If it had been a few days ago, Jian's heart would have been scornful of Yaowang village.

But after fighting with them, Jian dark heart found that he was wrong.

The strength of Yaowang village is much stronger than he thought.

In fact, he just suggested that Lin Yang mobilize the power of the Eastern Emperor religion to deal with Yaowang village, which is not a sure way.

Not to mention that the Eastern Emperor religion had just been unified, and the church was unstable. Even if the church was stable, all the members of the church were willing to follow Lin Yang to kill Yaowang village, but they could not beat it.

There is still a gap in strength.

The reason why he said that was to tell Lin Yang that he could use this to coerce Yaowang village and force Yaowang village to give in.

If Lin Yang attacked and killed Yaowang village with all the members of the Donghuang sect, even if Yaowang village could be blocked, it would be a loss to both sides.

This is what Yaowang village doesn't want to see.

As the meeting approaches, how can Yaowang village not think about preserving its strength?

What's more, Yao Wang village has offended many people over the years. If they fight against the Eastern Emperor's sect and both lose, how can they resist the attack?

But if the fight really started, the Eastern Emperor religion would also suffer heavy casualties.

Yaowang village doesn't want to be like this, and so does the donghuangjiao.

"Go back."

Lin Yang light road.

"Master... It's too dangerous for you to go to the medicine king village alone. Let me help you!" Sword dark heart busy way.

"No, you go back. Let them have a good health and strengthen their defense. I will leave for Yaowang village tomorrow."

With that, Lin Yang turned to leave.

Sword dark heart silently watched Lin Yang's back, took a deep breath, and quietly disappeared in the dark.

A quiet courtyard.

A girl sat in front of the stone table in the middle of the courtyard, looking at the tea on the stone table, stunned.

At this time, the door of the courtyard was pushed open, and several figures came in, led by a woman with heavy make-up, and behind him were a group of bodyguards and maids dressed up.

The woman was dressed with dignity, luxury and arrogance. Because of good maintenance, her skin was white and tender, and even though she was some years old, she still had charm.

The young girl is Yan Ke'er. Seeing the comer, she suddenly stands up, lowers her head and says in a trembling voice: "mother...


A slap sounded suddenly.

Then see Yan Ke Er Jiao body light tremble, back two steps, the person nearly fell to the ground.

On her little white face was a clear and dazzling mark.

Yan Ke'er was stunned and raised her eyes to look at the woman.

But the woman's face was disgusted, and she slapped her back.


Yan Ke'er is a little confused, tears in the eye socket.

"You little bitch, how dare you run? If it weren't for you, would our Yaowang village cause so much trouble? If it weren't for you, would so many people die in Yaowang village? It's all caused by you little bitch The woman was angry and scolded.

"I'm sorry... Mother..." Yan Ke'er was wronged to the extreme and lowered her head.

Tears kept falling from her eyes.

"You still have the face to cry? Come on

The woman grabbed Yan Ke'er's hair and went outside.

"Ah, pain... Let go... Pain... Mother, let go..."

Yan Ke'er cried out in pain, and the intense pain made her unable to bear it. She immediately struggled to open the woman's arm.

The woman stopped and turned her eyes. Her face was as cold as a layer of frost.

"How dare you resist?"

"Where are you going to take my mother?" Yan Ke'er is afraid and aggrieved.

"Well, why do you ask so much? Although I'm just your stepmother! But I'm still your mother! If I tell you to go east, you are not allowed to go west! Die at once. If you dare to talk to me again, I'll cut off your tongue and make wine

The lady scolded, and then grabbed Yan Ke'er's hair and walked forward.

Yan Ke'er almost fainted from pain, and quickly seized the woman's hand.


The woman was completely angry and gave up her hand and punched and kicked Yan Ke'er.

Yan Ke'er didn't dare to resist.

She can only know what she is fighting against.

A moment later, Yan Ke'er's body is blue and purple, black and blue all over.

"Ma'am, if you let the master see that the young lady has so many injuries, I'm afraid it will not be very easy to explain." Next to the people can't see down, carefully said.

When the woman heard the sound, she began to lower her hand.

"Well, if I didn't see you going to be a sacrifice, would you think I would let you go today? Get up now! Do you hear me The woman drank and cried.

Yan Ke'er quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and got up hard.

Finally, the woman came to her destination.

Back Hill Cemetery in Yaowang village."Listen, these are the villagers from Yaowang village who were killed by you. Go and knock a hundred heads on each new tombstone! Remember, it's every tombstone with a hundred bangs. If you lose one, you'll have to knock it again! Do you hear me? " The woman said solemnly.

Yan Ke'er breathed and looked at the front.

There are hundreds of these new tombstones.

Don't you think she should kowtow?

This is not to be knocked to death?

"You two supervise her for me. Every time she kowtows her head, you can hear the sound. If I find out that she is lazy and you don't report it, you will kowtow with her!"

The woman drank abuse and turned away.

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