

"Grandfather, are you all right?"

The people of Zhangjia were in a hurry. All the second uncles and third aunts rushed up and helped him up in a hurry.

But when he touched his arm, he would show his teeth in pain and sweat.

Roll up the sleeve to see, the arm is actually swollen up, afraid not all the bones are cracked.

How terrible!

Zhang Zhonghua was beaten like this with a slap. The strength of the sunglasses woman is really not small.

The people of Zhangjia are angry and angry.

"You... You are such a hateful person! Treat old people so hard! You have a wicked heart A younger generation of Zhang Jia angrily scolded.

"Oh, I have warned you that it's this bad old man who doesn't listen. What's my business? What's more, I've been merciful. I tell you, if anyone dares to stop me again, I'll kill him directly! " The sunglasses sneered and turned to the back hall.

However, at this time, a deep drink spread.


Sunglasses Women's pace is not from a stagnation.

The "Fairy" here also looks at the sound source.

However, a handsome and extraordinary man like a God walked into the hall and walked quickly to Zhang Zhonghua.

"It's Dr. Lin!"

"Great, Doctor Lin is here!"

"Doctor Lin, you are here!"

"Dr. Lin..."

if the people of Zhangjia saw the Savior, they would be grateful and cry with joy.

Lin Yangji walks to Zhang Zhonghua and looks at his arm.

"Xiaoyang... Dr. Lin, it's ok... It's OK." Zhang Zhonghua almost called out the wrong name. He was busy changing his mouth and laughing.

"There's a slight bone fracture. It's not a big problem if you're an adult, but it's going to take a while for you to recover, and it's going to be very painful and painful during this time... I'll prepare some good medicine for you to recover as soon as possible." Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"Good... Good! You have a mind Zhang Zhonghua repeatedly points, old eyes to Lin Yang's eyes in addition to appreciation, only to appreciate.

Lin Yang pricked Zhang Zhonghua with a needle to relieve his pain. Then he turned to look at the sunglasses over there and said faintly, "did you do it?"

"What's wrong? Are you Dr. Lin? I'm still pretty handsome! Much more handsome than on TV The sunglasses were frivolous and smiling, still arrogant.

"Come here." Lin Yang light road.

"What do you want to do?" Sunglasses are not going to be obedient, but squinting.

"You slapped the old man, and I'll give you a slap for him!"

"You're going to make a start for this bad old man? Ha ha, OK. You can do it yourself. Let me see what's so powerful about you, a smelly Chinese medicine doctor She disdained to say.

Lin Yang frowned and looked at the two women.

He didn't know the origin of the two women, and he didn't understand why each other wanted to rush Su Yan.

Since the other side is so aggressive, there is no need to keep hands.

"You help the old man to rest." Lin Yang side head said.

"Good, good doctor Lin!"

The people of Zhangjia dare not say much. They are busy taking the old man to the chair beside him to have a rest.

Lin Yang attached his hands, staring at the sunglasses.

"Come here and sincerely apologize to Mr. Zhang. I can punish you less."

"Sorry?" The sunglasses glared and laughed: "Doctor Lin, are you too funny? In my life, I have never been humble to others, ha ha ha ha! "

"So you refused?"

"Yes, I refuse. If you want to do it, hurry up! We have to go back, and if we delay, we will be scolded. " The sunglasses woman said with a smile.

Lin Yang nodded: "it seems that we can only solve this matter by force. You are a girl. I will let you do it first."

"Oh? Do you look down on girls? The air is shaking cold! Don't look down upon others. I'll let you do it first The sunglasses hummed and laughed.

That attitude is still very proud.

"Younger martial sister..." here "Fairy" willow eyebrow light frown, as if to persuade.

But the sunglasses girl was determined to teach Dr. Lin a lesson and directly interrupted her words: "elder martial sister, don't talk much. Let me show him some color!"

With that, the man put on a posture and drank to Lin Yang: "come on, Doctor Lin! Don't let me down

"Yes, I respect you!"

Lin Yang said without expression, and then step a little...


The man suddenly disappeared.


The sunglasses breathed tight, but she quickly responded. She quickly closed her eyes and listened to it. She immediately caught Lin Yang's position and drank with her backhand: "here it is!"

With that, he banged his elbow hard.

But the next second.Click!

A clear sound came out.

Then came a burst of tearing pain.


The sunglasses breathed, and she clearly saw that her fist was broken by another fist, and an surging force covered her whole body.

It's a force she can't resist.

Under the influence of this force, she flew back like a bullet, directly hit several walls, and then stopped...


The world is shocked.

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