"What? Do you want to question the strength of this seat? Is it that... The power of this seat at present is not enough for you to see the reality clearly? " Looking at Lin Yang faintly, his eyes are cold.

This mole ant repeatedly provokes him, he is already impatient!

This man is totally contemptuous of the superior!

Despise him, the king of the future!

"Break his limbs, bring it here!"

Yan San Kai cheered.

He had no change in his expression about the death of his daughter.

As if the dead was a man who had nothing to do with him!

This can't be described with a heart and a heart.

"Yes, village head!"

Several people from Yaowang village stepped forward quickly.

Lin Yang pinch out the silver needle, gently stabbed in Yan Ke'er's forehead.

Her brain damage is very serious, in brain death state, Lin Yang can only do his best to lock her lifeline, let her have a trace of life.

But even so, if it is really saved in the future, Yan Ke'er's brain will retain irreversible trauma.

Lin Yang has never been so angry!

I've never thought of such a manic feeling.

Perhaps, he has never been so touched his bottom line, trampled on his own forbidden area.

Yaowang village, whether it is people or things, has deeply touched the softest and most untouchable place in his heart.

"Come on

Four villagers of Yaowang village directly reached for Lin Yang and took Yan Ke'er's body.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly got up, raised his hand toward the back and grabbed.

It's very fast.

Hands like half a moon!


The bodies of the four villagers of Yaowang village were frozen in place and could not move.

All around looked together.

It was found that the heads of the four men had disappeared and had become four headless corpses.

And Lin Yang's feet, four blood dripping head rolling in there.

The scene was frightening.


People were stunned.

At this moment, Lin Yang has been killed and filled with thinking.

"Asshole! Do you dare to resist? "

Yan Sankai breathed a shudder, then became angry and roared: "kill, kill me, kill this man!"


Around again to several Zun Yao Wang Village master, rushed to Linyang.

However, Lin Yang didn't look at them any more. Instead, he pricked the black silver needle into his own heart, not the whole one.

At that moment, Lin Yang's whole body burst out a wonderful air flow, blowing around.


This side of the superior slightly side of the eye, feel a bit wrong.

But he saw Lin Yang's side head, looked around the eyes of Yaowang village people, and then moved his steps.


The man disappeared again.

But this time he disappeared for a short time. As soon as he disappeared, he appeared in the same place.

However, after he appeared, people found that his palms had a dark flame burning there.

If you look at it carefully, it's not a real flame, it's gas.

The former forest fire of the dark sun!

As soon as this anger came out, the elders of Yaowang village suddenly realized something and looked at the experts of Yaowang village who were close to Linyang.

With just one look, everyone was freaked out.

Look at those who rush to Linyang, all fixed in place.

But this time, they were not in a different position, but in their bodies, which were covered with a lot of spider web like cracks, like broken glass.

After a gust of wind...


All people's bodies immediately turned into pieces the size of rice grains, which fell with the wind and scattered all over the ground.

The world was appalled.

I'm afraid it's not more terrible than disheartening the bones and raising ashes...

"what means is that?"

"This guy, why is metaphor so terrible

"What skill did he perform?"

People were shaking and panicking.

"How could it be so?"

Yan Sankai was also scared, and his voice was shaking. He even called out: "quick! Come on! Come on! Keep going! Take this man down! "

But this time, no one dares to obey Yan Sankai's orders.

After all, the gap is too big.

The people who died before are all powerful people in Yaowang village!

However, they didn't even have the strength to fight back, so they were killed by Lin Yang.

This gap can never be made up by the number of people.

"Three open, don't ask them to do it! This man uses forbidden technique. You are not opponents

The upper hand is attached to the back, and calmly moves forward.

"Forbidden technique?"

Yan San was stunned and then snorted coldly: "if you say that it is forbidden, why should I fear him in Yaowang village? We can use it too! ""Our ban may not be as good as his ban!"

The superior gazed at Lin Yang and said in a deep voice: "if I guess it's right, he should be one of the forbidden arts belonging to the nether world. It's a terror forbidden skill that can cause poison and kill people. It can be compared with other forbidden techniques."

"The forbidden art of the nether world?"

Yan Sankai was shocked.

Even the superior is afraid of three points, which shows the extraordinary prohibition of art.

"First life, bear is forbidden to heaven!"

At this time, Lin Yang called out.

"Xiao... Younger martial brother Xiao Hong, what's the matter?"

The first life is also a shivering, shaking response.

"You come here and help me to keep Kor's body away from her again!" Lin Yang said without expression.

"Good... Good..."

"don't worry, elder martial brother..."

the crowd approached with fear, and even the call changed. They were afraid of Lin Yang.

"You are not Xiao Hong, are you?"

At this time, the upper level opened the mouth.

In a simple sentence, people were shocked again.

"Superior, why do you say that?" Yan Sankai was stunned.

"First of all, five elder cangmiao's unexplained appearance of a peerless genius has already made me a little suspicious. Now I use the nether forbidden technique, which makes me even more suspicious! If the stone tablet of Shiyin, which was forbidden by my ancestors, could not be recorded on the stone tablet of Shiyin? This is absolutely impossible! If so, you are not from Yaowang village! "

Said the superior calmly.

As soon as the words came out, the scene was boiling.

"What? Is Xiao Hong a spy? "

"Absolutely possible! I remember that Xiao Hong used to be so talented that he was not outstanding. How could he be so powerful all of a sudden? "

"If he can't understand the stone tablet early, how can he? It must be this time? "

"There must be something wrong with this man!"

"Who is he?"

"How dare you run away from our Yaowang village

"To find out his identity, we must exterminate his family and kill all the people related to him!"

People are talking.

"You don't want to croak!"

Go ahead and drink.

The scene was suddenly quiet.

But see the upper position lightly lift the pace, walk toward Lin Yang.

"This man is Xiao Hong's appearance. It must be easy to show off. When we capture him alive and expose his true face to the public, we will know who he is!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole body of the upper level was full of poison, and the whole person was like a very poisonous poison, rushing to Linyang...

"younger martial brother Xiao!"

Shouts the first life.

"Worry free, this man, I'll kill it!" Lin Yang said hoarsely.

There is no emotion in the voice.

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