Wang Qiao is defeated!

The second elder of Yaowang village lost.

People gape, their brains buzz, and they think they're wrong.

Many people even rub their eyes.

But... The facts are in front of us.


Wang a sad roar, immediately rushed up.

However, a figure quickly stepped forward to Wang Bridge and stopped Wang Yi.

Everyone breathed.

That man is Lin Yang!

"Xiao Hong! Don't hurt my father Wang Yi shouts in a hurry.

"Xiao Hong, if you dare to hurt half a hair of the elder, the village will surely frustrate your bones and raise ashes, so that there is no place for you to die!"

Others also yelled and glared at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang smiles faintly and turns to look at the crowd.

"Why are you in a hurry? Have you acquiesced that the two elders have lost? "

"This..." people's face suddenly changed, eyes shaking, one did not know what to say.

Seeing this, Lin Yang turned his arm and smashed at the Wang Bridge's forehead before he could climb up.

Wang Qiao will not die if this blow goes on.

"Stop it! Stop it

The king cried out in a hurry and laid his body in front of him.

Lin Yang stopped and said, "if you want to stop, you have to admit that Wang Qiao is defeated, and I win. Otherwise, you have no right to stop."

"Lost! Lost! My father lost! Younger martial brother Xiao, please don't hurt my father. Please Wang Yi was desperate, tears streaming down his face, kneeling on the ground, crying in pain.

The rest of the disciples were helpless and sighed.

Even Wang Bridge can't fight Linyang. How dare these people stop it?

At present, he can only surrender and admit defeat...

Lin Yang smiles and withdraws.

Wang Yizhong hurried forward to help Wang Bridge.

"Elder two, since you have lost, please quickly fulfill your previous promise and kowtow to us and admit your mistake." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Lost what? I... I didn't lose! They don't represent me! " Wang Bridge pushed aside the people beside him and roared angrily.

"Elder Wang, do you still want to fight?"

"I'm not down yet! How can you be a loser? Let's go on! " Wang Bridge is not willing.

"Elder Wang Qiao, if you want to fight, I can accompany you, but I have to tell you that if I fight again, I will kill you by mistake. I hope you will not regret it at that time!" Lin Yang road.

"Presumptuous! You... You... How can I be defeated by you? "

How can Wang Qiao endure such anger? With a roar, he would rush forward.

"Father, don't!"

"Elder, please don't fight again!"

The crowd stopped, anxious.

At the moment, there is no bottom in everyone's heart.

They don't know whether Wang Qiao can defeat this "Xiao Hong", but from the strength that Xiao Hong showed just now... He is not something to be provoked.

If something happened... What should I do?

It's just.

How can people stop Wang Bridge in the current state of rage?

Wang Qiao waved his arms and roared, "get out of here

People's strength is not as strong as the King Bridge, which has increased the physical body with silver needles, has been pushed away.

Wang Qiao was furious and roared at Lin Yang.

Look at this state, he's completely crazy.

He will never give up until Lin Yang is killed!!

"Wang Qiao, since you want to die, well, I will help you!"

Lin Yang cold hum, not polite, fingers pinch needle, pace such as lotus, toward its rapid.

The silver needle on the fingertip is like a moving spirit. It is beautiful and amazing.

Wang Qiao also urged a large number of silver needles to cover his palms.

This time, he will no longer corrode Linyang's skin and flesh. He will use his silver needle to penetrate Linyang and destroy the acupoints on his body! Tell him to die on the spot!

Wang Qiao is the second elder of Yaowang village. In his rage, his moves are not disordered.

After a while, he immediately realized the opportunity. His hands burst out fiercely, and the silver needles on them were like venomous snake fangs and stabbed Lin Yang's acupoints.

But Lin Yang was not slow, and the silver needle at his fingertips quickly attacked.

At the moment, no one let anyone.

And who's needle to the other side, the other side's end fear is only death or disability!

The breath of the people around him was trembling and shaking with fear.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

But listen to a few strange sounds.

The silver needle in Lin Yang's hand directly pierced Wang Qiao's body.

However, the silver needle on Wang Qiao's palm hit Lin Yang, but he couldn't get in. It seemed that something had blocked him and all of them slipped away...


People were shocked.It's unbelievable.

But Lin Yang's needle has already entered the body, the effect is released.


Wang Bridge directly issued a scream, people back again and again, sitting on the ground, whole body crazy shaking.


Wang Yiqi shouts, and rushes forward with Qiao Zhanbei.


Cangmiao was shocked.

"Is Xiao Hong too strong?"

Elder martial sister Fang was stunned and her scalp trembled.

"Wang Qiao, your muscles and veins have been penetrated by my silver needle. You can't use your breath, and you can't use the needle any more. I'll just pull out your silver needle in the past, and your muscles and veins will be broken. It's hard for the gods to save you! Wang Qiao, you lost! " Lin Yang said faintly, then stepped forward.

"Xiao Hong! Don't bully people too much! Stop

"If you will bruise me, father

"Xiao Hong, you are brave! How dare you hurt the elder? Do you know what you're doing? "

"Are you crazy, Xiao Hong?"

"Too presumptuous

They all scolded and tried to stop them.

But Lin Yang ignored.

"I have a fair fight with the elder! You must not stop! If anyone obstructs me, don't blame me for being rude! "

Finish saying, Lin Yang body shape moves open, unexpectedly is to pull out Wang Bridge needle.


Everyone was shocked.

"Xiao Hong! Stop it Cangmiao is shocked and shouts repeatedly.

However, people's words had no effect at all...

Wang Yi was pushed away.

Qiao Zhanbei was also kicked to the ground by Lin Yang.

No one can stop him!

He was standing in front of the Wang Bridge.

Wang Qiao trembled all over because of the needle in his muscles and veins. He raised his head and stared at Lin Yang.

The eyes are still thick unwilling.

But it doesn't work.

Lin Yang did not have the slightest softness, directly drop hands, to pull out the silver needle.

If the needle is pulled out, Wang Qiao will not die!

But at this critical moment!

"Xiao Hong! Stop it

Another angry sound sounded, and then a few breath of terror came, directly surrounded him.

Two powerful ones immediately locked his wrist.

The village head led a large number of Yuan Laos to arrive at the village.

I saw a group of people walking slowly along the road.

The leader had long hair and beard, his face was jade, his eyes were calm, and he was wearing a long brown robe with golden border.

His hands attached behind, looking at this side sternly, not angry from Wei!

This is Yan Ke'er's father, the head of Yaowang village, Yan Sankai! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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