Cangmiao is really forced to be anxious.

No wonder.

One of the disciples of the two elders dare to kick his nose and face in front of him. How can he not be angry?

Although he is not qualified to challenge the second elder, it does not mean that he is a soft persimmon.

No one can step on his head!

"Master, how can you agree? As for Xiao Hong's strength, how can it be the opponent of Qiao and North? Are you not really kowtowing to the second elder? "

A group of disciples, Wu Yang Yang, came up, anxious.

"How about kowtow? Do you want your master to retire? Others are bullying the head, how can I retreat? Isn't it just the beginning? Knock it, but I can't swallow it! " Five long old angry way.

"This..." people were dumb.

"The five elders are really tough and admire by Zhanbei. In this case, Xiao Hong, let's go!" Qiao Zhanbei squinted and laughed.

"Don't worry, Joe. You haven't told me that if you lose... What should you do?" Xiao Hong said.

"I can't have lost."

"Not necessarily."

"What do you want?" Joe frowned.

"Very simple! I won't ask too much. It's the same as yours. If you win, call on your two elders and kowtow to my master and apologize! " Xiao Hongdao.


The disciples on the second elder's side were wide eyed and could not accept it.

"Reckless!" Qiao Zhanbei was furious: "are you insulting our elder?"

"All my elders should go down. Don't you dare? Or do you think you're going to lose? " Xiao Hongdao.

"Fart, will our elder martial brother lose? Are you kidding? "

"Even if you don't look at yourself! It's your honor that our elder martial brother is willing to compete with you. Do you still beat the snake and gain more

There was a lot of shouting and swearing.

"What? Are you afraid? " Xiao Hong said again.

This is no less than adding fuel to the fire.


"You want to die!"

The crowd almost exploded in anger.

"Shut up

Qiao Zhanbei drinks and shouts. His eyes are grim and he stares at Xiao Hong coldly: "I'll send someone to ask the second elder immediately! When he answers, he agrees

"Good!" Xiao Hong nodded.

Qiao winked at the people next to him.

Immediately a disciple ran out.

I'll come back in about ten minutes.

"The second elder agreed." The disciple said.

"I knew that." Qiao Zhan Bei Leng hum: "this kind of thing, how can two elder not agree? After all, you can't win me! "

"Well, let's go."

Xiao Hong said calmly.

People are heading for Yan Ke'er's sanatorium.

Because the ceremony of medicine sacrifice is about to begin, Yan Ke'er's injury is also concerned by the above.

Now people want to heal for Yan Ke'er, naturally they won't object to it, even let people arrange things early.

"To heal me?"

Yan Ke'er looks surprised.

She has been able to sit up a little, but she still can't move, especially her fingers, which have been trampled on by Miss Hui. Even if the medicine in yaowangcun is of high quality, it is difficult for her to heal in a few days.

But Yao Wang village people want to use her for acupuncture duel, Yan Ke'er's heart is more or less some pimples.

"Is this what I use as an object? But it's good. After all, I was born an object. " Yan Ke'er smiles bitterly.

At this time, a large number of disciples came in.

Along with him came Qiu you, the four elders in charge of the sanatorium.

"Elder cangmiao, what's the matter? Why should good disciples compete? As an elder, shouldn't you stop it? " Qiu you enters inside, light says.

"Elder Qiu you, I think you've heard of everything. I can't help it. The disciples of other families want to step on my head. Can I bear it?" Cang Miao hummed.

Qiu you was confused, but after seeing Qiao Zhan Bei, he understood everything.

"Well, I can't get involved in the affairs between you. In that case, I'll be a judge. What do you want to compare?" Qiu you is indifferent.

"Xiao Hong said that no one in my master's side could be better than him in needlework, so when I compared with him, it would be needling." Joe fights North Road.

"OK, it happens that both hands and palms of the young lady are injured. Go and have an examination of the injuries and see how far you can recover with your needling." Qiu Youdao.


Qiao Zhanbei goes straight up to check Yan Ke'er's palm.

"Five fingers were completely broken. Although the top ointment of Yaowang village was applied, it could not heal in five or six days." Qiao Zhanbei thought about it, and said with a faint smile: "but I can use the needle to make her move freely at once. Although it can't be perfect, it can shorten her injury for three or four days, and it will be cured tomorrow.""What? It's all hurt like this. If you apply a needle, you can move freely? "

"What kind of needling? Isn't it great? "

The disciples kept screaming.

The people on the side of the two elders look at Xiao Hong provocatively.

They believed that no matter how powerful Xiao Hong was, he would definitely not have such a means.

This is a sure fight!

However, Xiaohong Gu Jing wubo also went to the front to investigate.

Yan Ke'er looked at him and felt a little familiar.

She has heard of Xiao Hong, but she has never seen it. Why does she feel like this?

Yan Ke'er looks puzzled.

"It's me."

At this time, Xiao Hong lowered his voice and read a sentence.

Yan Ke'er's pupil shrinks and her breath trembles.

"Are you Doctor Lin?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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