"The miracle Doctor Lin gave himself the body of eliminating poison with a dead needle, which made him poison all over the body! This kind of poison man has incomparable excellent constitution. It can be said that it is unique to refine human pills. It can be met but not sought. If we can make it into pills, we can prolong our life by at least 50 years! And can wash essence to cut marrow, break away from the realm of mortal! At that time, it was not too much to call me a fairy! Ha ha ha... "The superior laughed and was extremely proud.

The elders around him knelt down and called.

"Congratulations on becoming a god!"

"God? Not yet, but in my opinion, it's sooner or later! Now, I'm going to get the pills! Wait here

Finish saying that, the superior will go directly to that has not yet dispersed the poisonous fog to go.

The people around him gasped.

The poisonous fog did not disperse.

Ordinary people will die if they touch it.

I dare to ignore the poison.

All the people in Yaowang village show reverence and fear!


Just then, the cry came out.

Trembling and afraid.

A lag in the upper step, turn to see.

It is Yan Sankai who makes a sound.

"Why?" The superior asked.

However, Yan San opened his eyes and raised his hand to point to the inside of the poisonous fog. His pupils were full of fear, as if he had seen something incredible.


The superior was stunned and looked at him.

Just found that Yan San Kai refers to, it is the figure in the poisonous fog, that is, the human pill.

But at the moment, the figure is moving!

And it looks like it's coming to these people.


The superior is also in a daze.

The scene was appalled.

"How could it be? Is this son still alive? "

There was a constant clamor.

All people's brains are blank.

That terrible poisonous fog corrosion, can't evaporate this person?

This man's vitality is too tenacious...

the world is in panic.

The superior also stands in the distance and stares closely.

But before meeting, the poisonous fog seemed to be pushed aside by two breeze, and it turned out to be left and right.

Then a figure came out with the help of another tiny figure.

They are Lin Yang and Xue Fu!


The world trembled.

"Sister Xue!"

"She's still alive?"

"She was saved by Dr. Lin!"

"What's the matter? Why is Dr. Lin still alive? "

"Under the corrosion of that toxin, he was... Still alive?"

"Don't those poisons have no effect on him?"

"What should we do?"

People one by one pale, staring at Lin Yang, all the brain almost stopped thinking.

"No way!"

A few steps up to the top, eyes open huge, hysterical roar: "impossible!! How can you ignore my poison? How can you ignore my poison cloud? It can't be

At this moment, even the top is incredible.

He can't accept it!

"I didn't ignore your poison! In fact, your poison... Has eroded my body

Lin Yang said quietly.

"Then why are you still alive?" The superior asked with wide eyes.

"The reason is simple. I'm integrated with your poison."

"Integration?" If the upper position is struck by lightning.

Have you ever heard such a thrilling thing?

However, the next second, a more frightening scene appeared!

Then see Lin Yang press in his chest, slightly force.

Then... He slowly drilled out a large number of dark needles on his whole body!

These silver needles, contaminated with a strong toxin, came out of his body and fell to the ground.

Extremely dense!

There are more than ten thousand roots!

People see the scalp numb, head melon seeds are almost fried!

What the hell is this?

What did Lin Yang do?

He put tens of thousands of needles into his body?

Is he trying to commit suicide?

Can a person's body bear so many silver needles?

All of them couldn't believe it...

until then, the superior suddenly realized something and cried hysterically, "you... You used my poison?"

"Not bad!"

Lin Yang nodded and said hoarsely, "use poison to attack poison! The truth that the world knows! I use the dead needle to transform the body into a poisonous body and a poisonous person. Although I can't resist the poison of your poisonous cloud, I can absorb the poison of your poisonous cloud! I use the poison I absorbed to fight against your poison cloud. I have been completely immune to your poison cloud after so many times and refining the bodyWhen he heard this, he retreated and almost fell to the ground.

All the people in Yaowang village were almost paralyzed on the spot.

Even the poison cloud's virulence can be immune!

What is Lin Yang's body afraid of?

How to deal with this man?

"I didn't expect that the superior could not kill this man, but made him... When he was the king of medicine, what other means could he do to kill him?" Yan San sits on a big stone and whispers to himself. The whole person seems to have lost his soul...

Yaowang village has nothing to do with Linyang.

"What else do you have? If not, is it my turn? "

Lin Yang looked at the superior and others lightly, reached out again and pulled out a silver needle between his forehead.

In an instant, his skin was suddenly pale, his pupils turned blood, his black silk was stained with frost, and his white hair danced with the wind.

Like a demon!

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