Although everything is over now, Lin Yang's troubles have not disappeared.

He's a poison man now.

It's full of poison all over.

Can't contact with others, or even a hair silk, will also let the person in the highly toxic, on-the-spot death.

Lin Yang can suppress the poison in his body for a short time, but if he wants to get rid of it completely, he can't do it for a long time.

In fact, Lin Yang could bear it if he was normal.

But now Su Yan and Yan Ke'er are still waiting for Lin Yang to rescue them. Lin Yang himself has become a poison man. If he can't touch them, how can he save them?

Su Yan and Yan Ke'er's situation can not be delayed, must be treated as soon as possible.

Lin Yang was very anxious, thinking about countermeasures.

However, at this time, his line of sight was suddenly attracted by an object not far away, and the man was stunned and ran over.

This object is the stone tablet of the ancestor of Yaowang village mentioned by the head of the village.

Lin Yang gazed at the words on the stone tablet and looked very carefully.

The first three of you come here.

"Dr. Lin, did you really understand the flying flower needle you used to deal with the two elders from the stone tablet of our ancestors?" Shouming asked carefully.

"To be honest, I haven't seen the stone tablet of our ancestors at all!" Lin Yang shook his head.


The first one was stunned.

"I just heard everything about the stone tablet of our ancestors! I wanted to see it, but I didn't have much time. "

Lin Yang said, but his eyes were locked on the stone tablet without blinking.

The three looked at each other and were shocked.

If it's not the stone tablet of our ancestors, wouldn't it say that Lin Yang would have been able to do those miraculous medical skills?

To what extent has his medical attainments reached?

A day later, Lin Yang took the silver needle and went to the side of the poison pool caused by the self explosion of the upper part of the mouth, and silently nursed the needle.

The three found an undamaged building to heal.

Lin Yang came back again.

When he saw Lin Yang coming over, he was stunned, and then he cried out: "Doctor Lin, how did you

At present, Lin Yang's upper body is naked, and his trousers are also ragged.

His appearance changed a lot. First, his long snow-white hair became dark again. Then his pupil color returned to normal, and his skin changed from pale to wheat.

What made his heart beat wildly was that Dr. Lin's appearance became more and more beautiful.

If we say that the former was beautiful, like a God.

Now, to him, he is as beautiful as the God, with a kind of monster in his face!

The killing power of this monster is too great. Before his first life, he didn't feel much about doctor Lin. however, when he looked at it, he felt that his whole body was hot and his eyes were locked in Lin Yang's body.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang seemed to notice the strange look in his eyes and asked.

The first life was stunned. He just came back to his senses and said with a smile: "nothing... I just feel that Doctor Lin has changed a little...

" is that right? "

"Dr. Lin, how is your poison now?"

"I'm holding it down! Not for the moment! Now I'm just like a normal person. "

"That's good! It seems that Dr. Lin has made a lot of achievements on the stone tablets of our ancestors. "

"The wisdom of our ancestors is extraordinary! It's very exciting! But it was thousands of years ago! In fact, many of the above theories were unsolved at the beginning, but now they are quite different. I have tried to understand them by combining some essentials of modern medicine, and I have gained a lot. " Lin Yang road.

"He is worthy of the miracle doctor Lin. he is really powerful." The first life breathed a breath and said with a smile, "then Dr. Lin, what are you going to do next?"

"It's time for me to go back. Cole's life is very weak. I have to treat her as soon as possible, but her brain injury is very serious. I'm afraid it's not so easy to treat." A touch of pain flashed through Lin Yang's eyes.

He suddenly found himself so incompetent.

Su Yan can't protect her.

Yan Ke'er can't protect it.

Around these people, dead, injured.

For the first time, he felt so powerless.

Even if Yao Wang village was destroyed, he still felt that he was so useless...

"Doctor Lin, you must not lose heart. In fact, you have done well enough, but there are not so many perfect things in the world."

At this point, schaeff came out.

Her broken leg was bandaged, and a long stick was picked up as a crutch.

"I can cure your leg. You and I can go back to Xuanyi school." Lin Yang looked at Xue Fu.

Xue Fu stares at Lin Yang, spins and shakes his head, and smiles bitterly: "Doctor Lin, I plan to go home."

"Go home?""When I was very young, my family sent me to study in Yaowang village. It has been more than ten years since I went back. It doesn't matter whether this leg is cured or not. Now I just want to go home."

"Good! However, if you want your legs to recover, you can come to Xuanyi school to find me at any time

Thank you very much

"And you?"

"I follow the elder martial sister!" The bear shouts.

"I'll go to Xuanyi school!"

The first life suddenly said.

Her eyes were especially firm.


Lin Yang looked at the mess of Yaowang village and said: "although there has been a great war here, I think there may be some materials in Yaowang village that have not been destroyed. Xiong Jietian, your first life. You should stay here and sort out the medical classics of Yaowang village. After you have dealt with the matter here, come to Xuanyi school to find me!"

"Good doctor Lin!"

They nodded.

Lin Yang took a breath, turned and walked out of this dilapidated village...

it's time to go back! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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