"Elder martial sister..."

Xingcan can't help shouting.


Hua Xuan returns to the God, takes back his eyes and looks at the stars.

"What did you say to master?"

"Nothing... Elder martial sister, otherwise, you go back first." Star can looked at the side of a has no breath of the body was carried away, small face also showed a touch of fear.

"Do you really need to use such a method? What is the Tao that master asked for Hua Xuan seems to be inquiring about Xingcan, and also seems to be whispering to himself.

"I don't know." Xing can shakes her head.

She didn't know the profound questions.

This is why she is so inferior in cultivation.

Then another group of girls came up.

These girls are laughing, or excited, a red face full of excitement.

They couldn't see the bodies that had been carried away before.

Because only when this place is cleaned up can new people come in.

"Is this the beauty Valley?"

"How beautiful

"Will I live here in the future?"

"It's said that all the people who go out from Hongyan valley are extremely excellent. Will I become a big man in the future?"

"My family will be proud of me!"

There was a steady stream of excited voices.

Leading the young girls was a woman with a long face.

The woman's mouth rose, her eyes showed a touch of fun, and said with a smile: "sisters! This piece of soup pool in front of me is called "Remoulding soup"! As long as you soak in it for a minute and then come up, you can be washed and cut into marrow, completely transformed, and officially become the disciples of Hongyan Valley and cultivate the superior martial arts of Hongyan Valley! Now please take off your clothes and take a bath in the pool. "

"Remoulding soup?"

"Washing semen and cutting marrow? Is it so good? "

"I'll try."

Several brave girls took off their clothes and walked down the pool.

The rest of us are busy going down.

"Wait a minute!"

Hua Xuan couldn't help drinking.


The woman with a long face looked at her eyes and said with a smile, "what's the matter, elder martial sister?"

Hua Xuan was silent for a long time, then shook his head: "nothing..."

"elder martial sister, there are ten groups of new people behind, please review."

The long faced woman said with a smile.

Hua Xuan looked at the pool in silence. The girls had been playing happily in the pool. They were young and lively, showing their vigor and vitality.

But she chose to close her eyes.

About ten seconds.


a cry of pain rang out.

Then there was panic, consternation and howling.

"I... I feel terrible! I feel like I'm crawling up and down like ants! My bones and my flesh are going to separate

"What's wrong with me? help! I can't breathe

"Elder martial sister! Help me, elder martial sister! I... I'm dying...

"help! Help

The sound of sadness is constant.

The girls who were still ready to go into the water were scared.

They stare at several figures struggling in the pond.

After a moment, those figures stopped struggling, one by one slowly floating in the pond water, has completely no breath.


The screams resounded through the sky.

The girls were all crazy and turned around to run.

But at the gate, it has been held by a hongyangu disciple with a long sword.

"Since you have come to hongyangu, you must accept this test! Only those who have survived the baptism of Tangchi water are qualified to be disciples of hongyangu! "

Long face woman cold way.

"No! I don't want to go into the beauty Valley! "

"I'm going back!"

"Please let us go!"

There was a constant cry.

But the long faced woman didn't care, and with a big wave of her hand, "throw them all in!"

"Yes, sister!"

There was a shout.

After a while, all the girls were thrown into the pool.

People were frantically struggling to climb up.

But as soon as they got close to the pool, they were kicked down by a woman with a long face.

These girls can only be swallowed by the pond water in despair.

There were more than 20 girls, only one of them came out of the pond alive.

But she was expressionless, curled up at the edge of the pool, shivering.

The long faced woman walked over and asked with a smile, "what's your name?""Me?"

The woman looked up, confused, then shook her head and murmured, "I don't know... I... who am I?"

"Good! Finally, there is a qualified one! Somebody, take her down, deal with this place, and change to another batch! " The long faced woman said with a smile, her sight was not from the end of Chaohua Xuan, and the banter in her eyes was particularly obvious.

Hua Xuan closed his eyes and stood aside without saying a word.

She didn't want to see it all.

But... The valley master forced her to watch.

She knows the mind of the valley master.

The valley master wanted to change her character.

After all, her behavior style is not like that of hongyangu!

Soon, the scene was dealt with, and another group of young girls were brought in.

These are all from the big families of China or from the clans of hermits.

They put their hope on these girls, hoping to let them learn the unique skills of hongyangu, or to get into the relationship with hongyangu through these girls.

However, who can know that many girls stay in hongyangu forever, and those who survive have forgotten their families...


The long faced woman went over to introduce the pond water to these girls, and then bewitched them into the water.

But at this time, a laugh came.

"Amin! These people, you are not responsible! Hua Xuan! You're going to teach these new disciples how to go down to the pond! "

As soon as he said this, Hua Xuan's face turned white for several minutes www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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