The poison dragon is very poisonous.

Anything that touches it will corrode and melt.

It is the first time that Lin Yang has seen such a method.

Some of these methods are similar to kylin transformation, but they seem to be more sophisticated than Kirin transformation, because it integrates the highest virulence, which can not be compared with the simple Kirin transformation.

Lin Yang's eyes were frozen and his fingers were moving rapidly.


a large number of silver needles flew away, and once again turned into a big net to cover the rushing dragon, intending to stop it.

However, these silver needles were actually absorbed by the poisonous dragon and circled in the poisonous gas.

And the poisonous dragon after absorbing and swallowing these silver needles, its head is bigger and its poison gas is more arrogant and surging.

It seems that silver needle is the food of poisonous dragon!


Lin Yang was surprised and quickly flashed aside.


The poisonous dragon smashed the forest behind Lin Yang.

All the trees in these forests are like being watered with sulfuric acid, and all of them are corroded and withered.

But this is not the end.

After the Dragon hit, the Dragon wagged its tail and swept the forest completely. Then it turned back and rushed back to Linyang.

This poisonous dragon is like a living thing, and it will turn back!

Lin Yang was shocked to the extreme.

Is this the way of the ancient school?


There are many medical techniques in Linyang that Gongsun Dahuang and the ancient people have never seen or even heard of, and the ancient school also has many means that Linyang has never heard of.

The ancient Chinese medicine in China is broad and profound, not to mention medical and martial arts.

The poisonous dragon ran rampant, and Lin Yang jumped up and down. He was very embarrassed.

Although congenitally vigorous body can not be stabbed, the poison dragon is full of silver needles. If it is filled with these silver needles, the acupoints will be punctured, and the congenital Gang body will certainly be broken. If the poison gas invades the body, the strength of Lin Yang's body will be reduced to zero.

At that time, a pencil sharpener could kill Lin Yang.

What to do?

Lin Yang frowned.

How to break such a strange move?

As he dodged, he thought about his strategy.


At this time, a sharp pain came from the arm.

It turned out that his arm was bitten by the "poisonous dragon". All the wounds were covered with silver needles. Three silver needles directly stabbed his muscles and acupoints. A large amount of venom and gas began to invade his body along the silver needle.

Not good!

Lin Yang secretly said that it was not good. He immediately had to pull out the needle and deal with the wound, so as to prevent the venom from further entering the viscera.

But Gongsun Dahuang didn't give him any chance. Instead, he released many silver needles and shot them into the dragon.


The dragon became more and more huge with the silver needle.

"Dr. Lin?"

The first life immediately urged the silver needle to contain the poisonous dragon.

But her silver needle is just adding fuel to the fire, which is not helping.

"How could that happen?" My first life is stupid. I don't dare to act rashly.

This level of fighting is not something she can get involved in.

"Doctor Lin, can I help you?"

The king on the ice here killed several ancient sect elders and suddenly turned his head and drank coldly.


Lin Yang gritted his teeth and drank.

"Do you want to die? You can't fight Gongsun Dahuang The ice king hummed.

"That may not be so!"

"You don't cry when you don't see the coffin! Since you are going to die, I will not stop you! " Ice king no longer to persuade, he can not be patient.

"Not necessarily?" Gongsun Dahuang also laughed and squinted at Lin Yang: "Doctor Lin, you are too conceited. You don't know the gap between you and me! I admit that you are indeed an excellent medical and military genius, and have mastered many amazing medical skills, but... My Gongsun Dahuang has been in the medical field of China for so many years, and how much medical and military knowledge have you learned! I have worked hard for decades. Why will I be compared with your younger generation for less than ten or twenty years? I killed you! It's reasonable! "

With that, Gongsun Dahuang suddenly roared and slapped Lin Yang.

"Heaven poison dragon's paw!"


The palm of his hand actually spewed out the poisonous gas of terror, which directly blocked Lin Yang's retreat.

The poison gas is like a wall, insurmountable.

Lin Yang was desperate.

The poisonous dragon rushed at him.

At this moment, this dozens of meters long poisonous dragon can melt Linyang completely!

Today, there is no doubt that he will die.

Gongsun Dahuang's mouth rose and his eyes were filled with excitement.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly gave up all the resistance. Instead, he offered a silver needle and applied needles on his shoulders, legs and eyebrows. Then he stood in the distance and waited silently.

Waiting for the arrival of the poisonous dragon."What?"

Gongsun Dahuang was stunned.

What is Lin Yang doing?

A broken pot?

Are you going to die?

It doesn't matter.

As long as you can kill Dr. Lin, everything is worth it.

Gongsun Dahuang thought.

But the next second, Lin Yang's eyes suddenly burst out a red light, and then its hair suddenly white, a strange halo from his body.

The dragon was absorbed by the halo and dragged into Lin Yang's body.

Seeing this scene, Gongsun Dahuang's brain was suddenly blank.

"Is this... Dark and dark?"

He whispered, as if he had lost his soul, and trembled: "how can it be? How is that possible? You... Have you always had this body? "

"Yes." Lin Yang light way, his head of white hair long to the waist, people like God came.

"You're not afraid of poison at all. So you're using me... With my poison skill... To help you open the dark dark body?"

Gongsun Dahuang was shivering and sweating.

He has been designing to kill Lin Yang, but never thought that he had already fallen into the other party's plot.

How can the ancient school resist the dark and dark style? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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