Everybody's crazy!

Everyone is impatient!

Countless eyes are like being sucked by a magnet, all staring at the books in Lin Yang's hands.

"The unique skill of Dr. Lin?"

"What is recorded in that... Should be the highest medical skill?"

"If you get those things, you must be as good as Dr. Lin, and you will be able to master the magic of medicine."

"At that time, we will master life and death."

The trembling voice kept coming out.

People's eyes were shining and excited.

Even the ancient people are staring at these books.

Dr. Lin's medical skills are obvious to all.

Although the ancient school is also a great school of medical ethics which has been passed on for thousands of years, even if he is the speaker of the ancient school, he dare not say that Doctor Lin knows all the medical skills he knows!

Many lost secret skills and classics are in the books of Dr. Lin...

the eyes of the world are burning, one by one they are eager to penetrate.

Gongsun Dahuang and other ancient people naturally could not get it.

"Bring it." Without waiting for Gongsun Dahuang to open his mouth, Xiao Kaifeng, the poisonous emperor here, opened his mouth.

"Want it? I'm afraid it's not as simple as that. " Lin Yang refused directly.

"Doctor Lin? Are you here alone? " Xiao Kaifeng looked at him and asked.

"Not bad."

"You're so brave. I think you didn't come here to trouble us, or you're going to die! You're supposed to give these things to us to calm down the anger of the ancient party? If so, you are a wise man Xiao Kaifeng smiles and goes to get those books.

But when he grabbed it, it was empty.

"Well?" Xiao Kaifeng frowned.

"I'm not going to give them to you." Lin Yang light road.

"What?" The ancient people were shocked.

"Do you know what that means?" Xiao Kaifeng raised his mouth and said, "I tell you, if you insist on doing such a stupid thing, I'm afraid... You will not get out of here today."

"Xiao Kaifeng, I don't remember you are from the ancient school." Lin Yang looked at him with a light head.

"The old school helped me. I'm just paying them back." Xiao Kaifeng said with a light smile: "I've always asked Dr. Lin that his medical skills are unparalleled. Even Yaowang village is defeated by you. Dr. Lin, although I'm not a doctor, I also know how to use poison! Today you and I will have a good exchange of views! "

The voice falls, Xiao Kaifeng raises his hand directly and waves to Lin Yang's face.


A faint green gas immediately wafted from his palm.

"Watch out for poison powder!"

The first man here lost his voice.

Linyang speed is extremely fast, after the step point, immediately avoid to open.

"Good reaction." Xiao Kaifeng said with a smile.

"Is this the battle of Tianjiao?" Lin Yang asked calmly.

"The battle of Tianjiao? What are you? You deserve to fight with me? I can't see how much I weigh? " Xiao Kaifeng shakes his head, his eyes proud and full of disdain.

"So? Are you afraid? "

"It's just a poor way to fight. If you want to fight, you should treat it as a battle of pride? The results are the same anyway! "

Xiao Kaifeng took off the arrogant order from his waist and said to Lin Yang with a smile: "are you so satisfied? Shall we begin? "


Lin Yang nodded and took the token off his waist.

The eyes of the people around him widened immediately.

"So much pride?"

"It is said that Dr. Lin defeated several Tianjiao. It seems that this is true."

"However, his arrogance is ranked at the bottom of the list, which is much worse than the eighth."

"What's the use of taking so much pride in heaven? It's not a token in the top ten. In front of the poison emperor, it's just a scrap of iron. "

People around said, a face disdain.

"Don't waste time! I have to finish quickly! I'm not interested in this kind of place for a long time. "

"You can do it any time!"

"Oh, crazy! Pay attention

Xiao Kaifeng sneers and rushes towards Linyang.

The people around him hastily stepped back.

Xiao Kaifeng, the poison emperor, will certainly make the poisonous gas here. No one has the courage to contact Xiao Kaifeng's poison.

There was a vacuum between the two.

Sure enough.

Xiao Kaifeng just got close to Linyang.


A circle of blood red poisonous powder exploded from him, and then it seemed to be attracted by something. All the dust poured into Lin Yang.

The dust is cold and strange. If it touches the ground, it can corrode a hole in the ground and make people's scalp numb.


Lin Yang actually ignored it directly. His backhand was a punch and hit Xiao Kaifeng."Well?"

Xiao Kaifeng was very surprised and immediately raised his palms to resist.


The force of the fist shook him back a few steps.

When the dust dissipated, Linyang was still standing in the distance, and the lines did not move.

The world was shocked.

Xiao Kaifeng squinted.

"Poison Emperor... This is it?" Lin Yang shook his head: "if so, it's really disappointing!"

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