle Chong!"

"Let go of Uncle Chong!"

"Or we'll call you dead without a burial place!"

The crowd roared and rushed madly.

But at this time, six figures suddenly appeared beside Lin Yang. They all waved swords and chopped at the villagers of Yaowang village.

Several villagers in Yaowang village had no time to dodge and were directly cut open by sharp swords and died.

It was bloody, and the scene was horrifying.


Many people at the scene screamed.

What a hot scene!

"Come on, let's go live! Turn on the camera

A media man suddenly regained his mind, restrained his fear, and called eagerly from the people next to him.

He doesn't want to miss such big news!

If the video recording, enough to earn eye-catching, his news network is bound to explode, then promotion and pay rise do not say, he will certainly be famous!

"This... Chief... This is not very good. Dr. Lin said just now, and told us not to record again... If we have a live broadcast, then he..." the photographer next to him hesitated.

"What do you care about him? What's more, didn't you hear from vice president Zhang? Dr. Lin can't live long. Since he is a dying man, what fame does he care about? What's more, if we don't shoot it, other people will also shoot it. What if the exclusive news is robbed by others? You don't want to buy a house? You don't want to change? You don't want to live the life of a master? " The media man said seriously.

The photographer hesitated and looked around his eyes. He found that many people were already erecting the camera again. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he immediately reached out to open the camera.

At this moment, however, a cold voice sounded.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I advise you not to do so! Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious. "

People are stunned and look around to find that it is Yi Guilin who leads the Qilin gate.

"What do you want? I tell you, the public has the right to know! We are media people, we can shoot! " The man was in a hurry.

"But now you are invading our privacy! This is a private place! Come on, blow them out


The people of the Qilin gate rushed forward, confiscating all the equipment of these media men and driving them out of the Xuanyi school.

"You wait! Make sure I write in capitals! I want you to look good! " A roar from the media.

"Then you can try it!"

Yi Guilin said coldly and shut the door.

The people waiting outside didn't know what was going on. Seeing that all the news media people had been expelled, even the official people were no exception. They immediately made a lot of noise and rushed around to ask questions.

"Killing! It's killing people inside! Dr. Lin is crazy Cried the man earlier.


"What's going on? Did not Dr. Lin win the live broadcast just now? "

"Do you want to report to the police?"

"That must be! Otherwise, there will be a river of blood in it

"What's going on inside?"

"Go over the wall and have a look!"

People kept shouting, the scene thoroughly boiling.

But the people inside didn't care.

Those who cut off half of Yaowang village were directly in front of Linyang, motionless, like a wall.

The people in the remaining two Yaowang villages had never seen such a battle. They were so scared that they almost fell to the ground and did not dare to go forward.

"Now, no one can stop me from killing you?"

Lin Yang looks expressionless at the heavy wood in front of him, and then he wants to make an effort to strangle it alive.

All around were stupid.

Qin baisong, long Shou and others were open mouthed, trying to persuade, but did not know how to speak.

Yan Ke'er stares big eye, small hand tightly covers cherry lip, astonished extremely.

"He's crazy! He's really crazy, miss. He doesn't know what kind of impact it will have on killing people in Yaowang village. It's out of control now The old man next to him was sitting on the ground, howling and anxious.

In front of the window of the building, Lin Xinluo also widened his eyes and his face was unbelievable.

"It's over! Now it's all over! All our plans are out of order! " The heart of the forest falls the autumn eye, the round open murmur way.

"What should I do now, miss?" Asked the man next to him in a trembling voice.

"If Lin Yang did such a thing, Yaowang village would retaliate in any case, even if he died! This is a hot potato... Let's go! We have to find a way to go! " Lin Xin sink way, side head low drink: "before they react, we withdraw from the back playground!"

"Yes, miss!"The Lin family nodded and left the building immediately.

With Lin Yang's strength, heavy wood's neck directly changed shape.

Although chongmu himself is an extraordinary medical martial art, Lin Yang uses a reverse needle, which reverses the muscles and veins. His strength is incomparable. He is not an opponent at all. He can only open his mouth, protrude his eyes, and struggle with his limbs.

"You... You can't kill... Me... Otherwise... You and the people around you... Will be buried with me..." but it's hard to hear heavy wood's mouth open.

Lin Yang's eyes were cold and his pupils were covered with ferocity: "are you threatening me?"

"I... I'm... Persuading you..."

"it's a pity, it's not useful!"

Lin Yang hoarse Road, continue to work.


heavy wood's tongue is sticking out, the neck is completely deformed, and the whole person is almost suffocated.

"Stop it!"

Suddenly, a roar spread.

It's Zheng Nantian!

Lin Yang slightly side head.

However, Zheng Nantian stepped forward and grabbed Lin Yang's arm and said in a hurry: "boy! Let go of him

"Commander Zheng wants to save him?" Lin Yang asked without expression.

"Boy! I'm not saving him! I'm saving you!! If you kill him, everyone around you who is related to you will be retaliated by the villagers of Yaowang village. Do you understand? " Zheng Nantian roared.

"If I don't kill him, the people in Yaowang village will not retaliate against me? I have already killed several people in Yaowang village. What's more of this one? " Lin Yang cold road.

"Boy! This person is different!!! Believe me once! You just don't kill him! I will try to save the people around you Zheng Nantian's eyes are red, said painfully.

He wanted to save Lin Yang.

Unfortunately, there is nothing he can do.

Lin Yang looked at Zheng Nantian in silence, then looked at Qin baisong, long Shou and others. He took a deep breath and said hoarsely: "I am not willing to rely on others, but... Zheng Da commander, for me, would rather fight against Yaowang village, rather than regardless of everything. Since you can do this, I will give you face!"

With that, Lin Yang suddenly raised his hand and stabbed chongmu.


Heavy wood suddenly issued a sad cry, the whole person seems to be electric shock like crazy vibration.

Lin Yangsong started.

He rolled on the ground, shrieking as if he were suffering from endless pain.

"Lin boy, you are..." Zheng Nan Tian was stunned to ask.

"Isn't Yaowang village boasting that its medical skills are unparalleled in the world? Don't you think your poison is invincible? In that case, let them see if they can detoxify me Lin Yang said without expression.

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