What a crazy idea!!

The king on the ice looks incredible.

All around him were staring at him.


Dr. Lin is crazy!

He thinks he can destroy the ancient school alone?

What's going on in his head?

"What a shame! boast without shame! You just want to kill my whole old school? Are you deceiving me? No one in ancient school Gongsun Dahuang drank coldly with anger in his eyes.

At this time, Lin Yang dare to be so presumptuous, how can he not be angry?

"Dr. Lin, go away! Don't be impulsive The king on the ice shouts.

Many people knew bingshang Jun and called him Doctor Lin when they saw him. Those people immediately understood that Gongsun Dahuang did treat them as cannon fodder envoys. The man in front of him was doctor Lin.

However, the ancient school went out and swore to destroy the doctor Lin.

Dr. Lin must die today.

How dare all people fight against the ancient school? Naturally, you have to be on the side of the ancient school.

"What? Don't you want to do it? " Lin Yang looked at the ice king and asked.


the king of ice doesn't know what to say.

Lin Yang nodded: "well, in that case, I'll take Gongsun Dahuang and let's have another live broadcast."

With that, Lin Yang suddenly turned his head and rushed to Gongsun Dahuang.

"Kill me!"

Gongsun Dahuang roared.

"Take Dr. Lin!"


All around roared and rushed to Linyang.

The crowd, like a huge wave, was unstoppable, especially magnificent.

On the ice, Jun's face was tight and his fist was pinched, but he didn't move.

He was not ungrateful. He came here to repay Lin Yang's kindness. But Lin Yang was determined to die, and he would not dissuade him.

"Doctor Lin, I'll help you!" Next to the first life to drink, to start.

Ice Jun immediately stopped her.

"You want to die? You used to help him kill ten people, a hundred people, you killed thousands of people? Not afraid to be torn to pieces by them The king on the ice hums coldly.

"This..." the first life opened his mouth, I don't know what to say.

"It's OK to retreat. If I were you, I would immediately inform the people of Yanghua and come to help. If there is anything wrong, at least I can save Dr. Lin from leaving." Ice King Road.

The first life hears the voice, silently nods: "ice king adult said is, is I reckless, I am going to inform Yanghua person."

"Wait a minute."

"What else can I do for you on the ice?"

"It is absolutely impossible to deal with the ancient people by relying on Yanghua alone. I think that the ancient school will move all the old heroes of the forbidden Wei Yuan Dynasty. This is a must kill doctor Lin. the ancient faction is very powerful. Yanghua is now in a frail and dilapidated condition. How can it be an opponent of the ancient faction? In my opinion, you must let all kinds of forces come to contain the ancient sect, so as to create an escape opportunity for Dr. Lin. otherwise, you will not be able to solve the current dilemma! "

"This... Lord ice, how can I ask the four forces to come here to solve the siege?" The first life's eyes show confusion, a pair of powerless appearance.

After the destruction of Yaowang village, she is just a small role. What can she do?

"Aren't you from Yaowang village?"

"Yes... Dr. Lin is upright and helps the world. I admire him very much. Just now I followed him. Looking at Yaowang village, he hurt the nature and harmed the reason. It's not natural for him."

"If you don't say how many evils have been done in Yaowang village, this time, it can at least help you, perhaps to help Dr. Lin!"

"How to help?"

"You immediately ask Yanghua's people to spread the news, saying that all the core treasures in Yaowang village are in the hands of Dr. Lin. if you kill Dr. Lin, you can get all the inheritance of Yaowang village!"

"Is this... Useful?"

"If you publish this news as a person from Yaowang village, it will be useful! Others don't believe in Dr. Lin and Gongsun Dahuang, but they will surely believe you! "


The first life secretly gritted his teeth and immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number for Xiong Jietian.

The king on ice will realize the reign of Linyang.

At this time, Lin Yang was surrounded by countless warriors.

But under the action of congenital vigorous body, Lin Yang is just like the God of war. He has copper skin and iron bone. He is invulnerable to the sword and spear, like entering the no man's land!

Although the ancient people sent many people and all kinds of attacks were concentrated like rain in all directions, they did not work at all when they hit Lin Yang.

These people's attacks can hardly leave any impression on the surface of Lin Yang's skin...

Lin Yang's all-round rampage, directly approaching Gongsun Dahuang..

"Hum! Do you think I'm afraid of you

Gongsun Dahuang drank it coldly. Though he had only one hand, he smashed and killed Lin Yang fiercely.

Lin Yang naturally will not be afraid, backhand to bang.

Under congenitally vigorous body, this kind of pure strength competition, Lin Yang is impossible to suffer losses.But just when their arms are about to touch each other...

"phantom hand!"

Gongsun Dahuang suddenly drank. His only hand suddenly cracked into a thousand roads and covered Lin Yang.


Lin Yang's face changed, and he wanted to withdraw.

But it's too late.

That innumerable hand shadow actually is all hit on Lin Yang's body acupuncture point place, slightly sends the strength.

Although Lin Yang is now copper, iron and steel, he is invulnerable, but... He can't prevent others to point.

Gongsun Dahuang covered all the acupoints in Linyang's chest and limbs with a wonderful method of acupoint pressing.

He didn't want to fix Lin Yang, but he wanted to break the invincible body!

However, the congenitally vigorous body formed by blood coagulation of Luoling blood can be broken so easily?

Lin Yang immediately hit Gongsun Dahuang in the chest.


His chest sank down, his sternum was broken, and his mouth spat blood. He flew out like a sandbag, then fell heavily on the ground and rolled for several times before stopping.

"Mr. Gongsun!"

The crowd exclaimed and helped him up.

Lin Yang tried to kill Gongsun Dahuang by seizing the victory. However, as soon as the man moved, he spat out a mouthful of blood from his mouth. His body trembled slightly, and he felt that the strength of his congenital vigorous body seemed to be loose.


Lin Yang was terrified. He raised his head and looked at Gongsun Dahuang, who was helped up. He said, "can you break my congenital vigorous body?"

"Our ancient school has been passed down for thousands of years. How can this innate vigorous body be broken?" Gongsun Dahuang cold road.

"What about the dark and dark body?" Lin Yang drank heavily.

Gongsun Dahuang was a little stunned. Suddenly he realized something and roared: "withdraw quickly!"

But... It's too late.

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