Hearing this, Yang Mei breathed and trembled. Her heart almost didn't come out of her throat.

But she was not flustered. Instead, she explained with a look of urgency: "Mr. Gongsun, you have misunderstood him. That is not Dr. Lin! He is really a member of Shinan Guangjia family! "

"At this time, are you still lying to me?"

"Mr. Gongsun, I have seen Dr. Lin on TV. Although the man is wearing a hat, I can see his face clearly. He is really not Dr. Lin."

"Oh? Really? " Gongsun Dahuang's voice was a little bit condensed.

"It's true, Mr. Gongsun, do you no longer trust me?" Yang Mei has a lost voice.

"May, I don't mean that... Well, maybe I've been too thoughtful, but it doesn't matter. I won't go to the place you prepared. I've found a place for myself. You can manage the casino. You don't have to go with me." Gongsun Dahuang light road.

"Changed places?" Yang Mei was stunned: "Mr. Gongsun, where are you going?"

"Is that what you can ask?" Gongsun Dahuang's voice increased several degrees.

Yang Mei was stunned and said, "Mr. Gongsun, I didn't mean that..."

"no need to explain. I'll contact you again when something happens."

With that, the phone was hung up.

"Mr. Gongsun! Mr. Gongsun Yang Mei screamed, but there was no response.

Her face is ugly, the hand that holds mobile phone is pinched to death.

"Gongsun Dahuang is really an old fox. When he saw that the situation was wrong, he ran away. He was really hard to deal with." Suddenly there was a voice of indifference.

Yang Mei was startled and looked sideways. She saw a man in a windbreaker and a hat standing beside her.

"You... Who are you..."

"Miss Yang Mei, don't you know me so soon? We just separated. " Lin Yang raised a little brim, but he showed his true colors.

Yang Mei was stunned: "Lin... Doctor Lin? Didn't you leave? "

"I'm back."

"This... You're too dangerous."

"This is not the time to talk about this. Since Gongsun Dahuang didn't go to the place you designated temporarily, he certainly couldn't go too far. You can immediately mobilize the monitoring around the casino to see Gongsun Dahuang's whereabouts."

"Good doctor Lin."

Yang Mei nodded and ran down.

A moment later.

"Dr. Lin, I've seen all the surveillance. There's no trace of Gongsun Dahuang."

"No?" Lin Yang frowned: "did he bypass the monitoring?"

"With Gongsun Dahuang's resourcefulness, he will certainly bypass the monitoring! He doesn't trust me anymore Yang MeiDao.

"Bypass the surveillance and leave the casino... Where would he hide?"

"This... I don't know." Yang Mei shakes her head.

Lin Yang felt his chin and thought, his brows locked and his face pondered.

Suddenly, he looked up.

"I know where Gongsun Dahuang is hiding!"




a dark and spacious basement.

Gongsun Dahuang is sitting in front of a tea table, making tea.

To his right are several monitors showing pictures of the roads leading here.

He was drinking tea while staring at the monitor, light said: "in the future, you will watch here in shifts, remember, do not stop for a moment! As long as someone goes this way! Let me know as soon as possible. Do you hear me? "

"Yes, Mr. Gongsun!"

Several men in front of him nodded in succession.

"It's time for me to rest. I haven't had a rest for a long time."

Gongsun Dahuang stretched himself and turned back to his room.

He locked the door, but he slept very shallow.

Anything outside would wake him up.

But he believed that Doctor Lin couldn't find him here for a while!

As a result, the nervous tension was also slightly relaxed.


Suddenly, a slight noise came out.

Then the air conditioning in the room suddenly turned off.


Gongsun Dahuang suddenly opened his eyes. He jumped out of bed like a spring and rushed out of the room.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, sir. It seems that there is a power failure."

"Blackout? If it's good, how can it be cut off? "

Gongsun Dahuang felt bad.

A man ran to the electric box to have a look, and immediately called out: "damn stinky mouse! Mr. Gongsun, the wire of the electric box has been bitten off by a mouse! "

"There are so many mice under the ground!"

The voice of complaint came out.

But Gongsun Dahuang felt more and more wrong.How can the mouse bite the wire at this time?

He went to the electric box and checked it.

The mark on the broken wire was indeed left by a mouse...

"that's a coincidence!"

Gongsun Dahuang whispered.


At this time, another strange sound came out.

All the people in the room got nervous at once and drew all their guns.

This time, the sound source came from the gate!

Gongsun Dahuang immediately stood by, staring coldly at the direction of the gate.

But saw the door gently pushed open.

Then a figure came into the room.

"Who?" One of them said.

"Shoot directly!"

Gongsun Dahuang yelled.

People were startled and were about to shoot, but they heard the figure cry out: "don't shoot! it's me! It's me

As soon as this word came out, people quickly looked around and found that it was Yang Mei!

"It's Miss Yang!"

"Yang Mei?"

Gongsun Dahuang was also stunned, and then his expression was frozen. He grabbed the gun from his neighbor, and the black muzzle of the gun was aimed at her.

"Mr. Gongsun, what are you doing?" Yang Mei, terrified, raised her hand to ask.

"Is that what I asked you? How can you come here

"Mr. Gongsun, i... I just came down to take away the people who arranged this place! I didn't expect you to be here... "Yang Mei was also surprised.

Gongsun Dahuang did not say anything, but looked behind Yang Mei.

Seeing that there was no one behind him, Gongsun Dahuang sank and said hoarsely, "come in."

"OK... OK."

Yang Mei nods and closes the door carefully.

But the moment he closed the door.

Bang, bang, Bang...

the gun in Gongsun Dahuang's hand suddenly spewed flames, and several bullets hit the heads of those thugs beside him.

After a while, several people directly fell down.


Yang Mei screamed.

Gongsun Dahuang picked up a gun on the ground, lifted it directly, aimed at Yang Mei, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


A bullet went out.

But at this critical moment.

Bang Dang!

A spark splashed in the air.

Then I saw the bullet that shot out of the ground, and it was smoking.

Gongsun Dahuang looked at the bullet and immediately his face changed.

However, a silver needle was inserted obliquely on the bullet...

"Dr. Lin!"

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