
One eyed man was stunned.

Zhang Ya is also stunned, busy side look, just found that the owner of this hand is Lin Yang.

"Boy, if you don't run away with the rubbish just now, you dare to run to my business. What's the matter? Do you want to be worse than that trash? " One eyed man said angrily.

"Originally, I didn't want to take care of it, but she was a friend of my classmate. Even if I didn't like my friend, I couldn't just sit around and ignore it! If you leave now, I can let you go Lin Yang light road.

"I'll let your mother go!" The one eyed man was angry and slapped his back hand at Lin Yang's forehead.

He didn't give up his hand. This slap was powerful enough to break a big stone.

But the slap is still in decline, and Lin Yang's other hand grabs the one eyed man's wrist like lightning.

The one eyed man's slap is fixed in the air, and he can't...

he clenches his teeth and tries his best.

But no matter how hard you use it, you can't move your palm down a minute...


The one eyed man breathed.

Next second.


The hand that clasped his wrist suddenly exerted a force and flung the one eyed man out.

The one eyed man couldn't resist. He was thrown out and hit the ground heavily. He rolled for several times before he stopped.


Zhang Ya opened her mouth wide.

Xu Qing over there doesn't run away. He's staring.

No one expected that Lin Yang was so powerful.

Lin Yang's face was startled and looked at the muddy face of countless people.

"Who are you?"

"Passers by."

"Passers by? It looks like I'm having a hard time today. "

The one eyed man gritted his teeth secretly, pulled out his knife from his waist and rushed to Linyang: "in this case, I will send you back to the West first!"

Finish saying, a big knife mercilessly Lin Yang's forehead to chop.

"Be careful!"

Zhang Ya exclaimed.

But the blade fell, and before touching the top of Lin Yang's head, he was caught by two fingers, and could not go down again.


One eyed man was stunned and thought he was wrong.

Hand to hand?

No, it's an empty finger to a white blade!

It's a force... It's extraordinary.

The blade of the knife is pressing down.

But no matter how hard he used, he could not move the blade.

One eyed man's eyes were awe inspiring, and he suddenly raised his feet and kicked Lin Yang's abdomen.

But the foot just lifts, then by Lin Yang's sole board to trample on crus.


The sound of bone fracture came out.


The one eyed man made a sad cry.

"I didn't want to do it, but you're aggressive, so I'm not to blame!" Lin Yang snorted coldly. He took the knife away from the one eyed man's hand and threw it on the ground.


The one eyed man roared and killed with both fists.

But Lin Yang did not show weakness, he also raised his fist to bombard the past.

Bang! Bang!

It makes a dull noise.

The one eyed man immediately flew out and fell to the ground, his arms were broken, his face was pale with pain, and he was wet with cold sweat.

Zhang Ya and Xu Qing are totally stupid.

"Deng Lei's classmates... Are they so good?"

Zhang Ya murmured, once thought that he was wrong.

But Lin Yang walked past, his eyes indifferent, looking at the one eyed man who fell on the ground.

Before and after only a few moves, one eyed man will be abandoned.

The strength gap between the two is particularly obvious.

"Sir... Let me go..."

the one eyed man could not get up and could only shiver and beg for mercy.

"I'm afraid it's too late to ask for mercy." Lin Yang light way, a foot mercilessly kicks in one eye person's chest.


The one eyed man flew out again, bumped into a big stone, rolled down, and there was no movement. It seemed that he was in a coma.

"Ah? Kill Xu Qing screamed with fright.

"Is he... Is he dead?" Zhang Ya asked in a trembling voice.

"No, he was just in a coma."


"don't say so much. You two should leave here as soon as possible. There are more dangers inside. You two weak women have no strength to tie a chicken, so it's impossible to walk in such a place!" Lin Yang shook his head.

With that, Lin Yang turned to leave.

On the next road, he didn't want to take Zhang Ya and Xu Qing with them. He had already helped here, and he did enough.But Lin Yang did not take a few steps, but found that Zhang Ya followed Xu Qing up.

"Didn't you two hear me?" Lin Yang frowned.

However, Zhang Ya took out a stack of money from her bag and put it in Lin Yang's hand. She said solemnly, "Mr. Lin, I want to hire you to be my bodyguard. This is the cost. Please protect me to the depth of dark dragon pool."


Lin Yang shook his head and chuckled and returned the money.

"Oh! Mr. Lin! Mr. Lin! "

Zhang Ya is busy catching up.

But Lin Yang suddenly accelerated and threw her away.

Zhang Ya and Xu Qing immediately had no control.

"Sister ya, let's go back." Xu Qing shivered.

"What? Just follow that Lin Yang! " Zhang Ya clenched her teeth.

"But we don't even know where he is."

"Where else can he be? Isn't this just one way? Follow this road, you can catch up with him! There must be big news this time. As long as we grasp this opportunity, it's no surprise to be outstanding! "

Zhang Ya firmly said, holding the camera to run forward.

While crying, Xu Qing caught up with her www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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