When they entered the dark dragon pool, they prepared channels for help in advance.

they planted an ancient school liner every other mile.

Gongsun Dahuang was determined to get the most valuable doctor. Although he was in a hurry, he made perfect preparations.

Eyeliner has been trained outside the dark dragon pond.

After the signal was sent out to convey the ancient people outside the dark dragon pool, the telephone was immediately dialed out. In an instant, the ancient school strong men scattered all over the country rushed to the dark dragon pool at the first time.

These people on the scene have been unable to stop Lin Yang.

The representative of the Jiang family was suspicious. After paying the lives of several family members, he couldn't hold on any more. He screamed and ran away.


Gongsun Dahuang hummed coldly and his fingers moved.


A cold light passed by.

A silver needle appeared on the neck of the representative of the Jiang family.

It was Gongsun Dahuang's silver needle.

Jiang's representative trembled in his place and pulled out the silver needle from his neck. His eyes widened and he looked at Lin Yang over there. At the moment, Lin Yang had no time to pay attention to him.

There is no doubt that the silver needle belongs to Gongsun Dahuang.

"Mr. Gongsun, you..."

"coward, you want to run away? In that case, die! " Gongsun Dahuang hums coldly.

"You... You... Are so poisonous!"

Jiang's representative yelled, and then his neck was black. He vomited several mouthfuls of dirty blood and fell to the ground directly to death.


Many people saw the scene and were shocked.

"Go and take back the marrow washing elixir in his hand!" Gongsun Dahuang said without expression.

"Yes, sir."

The next man trotted forward to retrieve the elixir.

"Mr. Gongsun, what are you doing? Why kill the Jiang family? Why should we take away the elixir that they bought for their lives? " Immediately, some aristocratic hostages doubted him and stared at Gongsun Dahuang with indignation.

"The Jiang family is trying to escape! How can I bear it? " Gongsun Dahuang said without expression.

"Run away? Yes? Can't you let me escape if you can't fight? "

"Of course not. After all, I didn't let you run away!"


Those who are still besieging Linyang are stupid.

"Whoever escapes will die. You have only one way to go now, that is to kill Dr. Lin. if you kill him, the pill will still be yours. Besides, I can give you this prescription." Gongsun Dahuang road.

"You're just shooting us!"

"Asshole! You want us to work hard with Dr. Lin. then you can sit on the fisherman

"You have no sincerity to give it to us! After we fight with Dr. Lin, we will lose both sides! You're going to kill us and take back these shampoos

"It must be so. The Jiang family is the end of it!"

"Gongsun Dahuang, how mean you are

The crowd angrily cried, this time is finally sober 2.

However, Gongsun Dahuang was not flustered. He just said calmly, "you have misunderstood me. How can I make you a gunner? I just hope you can help me, that's all


"We will not fight with Dr. Lin again!"

"This is death! Everybody, let's go


People yelled, directly led people back, intended to leave the dark dragon pool.

But the ancient people would not let them leave easily.

"Take my things and don't work for me? Do you think I'm a big loser? Since you are unjust, don't blame us for being unkind! Do it Gongsun Dahuang drank.


The ancient school masters rushed together.

The ancient sent people to wait for work, one by one like a tiger into the sheep, rushed to kill the past, wantonly slaughtered.

Most of these people were killed because they could not resist the attack of the ancient people.

The scene was in chaos.

Lin Yang looked at the scene without any reaction.

This is what they asked for. Naturally, Lin Yang would not help.

Zhang Ya and Xu Qing quickly shot this powerful picture. Although she does not know what ancient school is not ancient school, she believes that people in the news agency will be very interested in this, and their identities will be picked out sooner or later.

It's just that people of the ancient school don't know Zhang Ya and Xu Qing. Seeing that they dare to take photos with their cameras, they immediately get angry and directly rush to the second daughter.


Xu Qing screamed.

Zhang Ya stepped back again and again, her pretty face was white, and she was scared.

Lin Yang frowned, pondered, and raised his hand violently.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Several silver needles flew away and stabbed the old man.


The strength of the ancient people immediately faded like the tide, and the whole person fell to the ground like a dead man.The second girl's scream became louder and louder.


Seeing this scene, Gongsun Dahuang looked at Lin Yang strangely.

"What? Do you have anything to do with the doctor Gongsun Dahuang asked.

"It doesn't matter."

"Why did you save them, Doctor Lin?"

"I'm happy. Any questions?" Lin Yang light road.

Gongsun Dahuang frowned slightly and did not say anything.

And Xu Qing and Zhang Ya also react to come over, rush toward Lin Yang this run.

"Dr. Lin, help us."

"Doctor Lin, please help us."

The second daughter trembled.

"Go back wherever you two come from. It's not suitable for you. Let's go." Lin Yang light road.

The second girl nodded, turned and left.

Gongsun Dahuang gave a faint smile and did not stop him.

He doesn't care about these cats and dogs.

His focus has always been on Lin Yang.

The development of things to this point, although not too smooth, but with the expected difference is not much.

"Well, it's time for us to settle down."

Lin Yang drank low and rushed to Gongsun Dahuang.

But Gongsun Dahuang didn't want to fight with Lin Yang. Instead, he kept retreating to avoid his edge.

"You want to hide? Can you hide? "

Lin Yang hums coldly and raises his arm.

Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua...

a large number of silver needles burst out of his palm like a rainstorm pear blossom, flew into the air and turned into a silver net, covering Gongsun Dahuang.

In this dark place, it was like a bright moon...

Gongsun Dahuang retreated one after another, trying to hide from trees, but the thick trees were pierced by silver needles.

In a hurry, he flashed to the side of a huge rock to resist.

Click click...

the stone is also penetrated.

The cracks are all over the place.

But the speed of the silver needle is reduced too much by these resistances, and its power is also scattered a lot.

Gongsun Dahuang took advantage of the situation to urge his breath.


all the silver needles were knocked down.

But when he just stopped the silver needles...


Lin Yang suddenly approached, his arms held high and his fists overlapped, and he hammered hard at his head with the momentum of covering the sky.


Gongsun Dahuang's eyes widened. Before he could react, his head took the blow.


The earth shaking noise spread.

The ground is shaking...

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