Yan Ke'er has seen Lin Yang's strength with his own eyes.

There is no doubt that Lin Yang is the strongest doctor she has ever seen.

The two elders are so easily defeated by him. I'm afraid the village head can't defeat him.

But... The village head can't fight. It doesn't mean that no one in Yaowang village can fight Linyang!

The superior in that rumor has the ability to know the whole world.

Since he was in charge of Yaowang village, Yaowang village has been fighting in the north and south, which has attracted the admiration of numerous powerful clans of various sects. Moreover, his unparalleled poison technique has shocked the world.

It is precisely because of that superior position that the world heard the fear of Yaowang village.

"Kor, you don't have to worry about it. I'll solve it. All you have to do is take care of yourself here. Do you understand?" Lin Yang road.

"Dr. Lin..."

"Ke'er, don't say it again, believe me." Lin Yang is smiling.

Yan Ke'er opened his mouth, and his eyes were staring at him, unable to speak.

Forget it.

Yan Ke'er took a deep breath and could only choose to give up.

She is not good at persuasion.

In fact, she was prepared for the worst.

"Have a good rest."

Lin Yang smiles faintly and turns to leave.

Yan Ke'er looks at his back in pain and keeps silent.

After a while, Yan Sankai comes in.

"Are you all right?" The voice of indifference rang out.

Yan Ke'er looks at the front with empty eyes and ignores Yan Sankai's voice.

"The ceremony of medicine sacrifice is an important ceremony waiting for nearly a hundred years in Yaowang village. Ke'er, I want you to cooperate with my village to complete this ceremony anyway! This is an important ceremony related to the Congress. As long as Yaowang village can complete the ceremony, it will be invincible and invincible. All the benefits of the meeting can be plundered at will. With the help of the conference, no one in the world will be able to rival us. Do you understand? " Yan Sankai is extremely serious and stares at Yan Ke'er.

"You gave me my life, and I can give it back to you, whatever you want? But I want to ask you, my mother's life... How are you going to repay it? " Yan Ke'er said hoarsely.

The voice was empty and full of despair.


Yan Sankai was furious and snorted: "what do I do with your mother's death? Your mother has to thank me! Originally, she was to be sent as a drug guide. If I didn't like her, could she live so long? How can I have you? Kor! Now, why do you hate me here

"Yes, I have to thank you." You can laugh.

"Cole, it's your destiny, don't think too much! Peace of mind, eat and drink well! Then come to the ceremony

Yan San opened a cold way, then turned to leave.

But the next second, Yan Ke'er suddenly sprang up from the bed, facing Yan three open bite.

The people next to her pressed her in bed.

"Yan Sankai! You'll be punished! You're going to get back! " Yan Ke'er shouts bitterly.

Yan Sankai said nothing and walked out of the room.

The rest of the day has been very quiet.

Until the Yaowang village medicine ceremony held.

The ceremony of medicine sacrifice in Yaowang village is only held within the village, and people outside the village will not be invited.

After all, this is related to the future of Yaowang village. How can it be announced to the public.

In the early morning of that day, equipment was set up on the central open space of Yaowang village, and the medicine stove and VAT were set up.

Lin Yang arrived at the ceremony early.

However, the big jar in the middle is very large. It is three meters wide and four meters deep. It looks like a swimming pool.

It is made of bronze, with firewood piled up under it. After being ignited, some medicine children continuously add medicine to it.

Thick smoke came out, and the strong and pungent smell of medicine wafted out towards the inside.

In addition, there are many Yaowang village disciples holding various medicines piled up in the open space.

They piled up medicines not in disorder, but quite regularly. Judging from the shape of each other, they had the flavor of eight formations and Zhouyi.

And in the front is a white jade platform.

Lin Yang can be sure that it was made entirely of white jade.

Although it's not big, it's made of white jade from top to bottom. How terrible is the cost?

"What does Yaowang village really want to do?"

Lin Yang murmured, confused in his heart.


at this time, a burst of crying and shouting came from the side.

Lin Yang was stunned and hurried to look.

But a large number of people in chains and rags came up.

They were all covered with tears, black and blue, and some of them even had broken legs and arms.

"Go! Let's go

The disciples of Yaowang village in the back were beating these people with whips.People howled to the central playground.

Later, a senior officer separated these people one by one, and knelt down beside each pile of herbs.

"Drug guide?"

Lin Yang's face changed and he understood immediately.

These people... Are all used as drug guides by Yaowang village!


What a bunch of animals!!

Lin Yang's eyes are red and burning with anger!

Is this the village of medicine king?

Is this a doctor for all?

This is a group of death!

A bunch of dogs and pigs!!

Lin Yang's fists were pinched to death, and his chest almost burst.

These people are insulting doctors!

"Elder martial brother Xiao, why did you come so early?"

At this time, a light laugh came.

Lin Yang slightly side head, just see Xue Fu with Fang elder martial sister a crowd to come over.

Seeing that Lin Yang's face was not quite right, Xue Fu was slightly stunned: "elder martial brother Xiao, are you ok?"

"It's OK."

Lin Yang took a deep breath and said hoarsely.

"Younger martial brother Xiao, today is a great day for you. You should be more happy." Elder martial sister Fang chuckled.

"Yes, younger martial brother Xiao, you will be successful in the future. Don't forget us!"

"Younger martial brother Xiao, please take good care of it later."

The crowd gathered around and said with a smile.

They know that the village head is going to send "Xiao Hong" to the higher level for training, and the village has decided to focus on training Xiao Hong.

That means Xiao Hong will get all the best resources in Yaowang village.

Its future is limitless.

Can these men not please him?

"Xiao Hong, I heard that the superior will open your bones for you today! You have to cooperate with the superior! From today on, you are the first day of Yaowang village! "

At this time, a hearty laugh came.

Then he saw the five elder Cang Miao coming.

He was red and happy.

Since playing "Xiao Hong" this peerless genius, his status in the village is also rising!

After all, Xiao Hong is his apprentice. In the future, Xiao Hong will become an immortal. Will he not be honored?

"Bone? What do you mean? " Lin Yang asked.

"You don't even know that? Open bone is to wash semen and marrow for you, open bone vein! As soon as the bone veins are opened, your body is not comparable to that of ordinary people. It can be called an immortal Constitution Cangmiao said with envy: "it's said that only the superior and the village head own the bone opening constitution. You can become the third one. I don't know how many people will envy you!"

"Is it?" Lin Yang frowned and said, "how should I open my bone veins?"

He had a hunch.

Osteotomy is not easy...

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