Under the pressure of Wang Qiao, Qiao Zhan Bei has no choice.

He could only walk to Lin Yang and kneel on the ground.

"I'm sorry, younger martial brother Xiao, I was careless before, please forgive me..."

"I don't blame you, it's your needling skill is not strong enough, it may be related to the person who taught you! If you are strong enough in needling, what can you do about it? " Lin Yang said quietly.

This speech, almost did not blow Wang Bridge and other people.

This is obviously good at satirizing Wangqiao!

"You're... Cheating too much!"

Wang Yi couldn't wait to rush past and strip Lin Yang alive.

"Cangmiao! Can we fight now? " Wang Bridge could not hold on, and suddenly got up to drink.

"This... Of course can..." Cang Miao hesitated and nodded.

Only then did he find out that his disciple's arched fire ability was called a strong one.

Previously, he wanted to bump into his luck to see if he could beat Wang Qiao by a single move. The people who supported him came to stop the duel. Now Lin Yang said this, afraid that Wang Qiao would fight with himself!

In this way, I'm afraid there is no chance of winning...

but now there is no way out.

Cangmiao took a deep breath, so he had to be tough.

But at this time, Lin Yang went forward again.

"Elder Wang Qiao, what's the matter with you? Why challenge my elder? "

People were shocked.

Wang Qiao frowned at him: "what? Xiao Hong! I don't fight with your parents all the time. Do I have to fight with you

"Of course! You didn't even win. What's your qualification to fight against my elder? Didn't I say that? Your needling is too mediocre Lin Yang shook his head.

There was an uproar!




"Xiao! You have gone too far

"You're looking for death!"

A group of disciples were furious, and some people couldn't bear it any more. They rushed to Linyang with a roar.

Elder martial sister Fang's side of the people is not dry to watch, immediately came forward to block these people.

There was some confusion at the scene, and the disciples seemed to be in a ball.

"Stop it!"

Wang Qiao gave a big drink.

The chaotic scene just stopped, and the disciples left and right separated.



Wang Yi and others looked at Wang Bridge one after another.

However, Wang Qiao looks cold and stares at Xiao Hong. Leng hum says, "in this case, well, I'll start with Xiao Hong first. After the battle is over, I'll fight with cangmiao elder again!"

Cangmiao hesitated.

But Lin Yang said directly, "please

"Xiao Hong!" Cang Miao cries out.

"Don't worry, elder. I have my own discretion." Lin Yang road.

Wang Bridge, walking out of the ancestral hall.

Wang Yi and others followed.

As for elder martial sister Fang and Xue Fu, they have been frying for a long time.

"Younger martial brother Xiao, do you really want to fight with elder Wang Qiao?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Are you elder martial brother Qiao? Do you know how powerful elder Wang Qiao is? "

"When he played silver needle pills, you were still playing with mud!"

"That's too much of a mess for you!"

The crowd gathered around and criticized one after another.

Cangmiao couldn't help but complain: "Xiao Hong, although you have the flying flower needle, your strength is extraordinary, but I have to tell you! Only by flying flower needle! If you want to deal with Wang Qiao elder, it's impossible! You are still too young! "

"Elder, you seem to be so negative when I fought with Qiao in the north. Why don't you talk about me until I finish the fight with Wang Qiao?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

"How can Qiao Zhan Bei compare with Wang Qiao?" Cang Miao is in a hurry.

Lin Yang light smile, do not want to say more, went out directly.

They walked out of the ancestral hall.

On the open space outside the ancestral hall, Wang Bridge's hands are attached, and it is already standing.

Many disciples gathered around.

There are still many people who have come to see the excitement.

Hundreds of people gathered at the scene and formed a circle.

"Your younger generation is not qualified to fight with me, but you are too arrogant. If you don't teach me a lesson today, don't you destroy Yaowang village in the future?" Wang Qiao hums: "say it, boy, what do you want to compare? I'll let you choose! "

"It's said that elder Wang Qiao is an excellent doctor. In this case, we'll fight with the skill of medicine and martial arts to see who will take the first place." Lin Yang road.

"Compare medical skills?"

There was an uproar at the scene.

"Aren't you afraid I'll kill you by mistake?" Wang Qiao's eyes were cold.

Yiwu is no better than those things that Qiao Zhanbei and Linyang compared with before. This is to see blood.

If it's not good, I'm afraid it's going to kill you"Elder Wang Qiao seems to be very confident in himself?" Lin Yang laughs.

"I'm afraid you're too arrogant!" Wang Qiao lenghum, a big hand waved: "both than medical martial arts, I let you three moves! Come on, boy! Let me see your means. "

"Let me do three tricks? Are you sure Linyang asked with a smile.

"Can you repent if you say it? Do it! " Cried Wang Bridge.

Linyang nodded: "well, elder Wang Qiao, you have noticed!"

The voice fell to the ground, and Lin Yang suddenly waved his hands forward.

Swish... Br > a large number of silver needles flew out of his hands in a flash, and they formed a huge wave form in front of him. They hit Wang Bridge over there fiercely.


The crowd was shocked.

This is a shot, so amazing!

Even cangmiao can not make such an offensive!

Is this Xiao Hong really a disciple of cangmiao?

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