Zhang Zhonghua sat on the stone beside him, his old face unchanged, but his eyes were wide open.

In the cloudy pupil bead is full of shock.

He couldn't take it.

After all, it's just amazing.

His grandson-in-law is actually the miracle Doctor Lin who is powerful and shakes the world?

The youngest and the best doctor?

"Is that so? It turns out that... "

Zhang Zhonghua took a deep breath and kept whispering. For a long time, he burst out laughing.

He hasn't laughed so much for a long time.

"I'm sorry, grandfather. For some reason, I have to hide from you." Lin Yang road.

"Don't apologize! I can understand. I was just too surprised that my grandson-in-law was such a big man, ha ha ha ha...

Zhang Zhonghua laughed so much that he got up and stroked his beard. He looked at Lin Yang's old eyes with love and admiration: "come on, Lin Yang, come here, let grandfather have a good look at you!"

Lin Yang came straight up and stood in front of Zhang Zhonghua.

Zhang Zhonghua looked up and down again. His eyes were puzzled: "Lin Yang, you said you were Doctor Lin, but why is your face different from that on TV?"

Lin Yang picked up the silver needle and pricked it on his neck.

In an instant, the bones of his face began to wriggle. In a moment, a face had become a face like a God.


Zhang Zhonghua gaped: "what is this? Magic

"Wrong, it's not easy to change the external appearance of my face by using the magic method of changing the external appearance of my face."

"A change of face?" What is your face

"This is what I am. Previously, it was just a change of appearance, which is what I used to look like

"What it was like before?"

"I take medicine bath all the year round to strengthen my body, take medicine, my appearance will naturally change."

"Then why do you want to change your appearance and hide your identity? Xiaoyan Qingyu, they don't know? " Zhang Zhonghua couldn't help asking.

He knows the character of his daughter.

If Zhang Qingyu knew that Lin Yang was a miracle doctor, how dare he abuse him? Plant the booty and frame him?

Lin Yang hesitated and shook his head: "grandfather, it's not convenient for me to tell you about me. I don't want to bring you any trouble. I think one day, you will understand everything."

Zhang Zhonghua nodded gently.

"In that case, boy, I won't ask! Although you are the son-in-law of the Su family, you have suffered a lot in recent years, but I believe Xiaoyan will understand your hard work! "

Zhang Zhonghua has also heard of Lin Yang's experience.

Because he is a visiting son-in-law, he has been very unhappy in recent years, at least the people of the Su family do not want to see him.

In fact, Zhang Zhonghua himself is also very disappointed with Lin Yang, but in the end it is his grandson-in-law, and he is unwilling to give up.

"It doesn't matter if she doesn't understand." Lin Yang shook his head.

"Why?" Zhang Zhonghua was stunned.

"Because it won't be long before I leave. As for the marriage between me and Xiaoyan... It's time to leave." Lin Yang said quietly.

Zhang Zhonghua's old eyes widened and looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

But soon, he realized something.

The old man had seen everything in his life, and naturally realized the meaning of Lin Yang's words.

"Boy, you should take care of yourself



after leaving the back mountain, I found that the people of Zhangjia gathered in houshankou, one by one nervous and panicked.

Seeing Lin Yang and Zhang Zhonghua come out, people immediately surrounded them.

"Sir, are you all right?"

"Dad, what's going on in the back mountain? Why so much noise? "

"Grandfather, what about the ice king?"

People in Zhangjia are full of tongue and tongue.

"Lin Yang!"

Zhang Qingyu angrily stepped forward, glared at him and roared: "you dog! What are you doing back hill? I tell you, don't try to fool around with the reputation of Doctor Lin! You don't see what you are! You can't hide from others, but you can't hide from me! What a disaster to my daughter! I won't let you go! "

But she's just finished.


A crisp slap sounded.

Zhang Qingyu retreated again and again with a bright red palm print on his face.

The scene was not quiet, looking at Zhang Qingyu in unison...

"Dad, what are you doing beating me for Zhang Qingyu covered his face in amazement.

"Shut up! Sunny and rainy! I tell you! I'm not talking to you as the head of the family, but as your father! From today on, if you dare to embarrass Lin Yang again, dare to make trouble for Lin Yang again! Let's sever the relationship between father and daughter Zhang Zhonghua's old face turned red and roared.Zhang Qingyu was stunned and mumbled: "Dad, you want to break the father-in-law relationship with me for the sake of my son-in-law?"

"Yes Zhang Zhonghua was determined, without hesitation.

As soon as this was said, everyone was in a daze.

Zhang Qingyu, like being struck by lightning, is completely stupid in situ.

Is this crazy?

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