"Little request?" Su Yu's face was slightly tight. Knowing that she could not get around this step, she had to be brave and asked, "Mr. Shen, what are your requirements? But it doesn't matter. "

"Xiaoyu, I appreciate your ability very much. I have opened a hotel recently. I hope you can help me with this. What do you think?" Shen Yuming said with a smile.

"Just the hotel?" Su Yu was stunned: "you can find a more professional person to do this kind of thing! Shen is not afraid of me

"Ah, Xiaoyu, you are too self belittling. I believe in your ability, and I also trust you very much! Instead of giving it to others, I think I can leave it to you! You can rest assured that as long as you manage the hotel well, 30% of the net profit of the hotel will be your income! It's a five-star hotel, you have the absolute right to speak! " Shen Yuming said with a smile.

If I had been an ordinary person, I would have agreed!

This is to send a hotel to Su Yu.

But Su Yu was still alert.

She is not stupid, nothing to be courteous, must have some purpose!

"Mr. Shen, you flatter me too much! I really don't know how to manage and manage a hotel, and even if I have the ability in this field, I'm afraid I don't have time... "Su Yu said with a bitter smile.

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Yu, it's OK. I heard that you didn't make an announcement in the last month. In this way, you can help me to take care of the hotel this month. You just have to do a good job this month! It's done this month! You can hire professionals to take care of it. When the time comes, 30% of the hotel's income will still belong to you, and you can also go to shoot your films and continue your career! I will never interfere Shen Yuming said with a smile.


Su Yu was stunned.

Is there any good thing like that?

"I don't joke about this occasion! As long as you agree, you can go to the hotel tomorrow. In addition, we can sign the contract about the public welfare project now! How about it? " Shen Yuming said with a smile.

"If everything is really like what President Shen said, it will be OK!" Su Yu said happily.

This kind of good thing, of course, need not be considered.

Shen Yuming laughed: "Xiaoyu, I like your straightforward character

After that, he raised his hand and the assistant nearby took out two contracts from the briefcase and presented them to Su Yu.

"Here are two contracts, one for hotel management and the other for public welfare projects. Xiaoyu, if you have a look at it, please sign it if you can." Shen Yuming said with a smile.


Su Yu nodded, picked it up and looked at it carefully.

A moment later, she handed it to Lin Yang again: "brother in law, please help me to see it."


Lin Yang said, looking through the two contracts.

To be honest, there are ten thousand doubts in his heart.

What is Shen Yuming doing?

So much for Su Yu? But have no idea about Su Yu?

Is it hard to worry about yourself? The other party is not tu Su Yu or anything, but simply appreciating her?

Or is Shen Yuming going to pursue Su Yu by other means, but he is afraid that it is too abrupt, so he chooses this euphemistic way?

But it's... Too euphemistic, isn't it?

Lin Yang carefully reviewed the contract and read it several times.

However... There is no problem!

Is it because you are too thoughtful?

Lin Yang couldn't understand it.

"What about brother-in-law? Is that all right? " Su Yang looked at the Yu carefully.

"I don't see any problem..."

"so... I signed it?"

Lin Yang hesitated: "I always feel something is wrong, Xiaoyu. I personally think it's better not to sign it."

"But if you don't sign it, you will miss 50 million public welfare funds in vain. And I also planned to use all the income earned by this hotel to support poor college students. This is a good thing. If you give up like this, it would be a pity." Su Yu Road.

"This..." Lin Yang is a bit hesitant.

"Brother in law, it's OK."

Su Yu said with a smile that she wrote down her name directly on the contract.

Lin Yang didn't stop it.

The contract is here, and he can't see it.

What's more, Shen Yuming and other people's performances also made him not feel that the other side had any different ideas.

But all this always makes him feel very strange.

"Ha ha ha ha, Xiao Yu! Congratulations! I will certainly ask reporters to report on this public performance. The people of the whole country will know your kindness! "

Shen Yuming was very happy and got up laughing.

"General manager Shen is very kind. Su Yu didn't do it for the sake of fame. She only hoped that general manager Shen would fulfill her promise." Su Yu said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I never break my promise. Come on, let's toast Miss Su Yu! ""Cheers

The crowd cheered.

The atmosphere of the wine was very good.

The crowd was quite drunk, and they just left the table.

However, Su Yu remained sober. She did not drink much, and the other party did not try to persuade her.

This makes Su Yu feel that Shen Yuming is not what she imagined.

"Mr. Shen, it's very late. I have to go back first. Thank you for your hospitality today." Su Yu said with a smile.

"Xiaoyu, there will be a court later. Won't you play together?" Shen Yuming asked with a smile.

"No, I'm not used to it." Su Yu said with a smile.

"Well... Well, I won't force you. Be careful on your way, brother-in-law. Goodbye." Shen Yuming said with a smile.


Lin Yang nodded and walked out of the palace with Su Yu.

However, as soon as they got to the street ready to take a taxi home, the former assistant ran back.

"Miss Su, please stop!"

"We'll take a taxi and see you off." Lin Yang opened his mouth.

"Mr. Lin misunderstood. I didn't send you to leave. Just now, Mr. Shen drank so much that some important things were forgotten! There are still some things that Mr. Shen can't tell Miss Su. Is it convenient for you, Miss Su? If it's convenient, can you follow me to the elegant room on the second floor for a talk. Here are a few things that need attention to tell you! "

"This..." Su Yu hesitated.

"Don't worry, Miss Su. It won't take you too long! Let's talk about it on the second floor, five minutes at most! " Assistant smile way, point to the transparent glass on the second floor of Zijin palace.

Standing below, you can see every move of the elegant room on the second floor.

"All right." Su Yu nodded.

Lin Yang did not object.

He can see everything on the second floor here. If Su Yu is in any danger, he can go there as soon as possible.

"Brother in law, wait for me here for a moment."

"Well, you go." Lin Yang nodded.

Su Yu and her assistant went directly up to the second floor and sat in front of the French window. The assistant took out a document and handed it to Su Yu, saying something.

Su Yu looked at the materials carefully and listened carefully.

However, a moment later, her face suddenly turned white, and the whole person seemed to have lost her soul www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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