In Yang Mei's office, Gongsun Dahuang is smoking a cigar with his legs up.

"May, is everything done?" Gongsun Dahuang asked.

"Almost! We have arranged a temporary residence for you. Women, cooks and nannies are waiting for you! Everything you need is arranged properly. Mr. Gongsun, I'll send someone to take you there. Doctor Lin can't find you there! " Yang Mei whispered.

"Who knows the place at the moment?"

"No one knows, except me, that cooks and nannies used to be blindfolded, and those who took them are now locked up there, and no one runs out."

"So you are my only threat now?" Gongsun Dahuang squinted.

Yang Mei was stunned. She knelt down and said excitedly, "Mr. Gongsun, it is impossible for Yang Mei to betray you! You should know that! In any case, I will not tell you where you are! "

"Don't worry, may, how can I know your loyalty? But the magic doctor Lin's method is powerful, for the sake of insurance! I think you still have to stay there for a while! How? " Gongsun Dahuang said with a smile.

Yang Mei trembled, hesitated and nodded silently: "OK, sir...

" can I hear from Dr. Lin? "

can make nothing of it. He went out to the airport and went to celebrate his family's car. But his family changed several cars on the way. The vehicle is not known, but one thing is certain. Lin Shen doctor should enter the city.

"It's really haunting! But in this way, you have lost Dr. Lin? " Gongsun Dahuang asked.

"Mr. Gongsun, please don't worry, we will find him at once." Yang Mei is busy.

But I just finished.


A crisp slap sounded.

Yang Mei covered her face and looked at Gongsun Dahuang in amazement, but she quickly lowered her head and did not dare to speak.

"You can't even look at the useless things? What's the use of my dog? "

Br > "I'm sorry, Mr. Sun's doctor has been found for me! I must be informed of his whereabouts as soon as possible! "


"Let's go!"

Gongsun Dahuang got up and said without expression.

Yang Mei nodded, her eyes drooped slightly, and she followed her in pain.

But at this point, her cell phone rings.

Yang Mei was stunned and picked up the answer. After a moment, she said, "Mr. Gongsun, there is something wrong with the casino. I need to go and deal with it."

"Can't you tell someone else to go?" Gongsun Dahuang frowned.

"This guest gambled 70 million cash in the gambling house in less than an hour. Now he suspects that we have cheated in the gambling house, and he wants us to lose money. Since this man has so much money, he may not be an ordinary person. I have to show up, otherwise he will be in trouble."

"Is that so?"

Gongsun Dahuang thought about it and said, "OK, you'd better come forward and solve it. If it's too big, I'll expose my whereabouts if I bring Dr. Lin here! Keep a low profile and get rid of it. I'll wait for you here. "

"Yes, Mr. Gongsun. I'll be there as soon as I go."

"Well, wait a minute."

At this time, Gongsun Dahuang seemed to think of something and gave a deep drink.

"Mr. Gongsun, what else can I do for you?"

"Bring your cell phone!"

Yang Mei was confused, but she did not dare to refute.

After receiving the mobile phone, Gongsun Dahuang directly linked the voice and video with Yang Mei, and then put his mobile phone beside the table.

"You can go!" Gongsun Dahuang smiles and hands over Yang Mei's mobile phone.

Yang Mei was stunned and already understood the meaning of Gongsun Dahuang.

He wants to monitor himself through his mobile phone!

In other words, Gongsun Dahuang no longer trusted her.


Who will Gongsun Dahuang, like a startled bird, believe in?

In the present world, he does not believe anyone but himself.

Yang Mei nodded silently and walked out of the box.

At the moment, there is already a bit of chaos in the casino.

Lin Yang, like a woman swearing on the street, yelled.

The casino attendants and security are here.

In the past, people who dare to make trouble like Lin Yang would have been dragged out to deal with it. However, Lin Yang is too generous. Those who go to the gambling house dare not provoke him, for fear that they have offended some big people.

"Sir, if you have any dissatisfaction with our amusement park, I hope we can deal with it peacefully. Please don't get excited!" Said the blonde patiently, suppressing her anger.

"No nonsense! Your casino must be a cheat, you let these trust to cheat me! You are liars! All liars! I want to see your manager, you must return the money to me! " Lin Yang roared.

"Sir, it will be very difficult for us to do so." The blonde said helplessly."What's the matter?"

At this time, Yang Mei squeezed through the crowd and came in.

"Manager, this gentleman suspects that we have set up a bureau to deceive him, and he demands to pay back all the money he has just exported." The blonde sighed and explained.

"I see, lily, let the guests around you disperse and arrange them to continue gambling! This guest, if you have any complaints, please tell me Yang Mei said with a smile.

"Are you the manager here?"

"Yes, sir. Are you Chinese? My name is Yang Mei. Hello Yang Mei held out her hand.

"Don't get close to me! I come to you to gamble, gamble what lose, tens of millions have not lost an hour! You must be playing tricks in it Lin Yang pulled down his cap and said angrily.

"Sir, when we have a good time here, it's not uncommon to lose hundreds of millions in an hour! You will lose so much, I can only say that you are not very lucky. "

"So you won't admit it?"

"Sir, I hope you can make some sense!"

"I tell you! I'm a member of the Chinese Shinan Cantonese family! If you don't give me an account today, I'll let someone tear down your entertainment ground! " Lin Yang roared.

"Shinan Guangjia?" Yang Meiyi was stunned.

At this time, the mobile phone in her hand vibrated slightly.

Yang Mei takes a look.

It's a message from Gongsun Dahuang.

It's only four words.

"Do not offend!"

Yang Mei thought of the situation, squeezed out a smile and said: "Sir, otherwise, you come to my office first, and we sit down and discuss a solution slowly. What do you think?"

"Yes! But I'm tired. Prepare the best tea for me. I'll find two beauties and press my shoulder! "

Lin Yang looked arrogant.

"Good! Yes, sir, no problem

Yang Mei winks at Lily and others, and leads Lin Yang to go inside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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