
Xing can wakes up from the stupefied God and immediately scolds. He takes off his sunglasses and points to Lin Yang and shouts, "Doctor Lin! Thanks to you or a doctor, how shameless! Hurt people with concealed weapons! You are so mean! Mean

"Hidden weapon? When did the silver needle become a concealed weapon? What's more, is there a rule that we can't use needles or poison in duels? You all know that I am a doctor. If I don't use these two basic skills! Then why don't you let me give up? " Lin Yang asked.

"You..." star can gas straight stomp, roar repeatedly: "surname Lin! Don't be proud! I tell you! Even if my elder martial sister is poisoned! We have many means in Hongyan valley! We can detoxify Su Yan, we can detoxify you! You want to use this to manipulate us? Don't think about it

"You hongyangu is so powerful?"

"Hum! Frog in the well, I don't know the energy of my beauty Valley! In front of my beauty Valley, you are not as good as the ants on the ground! " Star can a face disdain, the pride in that eye rises again.

Lin Yang is not angry: "can you ask, from here to your beauty Valley, how many days?"

What are you doing

"Can we get there in an hour?"

"What's the matter? What do you mean Star can bite silver tooth road.

However, Hua Xuan opened his mouth: "his meaning is very simple. The poison that I have been poisoned will attack within an hour. If I can't get treatment within one hour, I'm afraid I will be poisoned and die here."

"What?" Starcan was frightened and looked at Lin Yang with wide eyes: "this... This... This... Is this true?"

"Of course." Lin Yang said calmly: "not every kind of poison is like Xiaoyan's, which can make her attack for ten days and a half months! The poison I inflicted, I want it to attack, it can attack immediately! If I don't intervene, your elder martial sister will be poisoned to death within an hour! Miss, if you can take your elder martial sister back to Hongyan Valley in an hour, please do it! "

"You... You... You cheat! I don't believe it! Who do you think you are? I can't believe you are so good at medicine Xingcan is a little crazy. She shouts with her eyes wide open.

"I didn't think I was anyone. I was just the Doctor Lin in your mouth!" Lin Yang said quietly.

As soon as he said this, Xing can't stand it any more.

Doctor Lin!

These three words represent the authority of traditional Chinese medicine in China!

Who dares to question his medical skills?

I'm afraid not!

Then he said that an hour of poisoning, it will never be more than a second or less!

Hua Xuan's life, only one hour left!


Xing can is so angry that he rushes to Lin Yang with a roar. He wants to capture Lin Yang and force him to hand over the antidote!

Seeing this, Hua Xuan's face changed slightly. He immediately drank and yelled, "younger martial sister, don't be impulsive! Come back

But... It's too late.

Some irrational star can has rushed to Lin Yang's front, a hand like a clamp to Lin Yang's neck.

But Lin Yang is not afraid at all, and kills with a backhand.

"What?" Starcan is shocked and resists in a hurry.


The two palms collide, and Xingcan is shaken back.

"How could you..."? Your fingers are broken and your arms are all injured. How can you exert so much strength? " Starcan is shocked.


Lin Yang took a look at her, shook his head and said, "for a doctor, injury is the least noteworthy!"

With that, he lifted his arms again, released the silver needle, and took the pill.

After a while, Lin Yang stopped bleeding all over his body, the hole in his chest stopped bleeding, and the fracture of his finger began to scab. His pale face actually recovered a lot of blood color...

the star was as dull as a stone.

Has she ever seen such a method?

"You are worthy of Dr. Lin! Your medical skills are really amazing! It seems that the rumors about you from the outside world are not empty words. You do have the ability of flesh and bone of dead people! " Hua Xuan's eyes also showed a touch of admiration, light with Zhen's first way: "this competition! I lost! "

Lin Yang heard the sound and nodded slightly.

The people of Zhangjia were overjoyed and cheered one after another.



"Doctor Lin is so good!"

"Ha ha, we won!"

Zhang Huage and others are dancing and cheering.

"Elder martial sister, how can you... Give up?"

Unable to accept it, Xingcan suddenly turned his head and questioned: "elder martial sister, he is already weak and seriously injured! If you don't force him to take out the medicine at that time, how can you force him to fight with him? "

"If I had done this in the beginning, I would have succeeded, but now... It's too late." Hua Xuan shakes his head.

"Why?" Xing can asks."Because from the beginning, Dr. Lin has been procrastinating! Give his body to recover time, in the time we talk to him for such a long time, his body injury has been much better! I'm not sure I can get him with all my strength. On the contrary, I will let my poison soak into my bone marrow. At that time, I'm afraid the antidote in Dr. Lin's hand will not be able to save me Hua Xuan shook his head: "so, I lost..."


The stars are completely stupid.

All these... Are in the calculation of Dr. Lin!

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