Are these the disciples of the second elder?

People were surprised.

These disciples are all the best among the elite. They all have a high vision and have a good command of the heaven. They don't pay any attention to them. Why did they find them today?

"I'm Xue Fu, and this is Xiao Hong. What can I do for you, senior brothers?" Xue Fu approached carefully.

"Xue Fu, Xiao Hong, there is something wrong with the Tongqing root you picked! Now please come with us immediately and explain to the second elder. " One of them said.

"What? What's wrong with the medicine we picked? How could that be possible? The captain has checked it before, and there is nothing in it. It's all in line with the medicine list. " Xue Fu explained quickly.

"What's the use of talking to us? Go to the second elder! Come with us at once, or we'll go to the law enforcement team and you'll end up in a bad way The man hummed coldly.

Xue Fu is reluctant, but elder martial sister Fang and others urge her.

"Younger martial sister, you have to go there. These people are not easy to provoke. If you refuse to pay attention to them and offend these elder martial brothers and sisters, you will have a hard time in Yao village in the future." Elder martial sister Fang advised.


"younger martial sister, don't be afraid. We'll go with you, they can't harm you!" Elder martial sister Fang said again.

Schaeff nodded.

The people followed the two elders and drove to their area.

The elders of Yaowang village occupy the area.

The two elders are in the southwest, occupying a large area, second only to the elder. There are thousands of disciples in this area, and they are taught to learn medicine by the second elder.

Elder martial sister Fang, Xue Fu and others entered the area and were taken to the largest ancestral hall on the right.

Xiao hongben didn't want to come.

But if he doesn't come, it will only make a big noise and his identity will be exposed.

If you think about it, you can only come to solve it. It's better to calm down.

In the ancestral hall stood seven or eight people from Yaowang village.

One of them is the first king!

When she saw it, she understood it immediately.

"Wang Yi, is it you who made the devil?" Xue Fu clenched her teeth.

"What do you mean, sister Xue? What did I do? The drugs you picked are not in the right way, causing my younger martial brother to be poisoned. How can you solve this problem? " Wang Yi hums.

"What?" Schaeff was surprised.

"Younger martial sister Xue came back from picking herbs. How could you poison your younger martial brother? Wang Yi, you said it was not you who did it? " Elder martial sister Fang hummed.

"Well, don't quibble! The above told Xue Fu to pick Tongqing medicinal root. As a result, what she picked was not Tongqing root. My younger martial brother mistakenly thought it was medicinal root. As a result, she took it to boil and take it. It was accidental poisoning. Life and death are hard to predict. I personally diagnosed it. If the poison can't be solved in another hour, my younger martial brother will surely die! At that time, younger martial sister Xue, how do you explain to the villagers? " Wang Yi said coldly.

"What? So serious? "

Xue Fu, elder martial sister Fang and others were all shocked.

"What's the matter? Thought I was lying to you Wang a big hand a wave: "carry the people up."

"Yes, elder martial brother!"

Outside people carrying a stretcher into the ancestral hall, placed in front of several people.

On the stretcher lay a young disciple, green and unconscious.

Elder martial sister Fang and Sister Li immediately went up to check.

After a moment, elder martial sister Fang frowned: "I don't know what kind of poison he was in. It's so strange! But it's certainly not caused by the root of Tongqing

"It must be Wang Yi's trick."

Several women secretly communicate and gnash their teeth.

"If Wang Yi intentionally uses drugs and plants money on younger martial sister Xue, we will certainly have nothing to do. After all, his father is the second elder."

"What now?"

"Don't worry."

Elder martial sister Fang made eye contact with several people and got up and said to Wang, "we want to see two elders!"

"I'm sorry, my father is busy. I don't have time to see you. Let's solve this in private first." Wang Yidao.

"What do you want?"

"It's natural to detoxify my younger martial brother. It's over. Remember, you only have one hour."

"We don't even know what the poison is. How can you get us to detoxify him in an hour? Wang Yi, don't beat around the bush. What do you want to do? Just say it Elder martial sister Fang bit her teeth.

Wang raised his mouth and chuckled: "elder martial sister Fang, I really don't know what you want to say, but I can do you a favor and show you the way!"

"What bright road?"

"I don't know what kind of poison is in my younger martial brother, but I think the Qi Yucao in the hands of the two elders must be able to solve it! If elder martial sister Fang asks younger martial sister Xue to ask for Qi Yucao from the second elder martial sister, I think younger martial brother's poison will be cured to the disease. " Wang Yi said with a smile.

Hearing this, people suddenly realized.

Emotional Wang did so much to force Xue Fu to submit to him!Who is the second elder?

That's Wang Yi's father!

Naturally, it will be towards Wang Yi!

Xue Fu asks for medicine from the second elder? Isn't that a dream?

What's her status as schaeff? Can the two elders give her medicine?

There is only one way for her to get medicine!

It is to ask Wang Yi for help!

In this way, Wang Yi's plot was successful.

"Mean!! You're trying to force me into submission? Dream Seeing through his treacherous heart, Xue Fu was furious and scolded loudly.

"If the younger martial sister refuses to go, wait for an hour. My younger martial brother has been poisoned and killed. We can only report it to the higher authorities and ask them to be convicted." Wang Yi hums.

"We'll report it now and ask the village head to give me a clean answer!" Elder martial sister Fang said angrily.

"OK, you go, but I have to tell you that many villagers present can see that my younger martial brother ate the poison from the herbs you picked. I want to see who will be punished by the superior!" Wang Yi sneered.

"You!! Wang Yi, I'll fight with you! " Xue Fu was so angry and angry that she could no longer hold back. She wanted to start directly.

"Snow! How dare you! Do you dare to fight elder martial brother Wang? Are you tired of living? Come on, get Xue Fu for me! " The people nearby drank and yelled.

"Yes! Senior brother

"Younger martial sister Xue, be careful! Let's go together

Elder martial sister Fang saw that the situation was not good, and immediately urged the people to prepare to attack.

The scene was particularly chaotic.

But at this critical moment.

"Stop it all!"

People stopped a little and looked along.

However, Xiao Hong crouched by the stretcher and examined the poisoned younger martial brother for a moment. Then he said, "go and get the silver needle. I'll take his poison!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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